Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Pratigya 30th March 2011 Written Update

Pratigya has had her Operation **Komal Thayar raho..Ur’s is next ** and she is brought out of the operation Theater, Strangely it is the former Jethani, Currently and always Pratigya’s younger Sister, The Motor Mouth Aarushi who rushes to Pratigya’s side and gives her courage saying,”I am here , I am here ” ** Uh, where was this strength when She was behaving like a petulant ,Spoilt brat** Nainaji and Shyamu look on ..Nainaji with the ever present leaky faucet, Shyamu with his lovely grumpy face ..But Pratigya is in lalaLand ** Fortunately for her **..Just then Krishna rushes in after ending his hotline convo with Bhole nath…Krishna runs to Pratigya’s Side ** ease up girls, Aarushi is not on the other side **..Krishna gets into a frenzy seeing his unconscious Pratigya, pleads with her to open her eyes, anxiously queries the reson for Pratigya’s contnued sleeping spell ..The doctor sharply reprimands Krishna for creating a scene , tells him to be quiet, orders him to stay out of the ICU .Krishna beseeches the The Doctor to let him in, Krishna promises to be quiet as a mouse and will stand in a corner..But The stone hearted Doc refuses entrance…Just then the senior Doc strolls in from another room..Krishna turns his attention towards this doctor and entreats him , requests him to stay by Pratigya..The Doctor sternly tells Krishna that Krishna in his dirty state might actually endanger Pratigya’s life by giving her some infection..Hearing This Krshna steps back..saying brokenly that He does not want to Hurt Pratigya…stumbles back and brokenly reiterates that he does not want to Hurt his Pratigya..Krishna will has been battered , his heart has been torn asunder by the bullet which has pierced Pratigya’s lung..he succumbs to the pain and the sadness and breaks down ..The two old ,strong veterans Amma and Sajjan Singh , who had been like rocks in the face of gale..who had weathered many a storms , faced all disasters with equanimity and without blinking their eyes are shattered to see their young sapling being broken, getting bent..It is the Mother who reacts first, unable to witness her young son’s agony..Amma comes near him..soothes him , saying the only words which can succor him , which can cool the raging fire in his heart..Amma Says that Nothing will happen to Pratigya , Trust in God..God will not let anything happen to Pratigya,Amma assures Krishna that she will not allow anything to happen to Pratigya Haunted by his Son’s sorrow, The frail old man Sajjan Singh lends his remaining strength to the young Lion , offering him a ray of hope, his tone convincing Krishna that he will get Krishna’s Pratigya’s for, tells him not to lose courage..says that his father will not allow anything untoward to happen..Sajjan Singh wipes Krishna’s tears , both Amma and Sajjan Singh lift the fallen oak from the ground ..supporting the strong Krishna with their feeble strength..A trusting Krishna hugs Sajjan Singh secure in the knowledge that His father will get Pratigya back….Amma turns towards Tunna, tells him to take Krishna home, get him refreshed and come back after cleaning himself and with change of clothes..Tunna And chandu lead Krishna to Thakur Mansion .Amma looks after her Son, prays to God to save Krishna’s Pratigya.

Kesmma is surprised to hear Amma wishing for Pratigya’s speey recovery..Kesmma wonders that the woman who was praying for Pratigya’s death is actually wishing for recovery ..Kesmma says this is a miracle..Kesar is disgusted by her words, quietly tells her not to talk such rubbish esp at this time ..Kesmma retorts that she is thinking only about Kesar’s future and orders Kesar to shut up.

The whole clan comes together and begins to pray silently ..** Tanthya has been saved **

Komal comes in with nourishment’s for the waiting souls and in her own inimitable style delivers some home truths as well..Komal comes in with packets biscuits..hands one to Kesmma ..Gets a biscuit and hands to Dadi saying that if she does not consume food , Her Blood Sugar will get low , she gives biscuits to Dadi, which is watched in horrified disbelief by Nainaji ** why I wonder, cos Komal is being sensible here** ..Komal then offers to Ghanti Dadi , Amma and Sajjan Singh look on in pride …Offers another one to Aarushi and Kesar , who refuse ..Komal informs Shyamu that she , Komal is very well aware of the fact that Shyamu does not have any money to foot Pratigya’s Medical expenses , so she thought it would be advisable to use Adarsh’s money to tide over the expenses..Shyamu looks as if he just had a whiff of Ammonia..Komal and her parents exchange small talks..


Inside the ICU , the attending doctor checks Pratigya’s Vitals, comes out..All the members step closer to the Doctor, so does Krishna who has had his change of clothes ** Somebody give me garden shears to chop off those locks of AB’s hair **The Doctor pronounces that Pratigya’s condition has stabilized and that Pratigya is out of danger now, so all can depart to their homes..Ghanti dadi bursts out in happiness, Thanks the Lord..A smile brightens the gloomy face of Krishna ..All heave a sigh of relief…esp Saxena’s begin to smile ** which is tempting fate ** Lo !! Presto..there is a power breakdown ** Saxena’s smiles are an open invitation to turmoil , catastrophe and disaster **..Sajjan Singh irritatedly says how can one go to our homes now, The Doctor gets worried and says aloud that If Power does not come back soon , Pratigya’s life will be in mortal danger again , Gloom returns to all the faces with a vengeance .. The Nurses are keeping a constant watch over Pratigya, Pratigya is using oxygen ..Krishna looks at her labored heaving, shouts at the maintenance of the Hospital.. orders the doctor to get the power ** Kis dukhan mein milegi , Baba **..The Doctor reassures Krishna saying that There is a generator which will start in a min..and Nothing will harm Pratigya ..Krishna urges the Doctor to hurry up with the generator thinggy ..Shyam Saxena tries to calm Krishna ..Krishna stays quiet .

The doctor shouts to a ward boy , tells him to start the Generator..ward boy checks and replies that DG ain’t working..All are shocked ..The ever Logical Krishna takes over, he calls on his acolytes to follow him and the trio run to the DG room..Sajjan Singh takes the Doctor to task and threatens the doctor saying that if anything happened to his daughter in law..then he will personally chop all the members to pieces/bury them..

Krishna rushes into the DG room, enquires the status of the DG..Both the ward boys reply that they cannot deal with it …Krishna commands Tunna to repair the DG..Tunna tries his hand out the verdict that the compressor is gone….All three look on helplessly..when an idea seems to strike Krishna.


The Hospital is in darkness and Pratigya is sinking rapidly..The Doctor is alarmed.

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