Thursday, March 31, 2011

Pratigya 31st March 2011 Written Update

A Bollywood Film !!

Krishna, Tunna , Chandu are in the poorly lit DG room..Tunna tinkers with the DG and decides that the compressor is giving the problem** He does not even get a smear on his hand, wonder how closely he looked ** Krishna thinks for a second, bids his friends to follow him..The 3 musketeers make their way out of the hospital ..

Inside the ICU..

The doctor notices the erratic/slow breathing of Pratigya,orders the nurse to provide Pratigya with a makeshift respirator ..The Nurse gets it ..replace the oxygen tank, with the help of Pooja Gor, who obligingly lifts he head slightly to take off the oxygen mask..

The Doctor comes out ..Amma steps up and inquires about Pratigya's well being , the Doctor informs the vibrator's and Noutanki masters that if power is not restored soon..Pratigya's life will be hanging on a limb..All turn gloomy and are ready for a torrential Downpour ...**But the director is quite Kind hearted ** He makes them chant Bhajan Instead ..the Saxena's , Ghanti dadi, Kesar all begin to pray deeply and sincerely ..Shaymu even vibrates unable to bear such strong emotion's..while Nainaji continues her selfless act of providing water to the parched ...Aarushi joins this river ..and Both provide the waterworks..Sajjan Singh are standing side by side..and there is a hint of tears in sajjan Singh's eyes after hearing the Doc's announcement.


Krishna, Tunna and Chandu arrive at the city center, The whole city is in darkness..they look around and spot a emporium with Diesel Generator ..They carry this over riding the Shopkeeper's protests and start their way towards the hospital ..when Suddenly !!


This WU is brought to you by Tanthya ..

The Sponsor of this Update is India Forums


When Suddenly, Five , big,sleek,black Machines come into view, astride them are dirty Scalawags , all glowering at the three Angels **OK Angel needs a shave and Haircut ..but hey !! still an angel ,Mind you **..Chandu who had been sitting behind Krishna , peers out from behind Krishna's broad Shoulders to know the reason for the stationary vehicle , His eyes alights on Radhe ...Radhe is in no hurry..he sits on the bike glaring at Krishna , gathering his nerve to attack Krishna ** He has 6-7 members, and he still has to get his nerve up **..Krishna's questioning glance slowly changes into implacable anger ..Radhe gets down from the bike and strolls towards Krishna, Krishna watches his progress with narrowed eyes , Krishna's nostrils flare, Like a Bull that is warming up for a fight, Krishna's eyes is lit by the volcanic fires of pure rage ..The foolish Radhe not recognizing the signs, complacent in the faith of his manpower comes near Krishna , Spits out a thoroughly masticated Paan ..Krishna watches this with disapproval** Spitting galat haina, P has told him that **

Radhe's Intoxication has not yet come down.. Radhe wants to play another round of Holi But Krishna is not in the mood, his world is hanging on by a thread and he wants to be there..Krishna coldly orders Radhe to back Off for now..Promises that He , Krishna will play Holi at any given venue but another time..But Radhe being a loving Younger brother wants to play Holi right then ..He wants to serve Krishna the same intoxicating, Mind blowing prasad's that Krishna had served..Radhe says that he is being barbecued right now in an roaring inferno and only Holi playing with Krishna will ease this burning , A resigned Krishna gets down from the Bike , enlightens Radhe that if He Krishna were to play Holi with him again so soon..not even ashes will be left,let alone any fire...But Radhe does not heed this warning..

Krishna, Chandu, Tunna get ready for the showdown, But Krishna tellsTunna and Chandu to take the generator to the hospital..Tunna and Chandu reply that they will leave after helping out Krishna.Krishna is more concerned about Pratigya, Krishna sharply tells them to leave..An obedient Tunna moves to follow the orders of Krishna, But radhe plays spoilsport ,thrusts the hockey stick into the wheel of Tunna's Bike, preventing him from leaving...An Incensed Krishna has had enough..Krishna is all set to play Holi with Radhe ..Tunna and Chandu too join the revelry..

Boom, thwack, whoosh ..Dhoom, Dadoom , Thud..Thud Thud,Thud ,Thud , Thud, Thud ..the villains begin falling unable to withstand the onslaught of a Furious Krishna...

.[[Meanwhile in the Hospital]] The Doc has commanded the ward boys to repair the generator and is wondering at the delay in the restoration of services ..** he sounds like Hindi Phillum villains giving command to his henchman **

Krishna shouts at Chandu to take the Generator to the Hospital, Chandu declines to go leaving Krishna alone, A pumped up Krishna bellows at Chandu to leave then and there ...Chandu obeys Krishna


Everything is still dark and gloomy..Pratigya's Vitals are falling and the Doctor is getting worried when Light flickers on ..All heave a sigh of relief..Tunna and Chandu come to teh ICU , tell Amam that they have fixed the Generator..Amma gives a small smile , looks here and there ..noticing that Krishna is absent, she asks Tunna And Chandu..Tunna hesitates and passes the buck to Chandu..Chandu hesitates but tells the truth to Amma.


Krishna is battling the goons single handedly, The Goons have got iron rods now, A shiny brand new Iron rods..the Goons wield this menacingly and come to hit Krishna..Krishna manages to get hold of an iron rod himself and begins t smash up everyone on sight ..Slowly and surely Krishna begins to get upper hand and like a good and loving elder brother begins to play Holi with Radhe ..pretty soon Radhe is streaked with Red color.. Radhe falls ..An angry Krishna moves to split open Radhe's skull ..While as usual Radhe pleads for his life..Krishna restrains himself from the butchering act, notifies Radhe that if anything were to happen to Pratigya then it will be judgment day for Radhe.


Kesmma is filling Sajjan Singh's ears against Pratigya.. Sajjan Singh is drinking his Tea and listening on with a derisive smile .

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