Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 30th March 2011 Written Update

Part 1

Gopi comes down the steps and everyone starts questioning her as to where she is going. After silently crying for a couple of minutes Gopi builds up her courage and announces she is leaving this house. Everyone was shocked and Hetal kaki asks do you know what you are saying. Gopi continues and says she had promised Ahemji that she would leave this house and him forever after Kinjal's wedding so the time has come for her to go. She takes all her elders blessings and Koki is the last person she goes to. She tells Koki that in the past couple of months that she stayed in this house she found the happiness and love of a family and thanks her. She also adds that no matter where she stays Koki will always be her mother. She adds one last request and asks Koki please ask Baa to forgive me for leaving without seeing her. Gopi says if I go to her she will not let me leave. Koki has tears in her eyes and just nods at Gopi and takes her into a tight hug. After Koki releases Gopi, Gopi picks her bag up and heads for the door. Once she reaches the door she looks back one more time and leaves. Jigar could not help it and runs after Gopi and calls her.

Jigar says bhabhi where will you go please don't leave. Gopi says devarji don't worry about me I have talked to my mamaji and I am going back there. Jigar says bhabhi you don't have any money to get there let me at least drop you off please. Gopi agrees and they both leave. It was a quiet car ride and once they reach outside Gopi thanks him and Jigar says bhabhi if you ever need anything don't hesitate to call me. Bhai may not want you in his life but you will always be in my life. Gopi felt a little better hearing that and just smiled. After Jigar leaves Gopi makes her way to the door and rings the doorbell. Mamiji opens the door and is shocked to see Gopi there and then notices the bag in her hand. She questions Gopi what are you doing here and what's this bag for? Gopi is so scared to face her mami but builds up her courage and says she has left Modi mansion for good and has returned back home.

Before her mami could say something mamaji comes and says Gopi you are here come inside. He takes the bag from Gopi's hand and takes her into her old room. Once both are there Gopi cries her heart out and then inquires about Panna. He tells her she has gone to play and will be back in a while. She asks him not to tell Panna anything as she likes Ahemji a lot. Just as she was done unpacking she hears Urmi yelling at Kinjal and insulting her and Koki. Gopi comes into the kitchen and asks what's wrong. She says look at who I get for a bahu. She doesn't know how to do anything and goes to hit her and Gopi protects Kinjal. Mamiji please don't hit her don't worry I will do all this work and slowly teach her everything within a month she will know everything. Urmi leaves from there in a huff and bumps into the servant in the living room. She informs her that she doesn't need to come from today since she has a free servant now.

In the kitchen Kinjal is just crying and Gopi tries to calm her down and says tell me what happened and Kinjal after a while starts to talk. She says thank you bhabhi, thank you so much for saving me. She then explains how Urmi constantly insults me and my mom and I don't know how to do any household work so she keeps hitting and yelling at me. I am so sorry for all the pain I have caused you. I even misunderstood Dhawalji. He is so nice and has saved me a couple of times from Urmi. Gopi tells her to stop crying as she is here and now no one will say anything and she will help her with everything. Kinjal asks why are you here? Gopi says I had given Ahemji a promise that after your wedding I would leave him and his house forever. Kinjal is shocked and says bhabhi I am with you and I will help you get bhai back. Seeing Kinjal so upset Gopi didn't feel like arguing with her and let her comment go.

Together Kinjal and Gopi made dinner. Kinjal made everything under Gopi's instruction. Dhawal comes home and thinks something smells good. Kinjal and Gopi set the table and then go to their rooms to freshen up. When Kinjal enters her room she sees Dhawal and she approaches him. After seeing the space and time Dhawal was giving her Kinjal acted very civil with Dhawal. When did you get home Dhawalji I didn't hear you come? I just came he replies and then noticed that Kinjal was a little disturbed and asked what's wrong. Kinjal explains everything about Gopi and starts crying. Dhawal comforts her and tells her not to cry. Kinjal wipes her tears and asks will you help me build closeness between Gopi bhabhi and bhai. Dhawal gets a smile on his face and says of course.

