Thursday, March 31, 2011

Chaand Chhupa Baadal Mein 31st March 2011 Written Update

Ks says "I've let you stay here because you weren't well, and now you're well all of a sudden?" Yash and NT come outside, NT sees NivRen soaked on water. Ks says "Didn't I tell you to call the plumber? Why did you ask an outsider to do it?" NT says "I didn't ask anyone to do, I was telling you guys to call up the plumber but you guys didn't listen" KS says "whom could have I called in the morning? You all don't have patience within you at all...what's the problem if you had to lift a few buckets of water?" Both NivRen look on, NT says "have you guys seen the outcome when you do something without thinking?" Nivi says "dadi it's ok. The tap is fine now." NT says "what are you doing here now? Go and change!" Nivi leaves, Viren tries to say something to NT, but she interrupts "No point in doing things that ruin the peace of this house." Nt leaves in anger, Viren feels a little disappointed. Yash says "jiju, you're all soaked in water, might want to change."

Viren is drying himself. (OoOoOo..I really like the simple shirts he wears...looks too GOOD!) Yash says "I'm sorry jiju, last time you got beaten up because of me and now when you tried to help di, you were scolded by dadi. Even dadi and dad owe you an apology but they are just too angry with you right now." Viren says "No yash, they have the right to be angry." Yash says "Jiju can I say something? Dadi and dad are very nice. I'm not saying because they are my family, but it's because I've seen them throughout my life. Will they never forgive you?" viren says "Yash when one is too good and someone does bad things with them then it really hurts. Don't worry I don't mind the things they say. I will prove to them that I've changed and is a part of their family." Yash says "but how?" Viren says "I don't know but I heard If you ask god for something with a clean heart then he does indeed listens. I only want to win their heart so I'm sure where there's a will there's a way." Yash says "Of course jiju. I'm with you!" viren smiles.

Ks gets a call from someone. He says "please listen if we talk face to face it'll be better." NT was passing by when she hears Ks speaking on the phone. "i've thought of something, so i'll come soon." Ks puts the phone down, Nt says "what happened?" KS says "nothing amma." Nt says "dont' try to lie to me, I can understand your problems." KS says "it's about the money." Ks leaves, Nt looked tensed.

Its twilight, Bhaiya Ji arrives with his gang. Bhaiya Ji takes out the exam papers and asks his men to hide them in yash's room really carefully. Gaurav looks at them and says "they are the exam papers of the university..." bhaiya ji says "then what were you thinking? Your bhaiya ji will ask his men to keep some exam papers fo some small college? I think BIG! Now go." One his men says "I don't know his room." Bhaiya ji tells gaurav to tell him the room." Gaurav tells him that it's the last room on the left side of the kitchen." (Ha...Viren stays in that room now [:P} watch out!) bhaiya ji says "make sure there is no mistake...and we'll met at the corner once you're job is done!" Bhaiya Ji leaves with his men.

Nivi comes to the kitchen to drink water, she is in thoughts. "Why am I feeling so restless?" the guy has reached near the kitchen and tries to get in, Nivi hears a noise and says "who's there?" The guy hides; Nivi heads slowly towards the door and opens it. The guy hides himself behind the bushes as nivi looks around. Nivi was about to go inside just when she hears another noise, she looks towards the bushes and slowly walks towards it, just when viren calls out to her and asks "Nivi, what happened? Why are you outside at this hour?" Nivi says "Viren, i felt as if someone is there." Viren goes to check, as soon as Viren reaches the bushes, the guy runs off. (Hahaha...didn't I tell out!) viren manage to grab the guy and asks "Who are you and who has sent you here?" (Viren beat him up first, then he'll tell you!) the guy kicks Viren and runs off. Viren was about to run after him but nivi stops him (Good Girl Nivi, if you hadn't stopped him then I would've been angry on you!) "No need to run after them viren, one should stay away from such people. He could have weapons on him. What if something happens to you?" Viren says "what if something had happened to you?" NivRen have a small eye lock. Nivi says "but who could he be? And why was he here" Viren says "he works for bhaiya ji, I remember seeing him in hi den!" Nivi says "but why was he here? Was he here to harm yash..." viren says "perhaps for revenge?" Nivi gets tensed. "Dont' worry, nothing will happen. Let's go!" Viren was holding Nivi's hand (heart burns...*sigh*) Both get worried when they see KS standing there. Ks says "go inside NIvi." Nivi tries to justify but Ks isn't willing to listen and tells Nivi to go inside!"Viren says "you've misunderstood something here. I too..." Ks says "You shut up! No need to justify anything. I only care for my daughter." Nivi again tries to say something, Ks says "You're no longer her husband and you have no relation with this family either. Stay in your limits as long as you here." He looks at nivi. "Did you not hear what I asked you to do?" Nivi leaves, Viren follows. Nivi in her room, thinking about Yash and bhaiya ji. Nivi says "today they've reached my house; god knows what they will do in the future. I can't let anything happen to yash."

