Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Sangini 30th March 2011 Written Update

Tonight's epi starts with Pihu in her room. She's sitting at her desk, and her gaze fell on the calender. Her eyes welled up, she remembers it's her wedding anniversary. She recalled the moments when she and Abhay performed the pheres and when he filled her maang with sindoor.

The next morning, Ram's mom (what's her name anyway? anybody knows?) is already at the Rawat house. Gauri informed her that she had spoken to the caterers. Looking pleased, Ram's mom suddenly asked Gauri to take out all the jewelleries Rudra brought yesterday, She seemed unsatisfied with few of them, and even brought with a jeweler to look at it. Gauri certainly didn't want to bring it out the fake necklaces, but she didn't have much choice. At the same time, Ram's mom noticed the new pendant Gauri was wearing. The jeweler commented that the pendant was brought from his shop.

Gauri finally hands over the jeweleries to Ram's mom, and she let the jeweler to examine it. Gauri, scared the old woman will find out the truth, was shaking with fear. Gauri turned to Ketki, who brought a hot beverage for Ram's mom, took the cup from the tray. But the cup slipped from her hand.

Gauri began to apologise profusely to Ram's mom, but RR quickly guided her to get her sari cleaned up. Once the two old ladies were out from the living hall, Gauri spoke to the jeweler. She's aware that the jeweler knows the necklace is fake, and requests him not to say anything. The jeweler told Gauri not to worry, as Rudra had come over to his shop and made a new order for new sets of jeweleries, and they'll be ready in a couple of days.

Seconds later, Ram's mom joined them again at the living area/hall. She took the boxes of jeweleries, and wishes to take them back with her. Gauri looked flabbergasted by now, she told Ram's mom there's no need to take the jewels. Ram's mom said the jewels will be Revathy's anyway, no need to worry as the jewels will be in good hands.

Next scene, Rudra's at the police station. He's telling the police officer that the jeweleries that were stolen are meant for his sister's wedding, and they need to look into his case urgently. The officer replied, they will do the best they can, but without any witnesses and even Rudra himself could not identify the exact person who took it, the police basically had no leads to follow. Rudra then went from one place to another, trying to borrow more money. He remembered the calling card those gundas gave to him few days ago, but refuses to call them.

The scene moves to Ram's house. Ram's mom had some guests over, she was too busy adoring the necklaces while Revathy brought to the coffee table some snacks. One of the guests ask Ram's mom if the snacks were made by Revathy. Ram's mom answered, her family didn't teach her anything (she made some more comments too, but I could not catch what she was saying. Not sure if Ram's mom meant well or not. sorry)

One of the guests wanted to reach for her plate, but she knocked one of the jewel casings off the table. Ram's mom bent down to pick it up, and saw one of the precious stone came off the necklace. They began to search frantically for the stone, the other guests wondered how come the stone fell off, whether the necklace is fake. They finally found the stone, and realised the necklace is a mere gold plated one.

Ram's mom then stormed to Rawats' house. She threw the jewels on the floor, and told RR and Gauri, if the can't afford real gold, just be honest. She won't tolerate this sort of lies/humiliation on her family. RR and Ram's mom started bickering about the jewels. RR finally turned to Dadu, and requested him to call for the jeweler to come over and prove once and for all regarding the jewels authenticity. But Gauri stopped him, and reluctantly told Ram's mom that the jewels are indeed fake.

Gauri desperately tried to explain to Ram's mom what actually happened to the real jewels, but of course the old woman refuse to believe her. Out of the blue Rudra stepped in, and quickly promised he'll bring the all the jeweleries, and this time real one. Ram's mom gave him an ultimatum, if no real jeweleries within 24 hours, she'll tell the truth to Ram. Rudra begged the old woman not to tell Ram anything. She said she'll be back tomorrow, at the same time for the jewels.

Before going out, Ram's mom told off Revathy, tell your brother to understand, this is not just a silly matter, this involves you and your married life.

RR and Gauri began telling Rudra, all this spending is definately getting out of hand. Gauri suggests they should just tell Ram the truth. Pihu, who witnessed the whole incident, finally spoke up. She knew she's just an outsider and her opinions may not matter, but she said if since day one we follow Ram's mom every desires and wants, they will never ever be able to say no to Ram's mom.

Rudra interrupts, and said the missing jewels were totally his fault. And it's his responsibility to get them back. Dadu tried to talk some sense into him, but Rudra kept saying he'll do anything for Revathy. He just wants Revathy's married life to start on a happy note, and he doesn't want this incident to cause any problem between the two newlyweds.

Final scene, Rudra met up with out one the gundas. He told him he's ready to do any job for the money.

Pre-cap: The goon gave Rudra instructions about his 'job'. While Rudra was driving towards his destination, a policeman stopped him. He opened the car boot, and saw a large black briefcase. Inside the case were some clothes... and loads of money.

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