Everyone gathers at the dining table and sits down. Gopi and Kinjal serve everyone very lovingly. Dhawal has one bite and says the food is so good who made it. Urmi chimes in and says probably Gopi since your wife can't cook anything. Gopi says mamaji Kinjal cooked everything I only told her how to make it. Dhawal says wow and praises Kinjal some more. After everyone was done eating Kinjal and Gopi sit down to eat and have a heart to heart talk. And when they are finished eating they clean everything up together and go to sleep.

As happiness was beginning to bloom at Gopi's house there was nothing but darkness in Modi mansion. It was as if everyone forgot how to smile. The food everyone had to eat was very flavorless and no one ever had appetites and any hint of happiness was snatched away. No one really talked to Ahem and all Baa did was sit in the mandir and pray to Kanhaji to return her Gopi. Ahem didn't feel any better either. He in fact felt worse and didn't know why; he finally got what he wanted why is he not happy? Within a couple days Kinjal learned a lot from Gopi and now that Kinjal didn't need Gopi to help her they split the work up every day so they would have time to relax. Kinjal was so happy she got to ask for forgiveness from Gopi and was content in her life. Gopi even helped build closeness between Dhawal and Kinjal.

On day when Kinjal goes to get the vegetables Urmi gets her hands on Gopi and yells at her for helping Kinjal learn everything so quickly. She takes a hot pan and burns Gopi's arm with it. Kinjal sees this and knocks the pan out of Urmi's hand and hugs Gopi who is crying in pain. Once Urmi leaves Kinjal tends to Gopi's wound and tells her to go rest she will do all the work today. Gopi just goes to her room and remembers the day Ahem tended to her hand when it was burned by the rocket. A couple of days went by after that incident and everyday Kinjal would dress Gopi's wound, since it was very deep it was taking a very long time to heal. Gopi started helping Kinjal again because she didn't like to see Kinjal work so hard. One day after dinner Koki gets a call from some of her relatives saying they will be visiting. Koki is shocked and very scared.

Ahem's masa and masi were coming to visit and they were very strict people. They would not take the news about Gopi well and Koki knew she had to talk to Ahem about it. Koki instructs Raashi to finish up in the kitchen as she has important work and leaves for Ahem's room. Instead of knocking Koki walks right in and calls Ahem. Ahem seeing his mom so worried goes to his mom and asks what's wrong. Koki doesn't know how to phrase her words and just blurts out that your masa masi are coming and they are very eager to see Gopi. Gopi only knew them for a little while but quickly became their favorite. Ahem knew that there was no arguing with them and says don't worry mom I will go and get Gopi. Ahem gets ready and leaves. Once Ahem reaches there he sees the door wide open so he walks in and just as he was going to call for someone he feels someone hit his leg. Gopi not knowing who she bumped into looks up and is terrified to see a shocked Ahem. Gopi quickly gets up and before Ahem can say anything she runs into the kitchen. Ahem was shocked to see Gopi's condition. He couldn't believe that she was mopping the floor like some servant. He also saw the huge bandage on her arm and wondered what happened there.

Kinjal sees Gopi so worried and asks what's wrong. Gopi catches her breathe and replies Ahemji is here I think he may want to speak with you. Kinjal rushes out to see her brother. Ahem asks how are you and what were you doing in the kitchen? Oh I was just making dinner Gopi bhabhi taught me how to do all the household work and every day we split up the work so we don't get overworked. Ahem is just speechless that Gopi helped his sister so much. Then Kinjal says bhai why are you here so late. Ahem says masa and masi are coming and they are eager to see Gopi so I have come to take her. Just as Kinjal was about to call Gopi Ahem stops her and says first answer my question. He asks her what happened to Gopi's arm. Kinjal says bhai Urmi didn't like the fact that Gopi taught me all the household work so she burned her arm with a hot pan. Ahem was furious but Kinjal tells Ahem to calm down since that day she now doesn't leave Gopi alone even for one second.

