Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Tere Liye 30th March 2011 Written Update

Recap- Ritesh instigates Anurag and confesses to his crime
of framing Robi. Anurag loses his cool and beats Ritesh when he mentions he
will take away Tani. Shekhar is upset at Onu for his behavior but Onu tells him
why he did so. Shekhar is shocked to learn that Robi was framed by Ritesh.
Ritesh comes and announces that Onu is not the MD of the company anymore.
Jonaki pretends to care about Robi's kid in front of Neelu but Tani slaps her
for not caring for him.

Short Update

Tani makes Kuhu convince Anurag to come to the fair and Anurag agrees.
Jonaki taunts Tani about going to the fair without her kid but Tani tells her she can come too.
Jonaki plots revenge on Tani for slapping her.
At the fair, Tani notices Onu not eating kulfi and makes him remember some golden TaAnulicious moments of their childhood and adulthoodEmbarrassed
Jonaki tells Kuhu to go get balloons and signals her "hit woman" to kidnap the poor child.
The woman lures Kuhu to her and takes her in a car, meanwhile TaAnu are frantically searching for Kuhu.
Jonaki informs Neelu of what happened, Neelu & Shekhar reach there and Neelu scolds Tani. Jonaki taunts her for doing the same thing the scolded her for earlier.

Detailed Update

Part 1

Jonaki's drama is going on. Tani is stopped by Neelu who
tells her that Jonaki isn't feeling well due to Robi going away. Tani goes to
Anurag who is sad, Tani thinks she will not share her problems with Onu because
he himself is so upset. Tani notices Kuhu and asks her if she wants to go to the
fair and tells her something in her ear. Kuhu goes to Onu and begs him to come
to the fair. Onu keeps on refusing kindly but Kuhu wont budge and Onu gives in.
Kuhu is excited and tells Tani that he agreed. Onu overhears this and comes
outside and asks if she sent Kuhu. Tani says she knew that he will not refuse
Kuhu. Tani says that the atmosphere of the house is not right and she didn't
want it to affect the kids. Onu says he will get ready.

TaAnu are leaving to the fair, and Jonaki comes and taunts about
how no one cares about her kid. Tani shuts her up and says that she had come to
ask her that earlier. Jonaki says she never told her anything and asks her to
forget everything (Onu please beat this idiot black and blue as wellAngry). Neelu is
happy and says to accompany them. Jonaki goes to the side and starts thinking
her crap about how she wont spare Tani and will avenge the slapSleepy(typical villian talk).

At the fair, TaAnu are smiling while Kuhu is enjoying
herself, but Jonaki is the party pooper and scowlsDead. Jonaki goes to the side and
calls some woman and instructs her to do what she said. Flashback to Tani
slapping Jonaki and Jonaki says to wait and watch.

Tani asks if Onu wants kulfi and he refuses. Tani remembers
the times they used to eat kulfi. Tani wonders what is wrong with him. She takes him to
the side and asks why he didn't eat kulfi. Onu tells her he didn't want any.
Tani says but he used to love them in childhood, Onu says habits change. Tani
says she knows that he is still her motuEmbarrassed. Tani notices a trick mirror on the
side and takes Onu there. Flashback to childhood memories and adult memories
(*sigh* remember those TaAnulicious momentsDay Dreaming). Tani says that they have lost a
lot but their relationships remain the same, aren't those enough to live. Tani
tells him not to be sad because they will lose what they already have. Onu is
about to say something but tells her to go back to the kids.

Part 2

TaAnu and group are buying things at the fair. Kuhu smiles
as she sees balloons and goes forward. Everyone but Jonaki is too busy to
notice. Jonaki tells her to go ahead and get it. Kuhu runs forward and Jonaki
motions to the lady (hey bhagwanAngrykaise kaise log hote hai AngryWHAT THE effing hell
did the poor child do to you, you freaking witchDeadAngry!). The woman follows Kuhu and
tricks her into coming with her. TaAnu finally notice that Kuhu is missing and
go frantic trying to search for her. The woman takes Kuhu to a car. Tani is
freaking out and Jonaki adds fuel to the fire and scares Tani more. Tani is
crying and Onu says he will talk to the announcement people. Jonaki calls up
Neelu ma and tells her what happened, Neelu is shocked.

Part 3

Onu talks to the announcement people and he tries to console
Tani. Neelu and Shekhar arrive and Jonaki says that she called them because she
was worried. Tani is crying and Neelu starts to scold Tani for her
carelessness. Jonaki starts her taunting and says that how can Tani do this
when she herself was lecturting her in the morning (can I please please kill
this she devil please bhagwan ji ek khoon maaf or rather 7 khoon because I am
willing to stab her 7 timesAngryCensored). Shekahr says that they will find her because he
informed the police. Episode ends on TaAnu's worried faces.

I saw the part of the promo of the last episodeCry. Anurag was
looking at Tani with kids and the voice over was saying how will it be, the
last moments of Tere Liye and then he said (aakhri baar) watch Tere Liye 2nd
April, 2 hour maha episodeCryCryCry. Aur is ghadhe channel ki himmat toh dekho right
after TL ended they showed Navya title track to add salt to our woundsAngryDead Die SP DieDead AND who in the freaking world puts the maha episode when the entire country is going to be watching WCAngryAngryAngryAngryAngryDead

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