Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Ram Milayi Jodi 30th March 2011 Written Update

Part 1 :
The Episode starts with Mona Telling Hetal that she needs to tell Karan how feels then there would be a bharat coming to her door. But hetal tells her when will I tell him?the scene shifts to Dimpy , Vimmy and Amrit in the bedi home. Dimpy is talking about she loves being in India then she sees Pam and walk over to her and asks her why she looks sad. Pam tells her nothing wrong I'm just bored of sitting here in the house all day long. Vimmy Tells Dimpy that she should take Pam out she's a guest then Dimpy see Karan and hatchets an idea '' Your right Vimmy Pam, you she should a movie" Pam tells her a film with who? Dimpy makes the eye movement to Vimmy pointing to Karan. Vimmy nods her head and Vimmy calls Karan over She asks him do her a favor he says anything she tells him to Take Pam out Karan looks Nervous and say I can't have to open the shop . Vimmy tells him That his uncle will do it then she tells the both of them to leave. they Leave , Amirt comes and says where's Karan going he's is suppose to open the shop. Dimpy says I'll be right back. Vimmy tells Amirt that I told Karan to take Pam to get to know each other. The scene shifts back to Mona and Hetal. Mona is still thinking then she see kalvati putting the clothes on a line she grabs a stick and starts trying to grab the clothes Hetal asks her what she's doing? Mona grabs the scarf off the line and it drops on the floor she tells her go and "bring this back" to my house don't' waste anytime and go. The scene shifts to Karan trying to back up the car Pam tells Karan to hurry up the movie will start soon and he can't mange to to get the car out She tells him to stop the car , he does she gets out the car and tells he him to move she's going to drive. at that time Hetal is getting out of the house is going to get the Scarf when Pam is backing up she hit the cart behind her Then Hetal get hit and is hurt karan rushes out the car and Hetal's foot is Bleeding he tries to help her up and Pam is saying sorry over and over. Karan Picks hetal up and takes her Home Bejal is complain about happened at the temple.

Part 2 -
Their Still Talking about what happen at the temple, Karan and Pam walk in the house Heatl is screaming about her foot Bharti Baa Bejal are shocked karan explains about what happened to Hetal he asks can a lay her down they show him to the room . While this going on Bharti is staring at Karan. Mona looks scared They lay her down on the bed Karan pulls out a Pillow for her then he ask for the First aid kit Bharti gives it to him Mona is watching Bharti's facial expression when karan opens the Kit then she tells her brother it's okay I'll do it her gives her the ointment he asks Bharti if he can call a doctor she tells him no leave it.Mona tells her why There's No male here go Karan call the doctor . Karan leaves Pam Follows. Mona starts saying it was a good thing Karan was there Baa interrupts her and says Yeah it was good he was there when he was the one that hit her. Mona says no that's not why it was good he was there he picked her brought her here make sure she was better and now he's calling the doctor. Bejal says to Mona Sorry your right it was nice for Karan to be there. Pam calls Karan , He tells her I'm going to get the Doctor you go home and rest. She says what about the movie He tells her how can you think about it's your fault she's hurt now I'm going to get the doctor you can go home he leaves.Pam goes home and Dimpy asks her why she's home so early how was the movie and where's Karan Pam says karan went to get the Doctor Vimmy& amrit asks why what happened Pam says Hetal got into to a little accident Their Shocked and say their going to check on her Dimpy says She's coming to too when Vimmy and Amirt Leave She asks Pam what really happened she shes she was trying to reverse the car. Dimpy says didn't i telll not to drive and leave. the scene sifts back to the Gandhi House. Bejal is telling Baa how Hetal looks weak and her foot looks puffy and they need to get milk for her before the doctor baa and bejal are talking about ways to make hetal feel better bharti Comes with Haldi Milk and hetal says no I don't like then Mona comes with jusice and Apples(yum) and tells her dirnk this you'll feel much better Bejal takes it and tells her Mona I;ll takes this Hetal drink your milk

Mona's phones goes off and Bejal says does Anu ever leave his wife bahrti tells her not to Anu. Anu asks Mona to come to his job Mona says no I can't leave he asks why then she she say well umm. H stops her and says are you hiding something from me? She tells him what happned to Hetal and he gots shocked and asks is he fine did you call a doctor? she says everything is fine but where did you want to take me ? he says Nothing you need to be hetal forget hwta i said she tells him no there Baa Bejal and Bharti it's been soo long since the last you talk to me sweetly well i thinking to go shopping for someone the office ( i could catch which shop he said) meet at the shop she okay I'll be there

Part3 -
Bharit was behind Mona she's aks her where are you going Mona tells her Anu asked her to pick out a gift for a co-worker She says your going without asking me Mona says No i was going to ask you and if you say no I'll call him and tel him. Bharti says no you can go I just came here to tell you that your brother still didn't come with the doctor yet Mona tells no if you tell Karan to do something he does very well and quick he maybe be shy and quite but he's good hearted. karan comes with Doctor and the reason he was late was beacuse the Doctor was at the Hospital. They go to the room and Vimmy and Amrit and Dimpy are their the Doctor looks at Hetal's foot Bejal ask Vimmy "how they got to know did Mona tell you that Mona is like a radio" Vimmy says No Pam told us. Amirt asks Karan how accident hetal tell Amrit that Karan it was Pam who was driving and she the Food cart and then it hit me. Bharti tells Dimpy she should have been watching PamLOL


The Doctor is feeling Hetal's foot she starts to cry karan ask her is she's feeling okay. The doctor askher does this hurt when he touches her foot she screams and tell baa to do something Karan tells the doctor please be carefull she's in pain. Dimpy and Bharti look at karan they look shocked. The doctor asks Karan to hold her foot Im going to wrapp it karan is about then Bharti tells him it's okay I'll wrapp it. then scence shifts where bharti is looking for the oitement and ask Bejal who is feeding Hetal where it is she tell her it's the drower . she finds it and a picture of Hetal she's thinking I have a Pubjabi DIL but i'm not going to have a Punjabi SIL i need to get hetal married soon.

PreCap- Dimpy is yelling at Pam and then she tells Karan to have a sweet he asks why because Hetal's marriage has been fix with Gujj boy.

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