Thursday, March 31, 2011

Ram Milayi Jodi 31st March 2011 Written Update

Short update-

Anu tells vikram about hetals Marriage stuff
Dimpy figures out a way to get Pam with Karan
Karan gets yelled at by Bharti
Some people are making fun of the Gandhis karan come to the resuce
Mona tells bharti about Karal

Long Update

The eipsode starts with Anu IMing Vikram he tells about how he can't find a good Gujj boy for Hetal.
Bedi home
it moves to Dimpy walking into the room where pam islisteniting to music she takes the headphones from Pam.
Pam yells :what are you doing ?
Dimpy: what I'm doing is for your own good unlike you who is hitting people with the car
Pam : again with that?
Dimpy : yes again with that what you did caused Karan to worried about hetal I think there's something going with them...
Pam Interupps : Yes! I knew it there something going between them your so smart
Dimpy: Oh God please help me! Pam you don't know what doing for and your just messing it up
Pam: Breath
Dimpy: Pam
Pam: okay just relax , Give 4 days and Karan will forget everything and he'll be in my hands Angry
Dimpy: 4 days I'm even going to give one day We need to thnk of a plan .. VISA Shocked
Vimmy's room

Vimmy : Visa?
Dimpy: yeah my Visa is going to expire , i went to the Govement place and they said I had to leave I came here to you to ask to have a travler angents number
Vimmy: how can you leave so soon Karan and Pam's rishta hasn't been final yet
Dinpy : forget about the rishta ( if onlyLOL)
Vimmy : Na na I'll ask darji if we can do something can you wait a couple of more days?
Dimpy: maybe but it will be hard

Dimpy see Karan up stairs and asks him to come down
Dimpy: Karan!
Karan : yes Aunti?
Dimpy : 2 mins? she make a hand moment
Karan is walking down
Dimpy : Where did you ?
Karan: Oh i went to drop the doctor off
Dimpy: ohh right can you help wit there fruits there too heavy
Karan: sure
Dimpy: I'm taking these fruite to Mona's in-laws for um what hat's grils name
Karan : HetalEmbarrassed
Dimpy: yeah Hetal , I feel Gultiy for what happen
Karan: your a Guest lets carry that
Dimpy : but I'll carry the sweets
Karan: sweets but why?
Dimpy: beacuse Hetal's marriage has been fix with a gujj (the woman is lairAngry)
karan looks sad
Karan: Marriage?
Dimpy: yes Baa , Bejal were talking about.

Gandhi House
bejal and bharti are cleaning the rugs
Mona: Jai se Krishna Bejal , bharti
Bejal: Jai se Krishna , so Mona are you didn't leave yet?
Bharti: where Anu isn't he coming to pick you
Mona: No I'm meeting him there. how's
hetal doing
Bejal: are worried about Hetal/
Mona: yeah did the karan bring the Doctor?
Bharti: tell your Brother not to come here unless everyone is here I mean all there was women , I mean he picked her up thank he was there He's a nice but there other people that saw them it could ruin her reputation

the door bell rings and karan is there
Bharti: what do you want
karan: I came her to see heatal I mean bring her some fruits form dimpy aunt
Bharti : Why didn't she come or vimmy , or your mom? forget it hand me the bag I'll give it to Hetal and next you come please come to see your sister not hetal.

she slams the door.

Mona walks upstaris to and see Karan sitting down on th floor mealwhile Karan is thinking about what just happned Cry

Baa and Bejal are talking about Hetal Marrige and sejals & then they start promting the new show Chhoti Si Zindagi

Bharti is walking to the vegie guy and she's buying food
a preist gives Bharti a look ( mean one) and then he statrs talking about her with an old couple
then the cpuple starts talking about what happened at the temple bad & they starts making fun of the Ganhdi family bharti had enough and then she yells at the people she hit something and almost falls then Karan comes a saves her
Some old lady starts talking about him and Hetal then He yells at the people for being rude , and not being nice. ClapClapThen he helps Bharti to the door.

Gandhi House
Mona walks down the staris
Mona : are you okay
Bharti : yes what do you mean?
Mona: i mean it a small and big thing , It's hard to say beacuse you see them
Karan would be a good Son-law he has good Sanskars he respect elders his a good person. He's a good match for hetal and you would find a better guy for her
Bharti : how would you know
Mona: Hetal and Karan like eachother Please please Let them get married
Bharti: MONA! be quite!
Mona : Amabji please yell at me all you want but today Im going to say what i have to say but hetal really loves Karan you can even ask her
Bharti: this love and Love storys how would this work?
Mona: Ambaji if Karan was Gujj would you says to this marriage?
Precap- Mona is talking about how she needs to get Karal's Rishta fix and then Vimmy is telling Darji about Pam and Karan

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