Thursday, March 31, 2011

Geeta 31st March 2011 Written Update

Show starts with precap of whole Geeta....Malini telling Jija that Geeta might meet with an accident on her way to the anniversary...and jija surprised...and sudersan comes and both stop talking. Malini says reember to take present for the bhaghats. and Sudersan is surprised and thinking she is up to something again. but ignors the thought and they all leave. Bhaghats are waitin for geeta to arrive and therefore not cutting the cake...and kamya says who are u waiting for?? and they say Geeta. and the doorbell rings. and all think its geeta...and karuna goes to open the door and it is malini and her family with flowers and present. and all are surprised. and malini goes in...and wishes them happy anniversary and tells them to welcome them with open heart. and gives them the present. Sudersan says u must be wondering how come we are here but a happiness should be celebrated. the bhaghats dont smile. and sudersan say as long as Geeta is here we will leave as u r not liking it that we are here. and dr. bhaghat says geeta is not here and sudersan says she left a long time 3 hours ago. and all are wondering where she is??? Malini says prince said to geeta he wont go with he has decided not to come along with her to her parents celebration.

Prince comes home and is asking the servant why she is locking the door and servant says ur whole family has gone to ur inlaws celebration.

Rahul says so if prince refused then it means geeta is not there with prince. then where is she? Rahul rtells kamya to ask her mother the whereabouts of Geetu. And jiju says maybe she went for her body oiling ....and all are wondering where Geeta is??? and malini says i dont understand anything. And jija takes malini aside and malini says wait a while and u will have there will be a blast..just wait for it. It will be a BIG ONE.

Rahul is on the phone...and so is his brother but nothing. All are worried. Malini keeps on looking at the door...and all are worried. Her mom says something is something...dadi is praying. Kamya tells her mom there is will be fun. Malini says to her samdhanji have u hid geetu?? And rahul says its ur fault malini. and there is a doorbell.

and it is prince. and malini, kamya and jija are shocked to see him there. and others surprised. Prince comes in...and malini goes up to him and says i thought u wouldnt come...and says all these ppl are blaming me as geeta is missing. Prince says 3 hrs geeta is missing and u all are not doing anything. we should inform police...i m going to police station. and malini says who complaint will u lodge..the one who is dead?? and all are shocked. and malini says in the eye of law geeta is dead...and prince says but we can look for her. and doorbell rings again...and it is raghu carrying geeta in his arms with her unconcisious. and all are shocked.

Raghu puts her on bed and her mom is sitting next to her. malini says wow...pati, patni or Woh!!! she is having an affair with two pati and another lover. and all are upset. malini says i knew geeta was having an affair with geeta thats why raghu gave entry to bhaghat family in his house and became God. then Dr. bhaghat's brother tells her to mind her toungue. and malini says i cant do anything as now the idea has entered my mind that there is an affair between raghu and geeta. Prince listening to all this. Malini says thats why she has not completed her marriage life with prnce. and rahul says geeta is lying here unconsicious and u are saying all this nonsense. Malini says what do u want??? cant u see geeta's condition...where are all her jewelry?? see prince...look with ur own eyes...and u have let this girl stay in ur house...and this girl is having an affair with raghu and thats why she hasnt tell u touch her. and prince leaves from there. Malini says prince has left so we will leave too. Dr. bhaghat asks raghu where did he find her. and raghu is quiet?? and raghu is about to speak and malini comes and says i will tell u the true story.

Pre-cap -- Dr. bhaghat on malini's feet begging for geeta's life and to forgive her.

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