Thursday, March 31, 2011

Gulaal 31st March 2011 Written Update

I watched a video that did not have the entire show on March 30, so I watched another one today and am writing the remaining update for yesterday.

March 30 update
Gulaal asks Kesar to go to his room. Kesar sees a vase on the table and flashbacks to the discussion about Dushyant's killing Vasant. He gets furious and throws the vase on Dushyant's head. Mota Bha yells "Kesar" and slaps him. Mota Bha apologizes to Dushyant on Kesar's behalf and Dushyant asks him not to. Gulaal says that she will talk to Kesar. Mota Bha says that no use talking to him, its too late, and he has to find a solution for Kesar. Gulaal applies medicine on Dushyant's head, and Kesar looks on from above thinking of Durgesh's words questioning Gulaal's relationship with Dushyant.

March 31 update

Mota Bha is pacing in his room worried recalling all of Kesar's words and actions. The postman comes to meet Gulaal and says that Talli's father passed away in a road accident, and that his body is not in a condition to be brought there. Gulaal starts crying. The postman says that he heard that Talli is close to Mota Bha's family so he came there. Gulaal goes to meet Talli who is crying, Talli hugs her.

Sudha is leaving the house with her suitcase when Devika stops her. Jamna Kaki comes there, Sudha takes her blessing and touches her feet but Jamna Kaki walks away. Sudha is in tears. Devika stops her from leaving, but Sudha says that she has no reason to stay there anymore. Gulaal comes there with Talli and tells Sudha that Talli is her reason to stay. Gulaal tells Sudha about Talli's plight and says that Sudha could be her mother - Talli will have a mom and Sudha a daughter. Sudha sees Talli crying and wipes her tears and hugs her.

Gulaal goes to Mota Bha's room and tells him about Sudha's decision to adopt Talli. Mota Bha approves of it. Gulaal says that Kesar is not growing up and they will have to now deal with him in a sensitive manner. It is good that Talli will live with them and Kesar will be happy as well. Mota Bha gives Gulaal a letter and says that he had to do something about Kesar before things got out of hand, and now onwards Kesar will go to a boarding school. Gulaal asks him how could he send Kesar away, but Mota Bha says that his decision is final and it is for Kesar's own good that he has made the decision. Gulaal asks Mota Bha's brother to do something about Kesar's situation, Mota Bha will listen to him. The brother says that he tried to convince Mota Bha but it was useless, and nobody can change Mota Bha's mind. Talli listens in, Gulaal sees her listening and Talli leaves.

Talli goes to Kesar's room and says that he too will go far away from her. Gulaal says that she tried to change Mota Bha's mind but to no avail. She asks Kesar to ask Mota Bha for forgiveness, Talli agrees, but Kesar starts packing his bag. Gulaal asks him what the matter is, and why is Kesar behaving in this manner, what is the anger that is eating at him. Kesar doesn't listen.

Kesar brings his suitcase down. Mota Bha tells him that he is sending him to the boarding school not to scare him but for his bright future. Kesar nods his head in agreement and says that he is ready to go, and glares at Dushyant. Talli tells Kesar that he should not forget her, she will wait for him. Gulaal hugs Kesar but he doesn't respond and gets in the jeep to leave. Gulaal runs after the moving jeep and asks Kesar to take care of himself, she will write to him and come to visit. Kesar doesn't look at her even once. Gulaal starts crying.

Precap: Tall tells Sudha that Kesar liked her hand-made food.

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