Then Kinjal says she will go get Gopi. After like ten minutes Kinjal manages to bring Gopi out and says bhai you two talk I still have some work left I will go finish it. Ahem tells Gopi to get ready as she needs to come back home with him. Gopi looks at him shocked he goes on to say that masa and masi are coming and at that point Gopi knows why she needs to go and says let me go pack and I will come. Ahem says there is no need for that as all your saris and jewelry is still at the house. Then she says let me get out of these dirty clothes and he says ok. Gopi is trying to find a blouse with no doris in the back as there is a bruise on her back which she doesn't want Ahem seeing but can't find one. Kinjal comes to Gopi's room and says what is taking so long. Gopi reminds Kinjal that remember the one night mami hit me with a stick in my back for breaking the plate by accident I still have a bruise. Gopi bhabhi its ok bhai won't get mad at you just wear any blouse.

Kinjal comes out and tells Ahem why it was taking her so long and Ahem questions Kinjal does Urmi hit you. Kinjal says no because she speaks up or Dhawal saves her but when Urmi abuses Gopi no one is around to save her so. Ahem can't stand to hear all this. Kinjal then asks in a soft tone bhai can I ask you for something. Ahem says sure and says please bhai don't make Gopi bhabhi come back here. Ahem looks at her shocked but there was no anger in his eyes. Just then Gopi walks out with a shawl in her hand and says she is ready. Ahem helps Gopi get into the car and then gets in and ties the seat belt for her. All Ahem could do was think about everything he witnessed and all that Kinjal told her. He thought to himself that even though I kicked her out of the house she agreed to come back with him before he even requested. She even did so much for his sister and endured so much pain for his sister without one complaint. Ahem's stone cold heart was beginning to melt.

Once they reach Modi Mansion Ahem helps Gopi out of the car and sees the bruise on her back and questions Gopi what did your mami hit you with. Gopi looked at him surprised and he adds that Kinjal told him what mamiji did to your arm and back. Gopi replies she hit me with a wooden stick. Before they proceed towards the door Gopi with much courage says Ahemji can you help me wrap this shawl around me? I don't want anyone seeing this bruise on my back. Ahem walked over without hesitation and slowly put the shawl around Gopi. Ahem knew Gopi was in a lot of pain but would not tell anyone so he had to take care of her. They walk in and everyone is so happy to see Gopi especially Baa. Just as Baa was about to hug Gopi she sees her arm and asks what happened and before Gopi could make up a lie Ahem tells the truth and gives Raashi a stern look. Koki says my poor bahu how dare that woman touch you? I will not spare her.

Ahem says he needs to clean and redress the wound so I will take her up stairs and we all can talk tomorrow. Everyone heads up stairs leaving Gopi and Ahem behind. Ahem tells Gopi to head upstairs he will come with the medicine. She walked to the room where she was sleeping and seeing all of Ahem's stuff in there she started to head for the guest room but Ahem called her from behind and said you will be sleeping in this room with me. Gopi feeling a little awkward and shy was hesitant for a while but then started to walk back and entered the room after Ahem. Ahem made her sit on the couch and gently dressed her wound and then told Gopi to drink the milk he bought and then take the painkillers it will help with the pain she feels in her back and help with the pain in her arm. Gopi was so shocked with Ahem's behavior that she didn't even complain about drinking the milk considering the fact that she hated milk.

After doing as Ahem said she said she felt tired and wanted to sleep and Ahem nodded as he went to change Gopi slowly started to make her bed on the floor. When Ahem came out he lost his cool a little and in a strict and firm voice told her she doesn't need to sleep on the floor and can sleep on the bed. Gopi seeing that Ahem is getting mad did as he said and walked to the bed and slowly lied down and fell asleep within a matter of minutes. Gopi slept like a baby that night since all her pain was gone and Ahem was quite amused but had no clue why. The next morning Gopi was up bright and early and headed for the kitchen. Koki and Hetal both stopped her and said she will do nothing but rest until her arm does not heal. Gopi said but I used to help Kinjal every day and was fine but this time Hetal kaki didn't want to hear it so Gopi just returned to her room. Ahem was in the room getting ready and saw Gopi a little worried. He asked her did her pain start again and Gopi said no she doesn't have any pain any more.

