Thursday, March 31, 2011

Sapnon Se Bhare Naina 31st March 2011 Written Update

The holi party continues, as one by one they have their bhang laced drinks, and the men are jolly, and even some younger women are affected by the drink.
In this merriment, Ayush and Akriti come closer, as well as Daksh and Lekha. Sushant is a merry go lucky guy, goading all to enjoy the holi.
Lekha is in search of Daksh, and he who got a drink after eating a spicy pakoda, has been intoxicated, and goes into a song and dance. This well scripted scene is cleverly introduced by various actions of the people in the party. As the youngsters enjoy themselves, the older people look on and are amused. Naina however, has avoided being drunk, and is a shrewd observer of the goings on in this party. She is keeping a special watch on Daksh and Lekha whom she suspects.
Finally, the party winds, and they go home. Sushant and Lekha go, and with him, also Ayush departs. Who is going to drive? All are high, and hope they will reach home safe.
Daksh is in a stupor and Akriti and Naina try to manage him, and tell their parents that they will bring him up
Two two girls, hold Daksh on either side, and take him, home, and put him in his bed. Akriti leaves Naina with Daksh, and she too wants to go, and Daksh holds her hand and tells her that he loves a girl, and by the time he can tell her name, he doses off. Naina tells him, that she knows whom he means. Perhaps she might be wrong. As she leaves Daksh's telephone rings, and she picks up and hears on the other side a call from the Maternity Nursing Home, informing her and Daksh to come for their appointment.
Naina gapes and says, "Daksh and Lekha?"
In Sanket's room, Rohini tells him she wants to have an abortion, which disturbs him greatly, and he just goes to sleep, without talking to Rohini.
The writers, have drawn a parallel of our Society and its goals. The older generation, married in order to build families, as is shown by Ayee and her husband, and in spite of all problems they brought their children up.
Among the younger generations, the two couples: Sanket and Rohini, and Sushant and Lekha, are society go getters, want to climb the ladder of prosperity, and raising of family is secondary to them in importance. When a matter of abortion comes to them, it is to retain their present materialistic life style.
In all this is a girl called Naina, whose mother, though conceived her out of wedlock, did not decide of aborting her, but her father took the responsibility to bring her up, with the help of his unwilling wife Anjali. Because they gave this new born life a chance, see what she has been able to achieve. It is the short sightedness of the younger generation that is shutting off life, who might turn out to be miracles in the future. Johann Sebastian Bach, the great classical musician from Germany, was the 13th child, and what a loss it would have been, if his parents too decided that it was too much for them?
Let us see how the Writers bring out this social dilemma, and help young people to understand the value of Life. A couple marries not for their own pleasure but to be a foundation of a living society. This has been the Indian ethos for ages, being corrupted by the Western influence. Will it succeed in destroying this ethos, which has taken millenia to take root in our society?

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