Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Pavitra Rishta 22nd March 2011 Written Update

Market place
Manav brings Ajit and Shibu to the place where Savita is selling Batata Vada. He tells Ajit to get some more customers for her .Manav is loking very excited and happy to see his mother keeping busy this way .In fact he tells Ajit and Shibu also to go and buy it for themselves and also get him some ..
Ajit goes and buys loads of goodies from Savita .Savia is very happy to see him and she packs up the stuff .
They bring it back for Manav who loves it and is very happy to be eating his mother's Batata Vada ..From a corner , he keeps looking at how well she is doing ...
A boy comes and tells savita that he will bring his entire cricket team tomorrow for it as he loved the taste ...
Savita is first very happy with so many customers but then she suddenly starts feeling irritated and she just abruptly packs up the shop for the day . It is the increasing customers and the pressure of answering their questions that get too much for her .
Manav is worried when he sees his mother leaving all the customers just like this and walking off...

Manav's house
Manav is lying down on the bed .Archana gets him a cup of tea .Manav tells her that he plans to do a get together of friends for Holi ..
He tells Archana that he will do the Holi function in their old Chawl as most of his frineds are there only .He believes that Holi shoud be spend with all those who you have shared memories and good relations with ..
Archu : But if we go to the old Chawl , then Aie will see me and she will get angry ...
Manav : I will try and persuade her . I have spend my every holi with her . When sachin was there .....he suddenly stops as he looks very emotional talking about sachin ...
Manav : Even today when I see the holi colours , I can only think of Sachin and Aie Baba. They love Holi . This is a very special occasion and people tend to forget old grudges and they make up ..Hopefully Aie too will do this ..
Archana : If this happens then this Holi will be our most memorable one ...This is our first Holi after we got married ..I would like this holi to fill up our lives with joy and colour ...
Manav smiles .....

Deshmukh House
Savita is cooking in her kitchen ..She is very tired and fed up ..Al lthe customers and the whole day of working in the stall has exhausted her and she is complaining to herself about it ...When she tries to pick something from a top shelf , it slips and falls on her ...
Savita gets hurt and her forhead starts bleeding ...
Then she suddenly realizes tha tthe floor has not been swept .This makes her even more angry as the work load is making her terribly tired ...
She starts sweeping the floor .Damodar comes in ..He has done some shopping for Holi ..He comes and tells Savita that he has planned a get together with his frinds for Holi ....
He wants to know about savita's plans but he is shocked to see some red clour on her forehead ..
savita too gets quiet when she realizes that she was hurt like this ..She tells Damodar that this year , she wants to be alone for Holi ....

Manav 's house
Manav brings some groceries home ...Archana is cooking . He sits on the counter next to where she is cooking .He is lookign at her while she is cooking.Then he takes a handkerchief out and wipes the sweat from Archu's face .Archna looks at her husband happily and gives him a big smile ..
Archana : can you please taste this and tell me how it is ? She feeds Manav something from her hand ..
Manav : Give me one more .
Archana feeds him some more but Manav is just eating with his eyes closed ..
Archana wants to know how well the dish has turned out bu tmanav says that for some reason he just cannot tell .. Then he tells her to feed him somethign else ..
Archu gives him somethign but he is behaving i nthe same way ...he asks for somethign more again ...
Now Archu has figured out that he is messing about with her so instead of the Puran Poli , she quietly makes him take a bite at a green chilli .....LOL
Poor fellow jumps up and is choking while Archu is having a good laugh ..she gives him a glass of water and then gives him some Puran Poli and asks him to tell properly how it is ..
manav tells her that it is absolutely delicious and he too starts laughing and hugs his wife ....

Karanjkar House
Sulochna is cooking with Manjusha and Vaishali .She is telling items for the grocery list to manohar ..Vinod offers to go and do the shopping but manohar wants to do it himself ..
Manjusha is wondering how Vinod can offer to go shopping when he has no money ...
Manav calls and he invites Sulochan and the family to their Holi function ..Sulochna also invites him and Archana for a function ....
Archana : Have you invited varsha and Satish also ?Manav , you should also invite your mother and baba ..
Manav : I deliberately have not invited her as yet . I know she will not come ..
Archana : Tha tis up to her if she wants to come or not but you should invite her .Maybe she is just waiting for your phone call and thinking ..if he doesn't call me I won't go ..so please just call her and invite her ...
Manav picks up his cell and he calls his mother .
Savita hears his voice and she gets emotional ...bu tshe says that sh doesn't know him ...
Manav says that she knows very well so why is she saying something like this ..He pleads with her to stop being angry .Then he invites her for the function ...

For some reason , there was no video for the rest of the scene so I wil lnot be able to describe it ...From what I had seen i nthe precap ...Manav did invite his mother and begged her to come talkign about memeories of how his famil yhas always celebrated Holi together but Savita just says that no one from her home will attend his function and that the Deshmukh house will not be celebrating Holi .....
It is a very sad moment for both mother and son as Savita turns down Manav's invitation of spending Holi together as a family ...
Savita falls down on the floor crying and Manv is also looking devastated as Archana looks at him helplessly ..

Satish's bedroom .
Varsha is very depressed and she cannot stop thinking about all that her mother in law was saying .Satish comes and he tells her lovingly that she shoudl not be so depressed as it is holi .Varsha says that there are no colours in her life any more .satish tells her that she has to stop thinking like this .He would fill her life with his love and so many colours but he cannot do this aloen and Varsha too will have to become more positive a person and has to co operate with him.
He tells her that they both love each other and she should just focus on that .He lovingly applies colour to her face and is being extremely loving and supportive to his wife who cannot stop crying ....

Outside Karanjkar house
They have a big arrangement of Holi ..It looks like a big Bonfire ...Manohar's whole family comes out .
Manju sarcastically asks Vinod why he is acting so rich and offering to do shipping for his father when he never did something like that for her ..An irritated Vinod just walks away ...
The pooja starts and first the women do thier part of the pooja ..A special mention of Archana here who is looking absolutely gorgeous dressed in a dark green saree , jewellery and a lovely hairdo ...She is looking extremely happy doing this pooja with her husband standing next to her .
Manohar asks Manav to light up the fire...
Manav does it and then they all start walking around the fire..
Archana notices that Manav is very sad and withdrawn .She asks him that he is missing his mother ..Manav who is very depressed tells her that he he has never celebrated Holi without his mother and he cannot believe that he had to see a day like this ....He is also worreid about how his mother must be feeling today ..

Precap ;
Everyone is celebrating holi , they are all dancing ..colours splashed on them ....
Savita is looking down from her hosue how they all are having fun ....

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