Ahem said good let me finish getting ready and then I will redress your wound. Before Gopi could argue Ahem just went back to fixing his tie. Gopi sat on the bed and didn't even realize when Ahem started to unwrap her bandage. Ahem then saw Gopi disturbed and asked what is wrong that you are so lost in your thoughts? Gopi replies I am worried about Kinjal and whether she is ok. Ahem says Kinjal is strong and knows how to stand up for herself and will be fine and just give her a call later on if you want. Just as Ahem finished Mani came to call them down for breakfast. After breakfast the men headed to office and Koki and Hetal told Raashi the kitchen is your responsibility till Gopi gets better. Raashi couldn't complain since her mother's true colors were seen.

After a week both of Gopi's wounds were completely healed and even though Ahem didn't realize it he had come very close to Gopi. He was happy that Gopi was all better for two reasons one Gopi was no longer in pain and the other he would finally get to eat some good food. Everyone came down for breakfast and just from the smell they could tell who made it. Ahem was so happy and as they were about to start we hear the doorbell. Mani opens the door and everyone sees that masa and masi have come and are very happy to see them. Everyone approaches them and as couples take their blessing. Masi was so happy to see Gopi. Ahem was wishing that they would be staying for a while so he could get to spend time with Gopi.

Gopi had also noticed the change in Ahem's behavior as he never got mad at her and was happy just to see that Ahem respected her a little. Masa and masi come in and sit down with everyone. Koki says where is your luggage and masi replies that we are going on a yatra and we were passing through here so we thought we would stop by for a couple of hours and meet everyone. Ahem's dreams are shattered before they could even be thought about. Koki says oh ok but masa adds that after they are done their yatra they will try and come and stay for a couple of days. Ahem's smile returned and Koki noticed it. After about two hours they leave and Gopi looks a little upset and walks to her room. Ahem follows her to see what is wrong and why she is upset?

When Ahem enters the room he walks to Gopi and asks what is the matter? Gopi replies that again it's time for me to leave this house again. Ahem is shocked and just looks at her. Before Gopi can leave he turns and quickly closes the door and locks it and looks back at Gopi. Gopi's eyes are now filled with fear as she has no idea what Ahem will do. Ahem again walks to Gopi and just falls to his knees. He starts off by saying I am a very bad individual. I gave you nothing but pain and sadness. You were so nice to my family and I didn't even give you a chance to prove yourself to me. I am so sorry for that but Gopi please don't leave me. I won't be able to live without you please don't leave me. I need you in my life. I saw today that you really had no happiness in your life ever. I can't stand to see your mami hurt you anymore. Gopi give me one chance to fix our relationship. I promise I will give you all the happiness. I promise this isn't just sympathy or me feeling sorry for you. The days that I had to spend without you were like hell. I didn't realize it but I had fallen in love with you and today I confess it to you. Before he could continue he broke down crying and Gopi who was also crying her eyes out bends down and makes Ahem stand up.

After building up her courage she begins to talk. Ahemji there was not one day I didn't think about you. I love you too and I can give you all the chances you want to rebuild this relationship. I just have one request that we build this relationship at a slow and careful pace. Ahem nods at her and hugs her. Gopi then breaks the silence and says Ahemji you need to go to office and they both get up and leave together as they were coming out Raashi sees them and has a heart attack when he sees that Ahem is holding Gopi by the waist and has a full smile on his face. Before they start to head down Gopi says let me go Ahemji someone might see. Ahem knowing how shy Gopi is does as she requests and they head down.

