Thursday, March 31, 2011

Pyaar Kii Yeh Ek Kahaani 31st March 2011 Written Update



Abhay bites Pia. Sid is angry. Abhay is sad that he had to bite her. Pia is unconscious throughout the entire episode.

Panchi comes over to Sid. She once again blames Pia.

Shankar has his mom over. Shaurya acts like the perfect wife which freaks the mom out.


Abhay realizes what Sid is planning to do. In order to save her, I have to bite her first. Abhay snatches her away and bites her. Pia is in pain and Sid is flabbergasted. She looks up and slowly faints. He drops her to the floor. He screams out in pain. Sid jumps in anger screaming, "No, no, no!" Abhay said "if I didn't do it, you would've done it. Now she is not your prey, she is my prey. I bit her. Now if you bite her, nothing will happen to her". Sid warns Abhay, "You made a huge mistake. You don't how far I can go! You don't know how far I can get!" Abhay tells him that she is his now and he cannto do anything.

Chand stares out towards the full moon. He explains that this night is very important. IT is impossible to be patience. He hopes Abhay will be safe. Haseena sits on the sofa and thinks, "It's too late. Something bad has already happened. Sid should've left. Now I can't save him."

Abhay picks her up as Sid screams no over and over again. While Abhay leaves, Sid screams and throws things around even more.

Abhay is near a grave and he screams again. Pia is in his laps. Abhay apologizes to Pia. He says, "I'm sorry Pia. See what happens when I come close. It is my entire fault. I shouldn't have let you come close. Now I have hurt you. I am so sorry. I was helpless. If I didn't bite you, Sid would have controlled you. I had no choice. It's my entire fault. I shouldn't have let you come so close". He thinks, "I have to make you conscious before you forever go into darkness. For this, I need help. I can't do this alone. For what has happened, now all of us must suffer." He picks her up again and takes her away. Panchi comes to Sid's jungle. She calls him. She asks what is happening. He asks, "Who called you here?" Panchi says, "Pia messaged me." Sid says, "You shouldn't be here. You are not part of my plans." Panchi says, "I know but where is Pia". He does not respond instead he waves her hand to say go away. Panchi leaves soon after thinking, "This is all because of you Pia. I hate you Pia".

Shankar and Shaurya welcome in Shankar's mother. His mother asks for Misha. Shankar tells her, "Things are not good but you don't worry." Shaurya is acting like the perfect wife, serving Shankar. The mom watches. He leaves for the kitchen. The mom is freaked out, "Oh my god! What's happening here? Who is this boy? And why is he behaving like this?"

Abhay storms into his house. Chand and Haseena call him but he does not respond. He sets her down on the bed. Chand stares at Pia and realizes what has happened. He says, "Wow! Siddharth has made his move. Did Sid- "No," says Abhay. "I did." They are shocked. Abhay says, "I had to take this step. Sid was about to bite her. You know Pia will become a vampire if he bit her."

Haseena scolds Abhay. Abhay pleads Chand to save Pia. Chand says "All right". Chand instructs Haseena to get some things. Abhay says he will get it. He says, "I have to save Pia." Chand seems to like this. He says that he has to talk to their superior. He tells, "Haseena , let's go. We have to wake her up."

Haseena says that history is repeating. Haseena says they should have left once we saw her here because she would create disaster. Abhay tells her to choose between Sid and Abhay. Haseena says that even though I have not given birth to you, I still love you as a mother. Abhay says he has blood relationship with Sid, he is my brother. He goes on to say that Sid has crossed the line by biting Pia. He plans to avenge Sid.


It was an exciting episodeClap. I loved it except the fact that Pia is asleep LOL for the entire episode. It's definitely worth watching so instead of reading the update this time, go and actually watch itWink.
Funny Part- The screaming. ROFL. To hear Abhay and Sid scream over and over again. I couldn't take the episode seriously because of it Embarrassed.

Romantic Part- I know he just has Pia on his lap and he's speaking to himself. But god, there was some passion in the way he spoke to Pia Day Dreaming. The pain, the hurt, the passion. Oof! And may I say how sexy he looked LOL.

Weird Part- The whole Shaurya and Shankar thing. I don't think it was even necessary. And I don't understand, doesn't Shaurya realize that he can't really depend on impressing Shankar's mother by being a good wife because he'sa guy. And the woman is already freaked out a guy is acting like that Confused.

Infuriating Part- Panchi. Panchi. Panchi! PANCHI! She's a natural-born idiot who clearly has not learned her lesson in the whole Danish drama. Angry

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