Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Maryada 30th March 2011 Written Update

At the police station, the Thakur orders another inspector to free Aditya. SSP is seen drinking, as he says how much trouble he is going through having to release his own son from jail. But I had to take care of that girl's stubbornness, teach her a lesson that she'll never forget about getting revenge from me. He turns around to see Aditya standing there, serious. SSP gets all nervous and Aditya asks him who he was talking about. SSP tries to lie and say that it's the guy who Aditya had hit the day before, but Aditya refuses to believe him, saying that they were talking about some girl. [YAYY! Go Aditya! Never trust your dad!] The Thakur interferes and reinforces the fact that SSP was talking about som guy and says Aditya must have heard wrong. And Aditya just smile and lets the matter go.And they hug and leave for home.

Gaurav in his room when Vidya walks in with the tea, puts it on the table, and turns to leave, when Gaurav asks her if everything is ok. And why she refuses t meet his eye. Vidya says she didn't want to trouble him and is on the verge of breaking down and runs away into the kitchen. She begins to cry and Imli tries to calm her down. She asks her why she's the one running away when Gaurav is the one that made the mistake [yayay! Only time I'll ever agree with Imli =D]

Priya and the entire family pacing around the house wondering why they haven't returned yet, when Aditya and SSP slowly come inside. A smile appears on everyone's face as a hugging session begins with everyone talking about how much they've missed him and how they're all so happy to have him home. [aww it was actually really sweet] Aditya and Priya have an emotional reunion, and are hugging when Priya catches SSP's eye and suddenly moves away, reality hitting her in the face.

Aditya goes and hugs SSP and thanks him and everything, and then tells him that even if he was hurt, and in jail, it wouldn't have mattered. And that he's happy that the guy who spoke bad of SSP got hurt. Priya gets frightened once again. Devyani then comes and distracts Aditya with food and everyone heads back to the kitchen LOL.

Vidya depressedly standing I the kitchen when Priya walks in and sees her all dull. She starts rambling and trying to distract herself, when Priya tells her she understands how sad she is, her pain is reflected in her eyes, and tries to comfort her. But we should always remember one thing, that just how good days aren't forever, bad ones don't last permanently either. And you see both of the women in pain as they run through the sorrows of their own lives.

Aditya in his room when Devyani walks in, looking all worried and crying and everything by seeing him so hurt. She tells him how worried she was if something would have happened to him, and tells him that he should have thought of everyone else, thought before he reacted and hit the guy. Aditya gets all angry, and says that how else should I have dealt with this? And Devyani makes him promise that he will always stay in control of his anger, that he won't ever behave like this every again, and comforts his mother who's completely broken down.

Priya telling Vidya that she knows that being strong wont be easy, but she should show everyone that she's happy, that nothing is going wrong in her life and that she's really happy. There are so many days in a woman's life where we have to move forward, even if we might be crying inside, but we have to do this, not only for ourselves, but for our family's, our house's maryada. [Oh wow, apparently Devyani's attitude is rubbing off on her daughters in law] Vidya cries that her life as she knows it is just over now, and Priya comforts her.

Everyone eating dinner, Devyani feeding Aditya. [OMG Finally Uttara speaks!] But she's just comforting Aditya and Devyani. SSP begins to say that now that Aditya is home, his days of politics will officially begin, and that is final. Vidya told to give food to Gaurav and she just puts the bowl next to him and stands there. Devyani and Gaurav notice Vidya's different state. Priya watching everything in tears, the entire happy family.

Later on, Priya goes upstairs to see SSP waiting there and she begins to shake with fear. He walks past her and she breathes a sigh of relief, but he begins to talk to her, and tells her that he fulfilled his part of the promise by bringing Aditya home, and now it's time for you to fulfill your side of the promise. And he tells her that Aditya will also become her enemy if she makes him angry, andleaves quietly.

Precap: Gaurav saying to someone how he's really happy that Vidya saw him and her in each other's arms, so now he won't have to explain anything to Vidya. He hangs up and turns around only to have Devyani slap him. [Is this story finally moving?! Shocked ]

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