Gopi walks Ahem to the door and just to make Gopi blush Ahem quickly gives Gopi a light kiss on her cheek. Ahem had turned into a very positive and happy person after that day. People forgot that he even had a temper. As time passed Ahem and Gopi also came very close and everyone was so happy. That night Ahem was not going to spare Gopi, so as soon as Gopi lied down Ahem pulled her close to him and told her from today she will sleep in his arms. Gopi just blushed and looked away. So Gopi I wanted something will you give it to me. Gopi replies that if I am able to give it I will. Ahem replies you're the only one who can give me this. Gopi I want a kiss. Gopi says what are you saying Ahemji and tries to get out of his grip. He quickly tightens his hold and pulls Gopi against his chest. He then whispers oh come on Gopi why are you being so shy after all you are my wife and like I said you are the only one who can give me this. All Gopi could do was smile. After a couple of seconds he slowly turns Gopi around and stares into her eyes to see if see is ready.

He was happy to see that Gopi had no problems with him being so close and he slowly moves in for his kiss. It was very gentle yet passionate. Ahem knew he had to stop there since Gopi requested to build this relationship slowly. Just to break the silence and make sure Gopi was ok Ahem says see that wasn't so bad was it. Gopi just buried her head in his chest and then Ahem added just to help you with your shyness you have to give me a goodnight kiss like this every night. Gopi will you give me a kiss every night? Gopi too shy to say anything just nods her head yes. This continued for a couple of months and both Ahem and Gopi were on cloud nine. One day when Ahem came home from work he asked Gopi to bring him a cup of tea and went upstairs. By the time Gopi got upstairs Ahem had just walked out of the shower that too in a towel. As soon as Gopi saw Ahem in that condition she quickly looked away. Ahem noticed and decided to tease her. While Gopi was looking the other way he quickly put his pants on and then his sherwani. He then quietly walked up to Gopi and hugged her from behind.

Hey Gopi lets go out tonight after dinner. Just you and me we can go for a long drive or something. Gopi was still trying to even her breathing from what she saw earlier. Gopi just said ok and then told Ahem to let go of her someone might see. Ahem said I hope someone does see us so everyone can get the message that I want to be alone with my wife. Gopi just blushed and looked down. At that point they heard a knock and Mani walked in to call them down for dinner but ran right back out when she saw how Ahem was holding Gopi. Ahem called Mani back in and said its ok. Mani just quickly says Koki is calling you two down for dinner and leaves. See I told you Ahemji someone might see. Ahem clearly could see that Gopi didn't mind the closeness at all and knew it was time to go to the next level.

Part 2

After that Ahem grabbed Gopi's hand and said I want the whole world to see how much I love you. Come on lets go and eat I am very hungry. Gopi nods and they both head downstairs. Everyone was aware of their growing relationship and we're so happy to see them like this. When everyone was at the dining table Baa says I have an announcement to make. Tonight I want all the bahus of this house to serve their husbands. Chirag asks Maa why did you make this decision today? I am asking for this today because Ahem has finally accepted his gem of a wife. All my kids are finally happy. Everyone happily obeyed Baa's wish and served their hubbies and then sat down to eat. After everyone was done Ahem announces him and Gopi are going out for bit.

Gopi was a little surprised that Ahem would just announce it like that and said Ahemji let me clean up and then we can go. Hetal Kaki speaks up and says Gopi there is no need for that Raashi is here she will clean everything up for tonight. Plus you do this work every night so take one day off. Gopi just looked over at Raashi who was glaring at her in anger and looked back at Hetal Kaki. She says go Gopi go and get ready. Gopi just nods. Before Gopi heads upstairs Baa calls her into her room. Gopi beta I am so happy for you today. I can't tell you how much I prayed to God to give you your happiness. I wanted to ask you for something. Gopi just tells Baa whatever you need just tell me I will give it to you. Gopi my age has finally caught up with me and before I go I want to see my great grandchildren. I know you and Ahem have just started your relationship and even though you guys are close you are not close enough for what I am asking you for. And that is ok but I would like you to start thinking about it and when you are ready you can talk to Ahem.