It's dawn; Pt and Hl come downstairs to meet KS. Ks says "nothing is fine, please take this no so welcomed guest from my house. I can't take care of him no more."Viren and Nivi overhear this conversation. PT says "what are you saying?" Ks says "I'm saying hte right thing. If he stays any longer in this house then he'll rin my daughter's life. He's done enough damage already. I beg you please take him, before ma arrives." Pt says "We'll take him happily but what't the matter?" HL says "no problem, I was telling CC before that he'll stay with us. I'll let Viren know that he'll stay with us." Viren runs off to his room, as HL calls out to Viren while going towards his room. Viren lies in bed and pretends to be in pain, yash is al confused. (Ha, what an actor LOL) Hl says "Viren lets go upstairs, you won't have ay problem. Where's your stuff?" viren holds on to HL and says "chachi ji I won't be able to walk up the stairs. There's a lot of pain in my legs." HL says "then what are we here for? And yash too can help you walk up the stairs." Yash is all confused ROFL HL tries to help Viren to get out of bed. Viren indicates Yash something; Yash is trying to control his laughing. Viren screams in pain as soon as he puts his foot on the floor.ROFL Pt rushes in "What happened?" Viren says "chacha ji what do I say to you? As soon as I stand up, my pain reaches to my brain. I'll show you." Virne gets up and pretends to fall down on PT ROFL (this scene is not to be missed. HL's expressions ROFL) Viren winks at yash, who is trying so hard to not to laugh. Pt says "careful, sit down." Pt helps him sit down and says "we won't take you until you're well." Viren thanks Pt and apologises to HL. Hl tries to make up an excuse, just when Viren screams again. Pt says "he isn't well at the moment. Let's leave it now. we'll take him once he gets a little better." Pt and HL leave, Viren sighs in relief. Pt says "bhai he isn't well at all, he's not even able to walk right now. We'll take him after a few days." Ks says "really? He was all fine until yesterday, what happened to him now? last night he was..." PT says "don't know, but he's unable to get up. I saw myself. We'll take you're leave now."

Yash says "it's all clear jiju! Wow such awesome acting!" Viren says "It's so hard to act in pain then baring the pain..if i do it every day i'll surely get caught!" (yeah, I can understand *sigh*) yash says nothing will happen." Yash is headed to his college, Viren says "where are you going?" Yash says "college." Viren says "college? Today?" (why is it a Sunday today Shocked) Viren insists on coming with him. (erm....don't know if you'll get caught in the future, but if you go with him now you'll surley get caught) Yash says "why? You're the one that told me to et rid of my fear and now you are backing out." Viren says "no it's not like that. I'll come back after dropping you." Yash says 'you'll get caught. If dad sees you dropping me off at the college, then it's a no entry in this house for you." Nivi arrives, viren tells her that yash is going to college. Nivi tells him not to go and stay at home. Yash says what's the problem? I can take care of myself. Don't you worry.' Viren gives yash his mobile number and tells him to keep it. Nivi says "call us if there is any problem." Yash leaves, Nivi says "I'm really scared." Viren says "don't worry, I am here. Nothing will happen to my famil as long as i'm here." Nivi leaves, Viren looks tensed.

Precap: Yash is being bullied by his friends, gaurav has yash's bag and hides the papers in them. Gaurav grabs Yash's collar and says "for how long are you going to be protected by your sister and jiju?" Yash is in tears, gaurav throws yash's bag and leaves.

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Ps: The banner changed's not nivi alone in the ccbm banner no's NivRen. Viren is hugging Nivi from the back. Nivi is in a purple saree and Viren is in a brown jacket (the one he had during the KC)

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