Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Bhagya Vidhata 30th March 2011 Written Update

the door. Ratan,Payal come to rescue but PPW stops them. Kamini comes there and congratulates PPW is telling Sooraj that Sakshi is using him and she is in this plan with Bindiya. All they want to do is get you away from me. Sooraj does not believe her but PPW tells him that she will prove that to him. PPW calls Sakshi and tells Sooraj just watch what is Sakshi's truth.
Prem's room
Prem has gotten two tickets to the movie. He tells Kamini to get ready to go out. Kamini plays her nautaki and all of the sudden she has a headache. Prem gives her medicine and tells her that she will feel better after taking them. Kaamini wants to rest and refuses to take medicine since she was waiting for bigger drama at home between PPW and Sakshi.
PPW's room
Sakshi is in PPW's room. PPW makes Sooraj ask her if Sakshi is using Sooraj. PPW pressures her that she must answer in yes or no that she meets Bindiya secretly. Sakshi is fumbling for words. She is denying but looks less then sure of what she wants to say. She says yes but but it is not like what it looks like. She also gets another question that was she aware of the fact that Sooraj is Bindiya's son?.... Sooraj is shocked .... PPW goes on asking and Sakshi is lost like a fool answering the questions....all she is saying is but but and agreeing to all PPW is accusing her of .... Sakshi was aware of the fact that Sooraj was Bindiya's son since he needed blood transfusion... Sakshi was the reason Bindiay was able to come in the house.... were shockers for Sooraj and all Sakshi kept saying but but and more i don't understand the language look... Sakshi finally looks down as if she is completely guilty...(completely lost look) Angry... ( She deserves to be kicked out for being an Idiot).... Sooraj believes PPW at this point. He is angry for trusting Sakshi. He accuses her of all the wrong things. He drags her out of the room down the stairs and out of the house.PPW and Kamini have sime on their faces for PPW getting her work done on first try. Sakshi is pleading to Sooraj but PPW tells him to kick her out of there. Sooraj was about to follow mommy's order but Akhilesh stops him. Sooraj tells him that don't stop him because Sakshi is a traitor. Sakshi is trying to reason with him. Bindiay is outside watching the drama unfold. She tells her self that this is Sakshi's fight and so she will not interfere. She also has faith in her and Vinay's blood that Sooraj will do the right by his wife. Everyone's eyes are on Sooraj . He is in thoughts from the day he got married to Sakshi and the turn of events since the day.... Sooraj finally pushes her out and walk in the house. Akhilesh tells the rest that send Sakshi to her dad's. PPW and Kamini has smile of victory. Bindiay finally comes forward and holds Sakshi in her arms. Sakshii is shocked that How can Sooraj be harsh? How can he do that to me is all Saksh is saying and crying.... Bindiya has her philosophy that Sooraj is not thinking with his brains and he loves you a lot...... blah blah.. beta beta... Now i fee that Sakshi is a yo yo between the mother -son.Wacko
Bindiya is telling Sakshi that you have to get your love and my son back

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