Gopi was just shocked at what she was hearing. Did everyone misunderstand our actions? Gopi in no way was comfortable with Ahem in that way. She was still trying to get over her shyness when Ahem just gave her a good night kiss every night. Gopi was feeling so nervous and uncomfortable right now that she couldn't even think about looking Ahem in the eyes let alone be with him alone. Gopi was in such a dilemma. As Gopi was coming down the steps after she was ready she heard Baa and Ahem talking and heard Ahem say of course me and Gopi will fulfill your wish. Gopi heard that and froze in her tracks. She continued to walk when she was spotted by the two and they called her over. Instead of sitting next to Ahem she sat on the other side of Baa. Ahem was a little disappointed at that but then guessed that Gopi was probably just feeling shy considering he knew what Baa must have said to Gopi. He couldn't wait to talk to Gopi about this topic and see her reaction.

Gopi and Ahem took Baa's blessings and left. When they got to the car Ahem opened the door for Gopi and Gopi got in quietly. She was so lost in her thoughts she forgot to tie her seat belt. Ahem knew she knew how to do it but thought she purposely left it be so he can put it on her. He casually reached over taking Gopi out of her thoughts. She started to protest that she would do it but Ahem just put his finger on her lips and said ssssshh. Gopi just kept her head down until Ahem didn't stop the car. Ahem could definitely see a change and his first guess was she was just nervous. He had bought her to a lake that was completely secluded. Gopi and Ahem were the only two souls there.

Ahem tried to come close to her but she just walked away from him. That surprised him a little but just again took it for her shyness. This time he walked up behind her and took her into a hug resting his head on her shoulders. He started to talk telling Gopi that this is his favorite spot in the world. Whenever I am stressed or just need to find some peace I come here. Gopi starts to feel uncomfortable and starts to fidget. Ahem just tightens his grip and whispers in her ear. You don't have to worry about getting caught here because no one comes here. Ahem then went to hold one of her hands and he realized it was shaking. He let go of Gopi and turns her around. Gopi just keeps her head down.

He can see that he has gone past her comfort zone and she is now scared of him. Ahem is really concerned now because he has no idea what's wrong with Gopi and doesn't know what he can do to calm her down. Gopi look at me. After a little hesitation Gopi looks up at Ahem and Ahem is concerned to see her so upset. Gopi what's wrong? Did I do something to upset you? Come on please talk to me. Gopi was even more hurt now seeing she has upset Ahem. She just breaks down crying and falls to the ground. Ahem sits down next to her and takes her into a hug until she doesn't calm down. He finally gets her to stop crying and at that point he questions her again on what's bothering her. Gopi slowly starts to talk. She says that she has no problem in giving their relationship a second chance. And she explains that she is real happy that they have started to make a slow progress in coming closer to each other and getting to know one another. Ahem then questions her that do you feel uncomfortable because I kiss you every night and because lately I have been coming close to you. No it's not that. I was ok with that I still am ok with that. It's what Baa asked me for. I don't think I can do that just yet.

Ahem at the point knew what Gopi was talking about. Ahem bought a smile on his face and said Gopi you silly girl. Baa doesn't expect you to become pregnant any time soon. She knows you still are not ready I know you are not ready but what Baa meant was she could clearly see we are comfortable with one another and we should start thinking about moving to the next step. Believe me Gopi I was a little surprised too when Baa talked to me about the child. I was also a little shy. I bought you here because I wanted to talk to you about it. I was really planning on just taking you out for ice cream or something but after Baa's talk I needed to be alone with you.

Gopi was happy to see that Ahem understood her feelings before she even said anything. Gopi had bought a smile to her face by now and was no longer backing away from Ahem's touch. She finally says what did you want to talk about? Ahem replies I will tell you that in a second but first tell me why you were so scared. I can understand your nervousness but can't figure out why you were scared. Gopi again just looked down. This time Ahem lifted her face up to make her look at him and gave her a reassuring smile. Gopi smiled back and just said woh mein woh. She finally came out and said I don't know how it happens. Ahem looked at her like she was crazy and asked her how what happens? Gopi turned red in the face seeing that Ahem didn't understand because she had no clue how else to phrase it. Ahem was lightly laughing because Gopi was blushing and then stopped when it clicked in his head that she was talking about Baa's request.

