Thursday, March 31, 2011

Maryada 31st March 2011 Written Update

Short Update:

Priya frightened after the talk with SSP and Aditya comforts her, and tells her that he's going to find the man who wronged her. Priya tries to stop him but he says no arguments, and they share a hug and a sweet moment. Big smile
Vidya has got the habit of Devyani, cleaning counters, and Devyani sees this and goes to talk to Gaurav. She slaps him after she finds out he was doing everything on purpose, he wanted Vidya to know about Arti [his mystery woman] and he's doing this for her good only because he wants Vidya to go away and not live this lie. Dead Confused Ouch
Bauji asks Vidya what the matter is but she says nothing. Devyani interferes then and sends Vidya away, and Bauji questions her about the Gaurav-Vidya marriage, and asks if Devyani doesn't want her mistakes pointed out about forcing Gaurav. Shocked
Devyani-Vidya talking and Vidya asks if she knew about Arti before and Devyani says no. She tells Vidya to fight for her marriage and her husband and to not give up so quickly. Soon Priya and Uttara join them and the four women go play some game. Big smile
Roshni Devi talking to SSP and finds out that SSP was the one who intentionally got Aditya in jail to teach Priya a lesson to keep her mouth shut. RD scares him by saying that the truth will not always remain a secret and it will come out one day. Big smile ROFL Clap
Precap: Uttara talking to SSP, telling him that he can tell her what he's worried about. And SSP hugs her, thinking back about how she looked drenched in the Holi colors.

Priya comes back into her bedroom, slamming the door behind her, all anxious and really nervous. She suddenly hears someone knocking on the door and gets really frightened and begins shaking as she opens it slowly. And lucky for her, it's only Aditya [looking mighty handsome Wink] So she immediately hugs him. Embarrassed

He asks her what the matter is and tells her to calm down, and Priya just tells him she's really glad he's home and she was worried about him. And they both hug after he tells her that with just one hug of hers, he can forget all his pain in the world [aww he's so cute] Aditya tells Priya that now that this mess is over, he's going to spend all his time looking for the man who wronged her and Priya freezes and begns to get worried. She immediately tells him not to do anything, that she doesn't want any trouble for him, and adamantly begins denying him doing anything. Aditya tells her that he doesn't want anymore discussion on this matter.And they hug again and Priya thinks her staying quiet will be good for the family.

Vidya entering the kitchen and has flashbacks of Gaurav and The Mystery Woman. It's the middle of the night and she's frantically begins cleaning away at the already clean counters. Devyani standing on the side as she watches this scene. She apparently decides she has to do something and walks away.

Gaurav talking to someone on the phone, saying that it's a good thing Vidya saw them together. The way she was avoiding him at the dining table proves that she knows that this marriage won't go anywhere and she'll leave our lives very soon. He hangs up the phone and turns around only to see Devyani standing there angrily. She comes up slowly and slaps him across his face. She begins questioning him, asking himif he really did all this on purpose. If he knowingly went out to hurt Vidya, the innocent girl.

Gaurav answers that he didn't feel sympathy for her. I knew everything I was doing because I knew she already had her suspicions. I was the one that called Arti on Holi so that Vidya could see us. Devyani begins questioning him again, asking him if he knows how much Vidya loves him. And Gaurav says that he knows and he wants her to stop loving him, that this wedding is just for the paper, and my heart, my mind is always with someone else. I did this only for her, so she won't have to live a lie and she just leaves my life. Devyani is left standing in tears as Gaurav leaves.

Bauji calling for Vidya and she's completely lost in her own world. She suddenly realizes and walks over and he asks her what her worry is and tells her to sit down. He asks her if she's really lying to him, here eyes are telling everyone her sorrows, and continues to prod her to tell him. She keeps denying everything. Devyani comes to the rescue right then and tells Bauji to sleep, and tells Vidya to go to the kitchen. Devyani also leaving when Bauji stops her and asks if everything is still not alright between Vidya and Gaurav, she didn't want him asking so her mistakes aren't pointed out. [Sigh, there we go. Devyani obviously had SOMETHING to do with this entire Gaurav-Vidya mess -__-]And she leaves almost in tears.

Vidya and Devyani sitting at the table, when Vidya asks her if she was able to talk to Gaurav. Devyani says she understands that going through all this is really difficult, but you have to face your problems, face them and then overcome them. Vidya asks Devyani if she knew Arti [Gaurav's mystery woman] before? And Devyani says no, and tells Vidya that Gaurav is her husband, she has rights over him. Vidya almst in tears, saying that she doesn't want Gaurav by force, he's already too far away. Devyani tells her not to think that way, that a girl should be willing to fight for her husband for her entire life.

Priya comes in right then, and she joins them at the table. And soon enough Uttara joins them too. All the woman at the table. Uttara teasing Priya saying that she din't think Aditya would let her out of the room for a few days and they all share a laugh. [Aww one of the more light hearted moments for all four women] The sisters then share memories of their childhood, and the four women decide to play some game [Taj?]

Roshni Devi telling SSP to stop thanking her so much, and then asks him why Aditya was hitting someone else. SSP drinking as he tells RD that it was all his doing, that he wanted to teach Priya a lesson and did all this, and tells RD everything. She then praises him but also says you shut her up for now, but this kind of secret doesn't stay secret for too long, and one day everyone will know. And a nuclear bomb will burst in your house, and she starts cackling up like the witch she is. And SSP starts getting frightened. RD hangs up and thinks that now she will be able to keep SSP under her feet forever.

Precap: Uttara talking to SSP, telling him that he can tell her what he's worried about. And SSP hugs her, thinking back about how she looked drenched in the Holi colors.
Comments: On the whole, it was a good episode for sure. I would definitely give this an 8/10. We saw a mini Gaurav truth coming out. And I really do hope that Vidya fights for her marriage. The other women will help her be strong :)

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