Thursday, March 31, 2011

Bhaagon Waali 31st March 2011 Written Update

Runjhun goes to the Hanuman shrine. She sys that she can not be separated from Guddu now, and doesn't want to be separated because it is what her Amma wants. She says that her Amma wants a happy life for her, and she is going to try to change Guddu and make him a nicer person so her Amma's dream comes true. She is keeping the nirjala fast so that her wishes and her efforts will be realized.
At home Guddu is stretched out in bed. Runjhun comes and drapes the blanket over Guddu and cleans up around the room. The smoke from Rujhun's aarti plate fills the room, and Guddu stirs complaining who is blowing smoke in his room. Guddu gets up and sees Runjhun. He rolls his eyes and calls her his life's bad luck again. He tells her the least she can do is let him sleep. Runjhun does his aarti, and puts the red tikka on his forehead, all the while Guddu sulks like a petulant child, grumbling about the morning "nautanki" Runjhun goes and opens the window, and Guddu grumbles. He says he doesn't like the sun in the morning.
Runjhun says he is allergic to all things that are good, like sunshine, incense. She says that when the sun filters in the morning the day goes well. Guddu said his biggest problem is her. Runjhun gives him prasad and says she will leave and not show him her face if he takes the prasad. Guddu holds his hand out and Runjhun places it in his hand. When she walks to the door he throws the prasad. Runjhun gets upset but quietly picks up the prasad and puts i back on the plate and leaves.
Guddu grumbles that Runjhu has become a pain in his neck. First challenging him, the following him to the bar, and now this. She does what he tells her not to do. He says he's going to have some fun at her family's expense and show them what he really is like.
Rajju is going for his morning bath when he sees a lock on his door. He calls Mittho and asks her usually people lock the door from inside, what is the new fashion to lock the bathroom from outside. Kalsanwali and Vishnu's bathroom also has a lock. vishnu asks Rajju if he can use his bathroom but that is locked too. Rajju tells him he can try Buntu's bathroom.
Runjhun comes to Amma's room, and offers her prasad. She tells Amma she'd gone to the temple. Amma is happy and takes the prasad. Amma asks Runjhun if she offered it to Guddu, and Runjhun says yes. Amma says she is happy. She tells Rujhun that after yesterday her she has faith that darknes can't last for 24 hrs, the sun rises eventually. Runjhun doesn't understand so Amam explains that after seeing Guddu and Runjhun yesterday, she believes that Runjhun's prayers will ome true and that her goodness will wash away whatever ill-will Guddu has.
Runjhun says she can already see one of her prayers coming true. She is seeing Amma smile after such a long time. Outside Billo comes out rushing saying that her bathroom is locked as well ad Buntu is locked inside the bathroom. Mittho is frustrated that everyday in the house they have to tolerate a new tension. Diamond is banging on the door upstairs and calling Mittho. Amma and Runjhun wonder what the noise and commotion is.
Diamond is knocking on the bathroom door, and saying that he can't get in. Rajju tells his son to break the door. Vishnu says that his son might look like an idiot but isn't really one. He must've already tried that. Mahadevi comes and tells that Guddu is in the bathroom. Amma comes with Runjhun upstairs. Rajju tells Amma that all their bathrooms have been locked.
Amma asked who locked it, and Guddu comes out wrapped in a towel and his undershirt saying that he's the one who locked them. He says that if anyone in the Pandey House goes against him, then he will make the house a living hell for all of them. He says he will hurt them where it hurts the most. He looks directly at Runjhun, and repeats his word, who looks back at him worried. Amma thinks that she might have spoken to early. Maybe there is no hope for Guddu.
Mahadevi all this while is distastefully ogling Guddu. -_-
Guddu leaves and locks up the bathroom he used as well. Later the mamas and mamis gather and have collected 8.5 lakhs. Vishnu says they've already given him 1.5 lakhs so his should compete the 10 lakhs. The mamis say that they were thinking the same. Rajju said they made the plan before them, because they spent most of the time arguing. Rajju and Vishnu ask for Buntu but Billo says he's still locked in the bathroom. They say they will go and give them the money.
Guddu is counting the money with Kukkan and says that this much money even the Pandeys wouldn't be able to raise. He says that they should sell the Pandey House furniture next. Vishnu and Rajju come with the money. They give the money to Guddu and tell him that no their score is settled and he can stop harassing them. Guddu says that they should've done this much earlier. Rajju asks if he's going ot come back tot he Pandey Nivaas, and guddu says he's not mad to continue living in the mental house. Vishnu asks about Runjhun and Guddu says who Runjhun. Vishnu says that now Guddu will no longer maintain any relation with Runjhun
Precap: Guddu is packing and he tells Runjhun that he's not going to trouble her family members anymore. He tells her that from today onwards he's living and their relationship is over.

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