Ahem thought instead of beating around the bush he should just straight up ask Gopi if she was talking about how she would get pregnant because quite frankly no one was around to hear their conversation. Ahem says Gopi are you saying you have no idea how a woman gets pregnant. Gopi shyly nods yes. Ahem continues to say we have a lot of work to do then before we can fulfill Baas wish. Gopi I am going to tell you how it works you might find it weird hearing it from me but I hope you don't mind. Gopi just nods an ok. So Ahem and Gopi sat there for two hours and Ahem patiently explained the whole process and answered all of Gopi's questions. Gopi felt a lot better now and as they were walking back to the car Gopi goes and holds Ahem's hand. Ahem was happy that Gopi wasn't weirded out by the situation. Everyone was asleep by the time they came so they quietly went to their room. First Ahem changed then Gopi. Ahem was already in bed and lying on his back staring at the ceiling. Gopi went and sat on the bed and kind of hesitated and at that point Ahem sits up and says what would you like to say Gopi? Gopi takes a deep breath and says thank you for what you did today. I mean for explaining everything so patiently. Ahem casually says no problem. She continues that now when we are ready to come together like that I will still be nervous but I won't be scared. Gopi don't worry when that time comes because even I will be nervous. Actually I think everyone is nervous. Ahem just gives Gopi a million dollar smile and they get lost in each other's stare for awhile. Ahem finally breaks the silence saying it's late and says lets go to bed. Ahemji are you not forgetting something. Ahem knew what she meant but he played dumb and said what. Gopi whispers our good night kiss. Ahem now has his naughty smile on and slowly leans towards Gopi and gives her a light but passionate kiss.

Both of them go to sleep in each other's arms. The next day Ahem goes to Baa's room and explains what happened yesterday and Baa says Gopi has such a loving heart. She never thinks about herself. She always just cares about her family and wants to forever keep all of us happy. Ahem I know she will fulfill my wish soon you give her all the time and space she needs. Ahem assures Baa he will never do anything that would hurt Gopi. A couple of months go by and now Ahem is very touchy with Gopi and their relationship has grown to the point where sometimes their good night kiss turns into a make out session. One night Gopi and Ahem are lying on the bed in each other's arms and Gopi says Ahemji may I request something. Ahem says of course what's on your mind. Gopi turns around in his arms so she is facing him. She slowly whispers I think it's time we fulfill Baa's wish. After that she just buries her face in Ahem's chest.

Ahem couldn't believe his ears and says really. Gopi nods yes. He says you are not pressuring yourself into this decision and again she just nods no. Ahem just takes Gopi into a tight hug. The next morning Gopi and Ahem couldn't keep their eyes off each other. That night Chirag and Ahem came home and announced that they have just received a huge contract and Ahem will need to go to Switzerland for one week. Chirag then goes to add that Gopi beta pack Ahem and your clothes because we don't want to send Ahem alone. Hetal says it's a great idea. Everyone sends the two upstairs to start the packing since they leave tomorrow. Once they were inside the room Ahem locked the doors and hugs Gopi from behind.

Gopi we will finally get to start working on Baa's wish. Gopi just replies let me do the packing and you go freshen up. I will also get you some green tea. Ahem in a teasing manner kisses Gopi on the cheek and says ok Gopiji. She watches him go in the bathroom and then goes downstairs to get the tea. When she comes back up stairs she starts the packing. Five minutes later Ahem purposely comes out in a towel again to see her reaction again. After one look Gopi begins to leave but Ahem quickly locks the doors and says where are you going? You have packing to do. Gopi just looked away and didn't look at Ahem until he came and stood in front of her fully dressed. She let out a sigh of relief. Gopi why are you so uptight about seeing me without clothes. You know what's going to happen real soon.

So Gopi and Ahem are dropped off at the airport and they board the plane in an hour. Gopi was so excited the whole way but that excitement took a toll on her because she was fast asleep by the time they reach the hotel. The first two days she spends the whole day in the room. The third day Ahem takes her sightseeing and the fourth night they finally consummate their wedding. Five weeks after returning to India everyone gets the good news. Gopi was glad to get all the happiness in the world.

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