Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Saas Bina Sasural 30th March 2011 Written Update

at sharma house, sudha is sitting angry.. lalit gets himself and for her a glass of water and keeps it on the table.. she turns towards him and asks him why he pulled her home??lalit asks again?? he asks what could i do??sudha what do u mean?? we went there to get toasty home did u forget?? lalit ays i forgot nothing but i remembered something else so returned back..sudha asks what did toasty tell u that im happy and fine and you believed it??lalit says sudha ive become a football between you 2..sudha asks who asked to be a football..u should have done what we decided then why didnt u?? lalit is about to speak but stops himself..
sudha then remembers and asks him what he said over there that someone had warned him about the marriage..she asks him why he didnt tell her and hid it from her??she says someone warned u and you still kept quiet and didnt u for even once feel that you should tell me.. sudha says that im her mother and i should know about it and asks what else has he hidden from her??
lalit says for gods sake let me speak..he says its true there is no difference between bhagwaan and bhaagwan.. when bhaagwan starts to speak, u automatically start remembering bhagwaan..he offers her the glass of water..she says where you had to speak u didnt.. he says when i want to u dont fine its ok.. he gets up to leave..sudha says now when im asking you to tell u r not..tell me what's the matter..
lalit sits down and says that there's nothing no big matter and if there was something then i would have told you first about it..u can trust me atleast this much.. she says ive seen trusting u.. my daughter's life is..lalit says stop this melodrama as im irritated..sudha says whatever i do it looks as a melodrama to u..lalit says enough now no more discussion on this matter thats it..
back at chaturvedi house, toasty's friends come calling her..toasty comes outside her room..she greets them and asks u here??smita says that we just felt like meeting u so we came..smita says that we thought that we'll get mangoes for our best friend..toasty asks where is the mango..smita says we thought but havent bought yet..nitika laughs and says that without you we dont even feel like buying mangoes so we thought of getting you..she asks toasty to come with them for shopping but toasty refuses saying she's got work..smita says dont showoff that youve got work and we know that u dont have any.. we know your complete schedule and that by now clothes would have been washed, house would have been cleaned and that tiffin's would have reached the store..
tej gets the tiffin to the store..ved and pashu are checking the register about some payment..tej cals pashu and tells him tiffin..he says i know its called tiffin..tej says thought lets eat as its lunch time and that its hot and if we keep it for long it will get cold..ved says we know that also...tej says so then lets have come sit..pashu looks up to tej and says i wont have even a piece of rice that your wife has made and then your talking about food..tej gets upset and looks at him..
nitika says come na well have a walk in open air..toasty asks them if mom has sent them..nitika asks why would she send them..toasty says that because mom knows that im in tension now.. smita says that aunty told us everything but we are here on our own.. nitika says that we just came for a friend and cant we??toasty gets emotional and begins to cry..they ask her what happened and if matters are out of limits??toasty says that the problem is that i dont understand the limit of it..if i understood the limit then atleast i could prepare myself for it..she says everytime i fall low of it..smita consoles her and says that it happens..
back at the store tej asks pashu if he's still angry and says i fold my hands and am saying sorry..i made a big mistake of talking to you like that which i never wwill again...tej says that i never knew thaat this matter would go so far and that toasty's parents would also get involved otherwise i would never..pashu says enough and that ive said means said..he says that infact its good that toasty's parents also got involved as atleast we got to know from where all this happens..he tells ved that someone told lalit that at any cost dont let tej and toasty get married, he got warned..he asks ved if he understood anything??
ved says that im also thinking since when that who that person could be??pashu says that i know who that could be..ved asks who??pashu says whoelse than the person who ruined us - malti's mom..he says that she might have gone to toasty's maayka..he goes on that now its clear that during the picnic toasty meeting malti's mom is no coincidence..ved says haan now im understanding little little..
nitika consoles toasty and says that seeing you only i get courage else i would have been so left out in my life and if you only lose it then how will it be.. toasty says ive not lost my courage but its just that i dont understand what's happening and why its happening..i try to catch one knot but the second knot drops out and that tej also doesnt understand.. smita asks why would tej understand as you only used to call him buddhuram and if he had sense then he wouldnt have married you.. she gives her an idea and asks her to learn kiteflying as then all the knots would be in your hand..both toasty and nitika stare at her.. she says it was a joke..nitika says it was worse than pj..smits says ok if u people are done with your crying then can we go and do some shopping and have something spicy..
toasty refuses and says that she doesnt feel like and asks them to go..they all force her..she says ok but on one condition..she says that all these matters are happening because prachin left home so if you want to help me then help me in finding him..they agree and ask her to change..she hugs them both..
at the store, tej tells pashu that you can tell me whatever you want i wont feel bad but the fact is that toasty meeting malti's mom was just a conincidence and that she told me everything of how malti's mom tried to keep contacting her but..tej says that toasty would never lie to me..pashu says that ved i like to hear reasons but not that much also..he says now everything is clear and i dont want to live in any fantasy.. he says im leaving to collect payment..tej says food..pashu says ill eat from outside and asks ved also to get something for him..pashu says that just because we arent eating it doesnt mean that you also dont as the food is not made to be wasted and leaves..tej is left thinking..
toasty and her friends go to a restaurant..smita orders for 4 frsh lime soda..nitika asks 4??smita says 2 for me..toasty says god knows where this prachin is and i just hope that he's fine..nitika says that he shouldnt have taken such an impulsive step..smita says ok listen but then stops and says leave it..nitika looks at her..she says its a little stupid..nitika says obviously..smita says its very stupid..toasty says will u speak??smita says that money and faith how much u run behind it it goes away from you but once you stop running behind it it comes to you..she says this same applies on prachin..
nitika says wow what a funda its really stupid..smita says atleast her attension is getting diverted..nitika says there are more ways of diverting it like this restaurant..she asks toasty if she remembers how much memories are attached to it.. toasty smiles thinking about it..nitika says that tej used to wait for you at this table only..toasty says not this but points towards the one on her left.. smita says that if im not mistaken that whenever you both wanted to go for a movie at the nearby theater this used to be your meeting point..toasty has a big smile on her face..
tej is waiting for her at the table..toasty comes running and tells him sorry for being late..he says why are u sorry..ive only bought the ticket, movie hasnt come yet so i can wait for another 15 days..toasty says i said im sorry na and asks which film are they going to see??he says don - the khiladi..she says this movie ita a flop and that its dubbed from another language..he says i know that's why i bought this movies ticket..he shows her by hane something but she doesnt understand..he tells her that the whole hall will be empty and that only they will be there..she says really and asks him to come ahead..she pats his cheeks and says not nice..he says lets go and pulls her..
she remebers how they used to travel on the bike and he on purpose used to hit the brake..she asks him why he's doing this and he tells her that it she sits the way he wants then no problem else they will go with jhatkas only..she gets off the bike and sits properly and puts her hands around him and tightly holds him..tej is happy and they leave..
flashback ends..
smits brings toasty out of her dream..nitika says if all is done then lets go for shopping as i need to..toasty says no shopping as i need to go home..they both plead her and she finally agrees and they leave..
at the store, tej calls out to mohan and asks him to distribute the food to the beggers outside the temple..he glares at ved..mohan says ok..ved says what ok and says that no need of doing it..tej asks why as you only say that doing daan of food is maha daan and that instead of wasting its better to be given to the needy..ved says yes that's there but..tej says oh so u think that the food is leftover one..he says dont worry as i havent touched it also...ved says that's why, food has been made by her hardwork so atleast you eat it..
tej says hardwork..he says toasty made the food with love and hardwork for the three of us..what do u think if the food returns back home with only 1 person eating the rest two leftover wont she feel bad..ved says i would eat but..tej says i know you wont eat as u dont want to hurt pashu..he sits down and says that you can atleast talk to him..he wont listen to me and why should he as ive hurt him so much but if you try to make him understand he might..ved says how can i explain as he is elder to me..tej says thats why bhaiyya im asking you to talk to him..
at the shopping mall, toasty says that as soon as we get a watch for your MIL we will leave.. smita says obviously as we are not planning to stay here for the full day..nitika teases her by saying that beacuse of rohit she anyways cant stay much time outside..the get off the escalator and bangs onto malti's mom..toasty asks u and has flashbacks of her promising tej that she'll never ever meet them..she asks her friends to come along and leave..she sees malti and asks didi u here..malti asks tanya how come she's here..tanya says she came to get something and introduces her friends..malti's mom tells herself that you are running away from me toasty but you are coming near me only..she suddenly notices pashu on the ground floor..she tells herself that if pashu sees toasty and malti together then all her plans will be spoiled..
at the store, tej asks ved to tell him if its right to take tension at small matters, whether its right to be angry on small issues??he says is it alright for him..he says that chedi's condition is in front of you..he's a heart patient..he says he's scared if something happens to pashu..ved gets angry and says tej..tej says really im scared for him..he says i understand that he's tensed, he's worried but anger will not reduce it but will only increase it..he says that day the way pashu reacted in court the case could have gone against us..
ved says that though pashu's words arent good but his heart is..tej says i know, u know our family knows but not the world..he says a lady after staying so many days with him his own wife when is not able to understand him then what expectations can we keep from outsiders??tej says people learn from their mistakes and evolve out from it and that pashu needs to understand this else the differences between them will grow so much that it can never be solved..
ved says to himself that what all problems can we solve..tej asks him what he's trying to say??ved says that the matter between prachin and pashu can be solved but what about the one that toasty's parents created..tej says that u leave that on me..i promise you that toasty's parents will not interfere in any matters of this house henceforth but u also need to make a promise that youll speak to pashu..ved says ill try..
at the mall, malti's mom sees toasty and malti talking to each other..she sees pashu coming up and goes upto him and asks him where hes going so quickly that he's avoiding her??
she says if not touching my feet but atleast you can say namaste to me so that i can give you aashirwad to live longer..pashu says why not you would want me to live a long life so that i cannot live in peace, i stay in jail and suffer so that u and your daughter stay at peace..she says leave about us and tell about u..u must be really happy getting my daughter out of that house..he asks her is she stopped him to say such things..she says i need to ask a lot but im not in a hurry..pashu says but i am..she says sure but before leaving tell me onething that this person inside u has suddenly evolved or u are moving backwards because you are scared as our lawyer told us that u r ready to ask for forgiveness..
pashu says wah, u really know how to make things in your way..he says sorry will be said by that person who did wrong..malti's mom says or that person who has realized his mistake..pashu says that such things dont suit u..malti's mom retorts and says that way u said u want to say sorry..pashu says one minute, who told u that i want to say sorry??he says its just that i want to finish this matter so that my family doesnt suffer and that i dont have to see your face time and again..he says that these two matters have a difference..he turns to see toasty in the mall talking with someone...
he wonders what toasty is doing there and who that lady is..he tells himself that she looks like malti..malti's mom notices this..
pashu tells malti's mom that whatever she wants to talk she can talk to his lawyer and asks her to leave..he leaves to check on who's with toasty..malti's mom is trying to stop pashu by calling him from behind but pashu doesnt stop..malti's mom is wondering what to do as he's going towards them..nitika asks malti what her husband is doing.. malti and toasty wonder what to say..

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