Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Rakta Sambandh 22nd March 2011 Written Update

Neerdhya disagree on whether Sarla should stay

Neeraj & Sandhya are back in their room, and Sandhya tells him that she respects his sentiments about Sarla chachi, but requests him not to allow her to stay in that house. She offers to return Sarla the haveli (but hadn't it been auctioned?) Neeraj tells her that she can't live alone in such a big haveli, and that she's in no position to take care of herself, let alone run such a big haveli. Sandhya offers to send w/ her a servant who'll take care of her and her needs.

Neeraj tells her that when he was young, what if Sarla had decided to send him to an orphanage? (Neeraj, DK was of that mindset - he never regarded you as family, but it was b'cos he was overriden by Puru that you were there. Sarla's not the one to thank here) Neeraj tells her that Sarla loved him like a mother, and so he can't turn back on her. He tells her that he doesn't want to re-discuss this, and that he's going down to see her, and leaves. Sandhya is crestfallen

Sarla and Anjali

Anjali congratulates Sarla on her dramatic entry, and tells her that she looks forward to learning a lot from her. She tells Sarla that while everybody was observing her, Anjali was observing Sandhya, and hers was a sight to behold!

Sarla asks her if that alone was enough to satisfy her? She tells her that Sandhya will be worth watching the day she's turned out of this house. After seeing her hubby sent to jail, Sarla won't let Sandhya start a family here, and Neeraj himself will turn her out. Anjali is thrilled.

Anjali asks Sarla why she didn't meet her earlier? Sarla tells her that they wouldn't have had the joy of torturing Sandhya. Since Neeraj & Sandhya are now married, splitting them will be even more fun. She gloats @ Sandhya's expression on seeing her face again. It's called making her cheeks red w/o slapping her. It's just the beginning, and she vows to make Sandhya's life hell

Rohit asks Shradhya to prepare breakfast

Rohit is getting ready w/ Shradhya helping him, even though he keeps her @ arms length. He tells her that Abha has gone to meet Swami, while she tells him that Anusuya has gone to the temple. Rohit tells her that since aaii is out, she has to do all the work, and not to touch anything of his. He then sends her to make breakfast

Sarla w/ Neeraj, Purvi, Anjali and... Sandhya

Purvi is serving Sarla (I'm glad Sandhya didn't have to) and Neeraj and Anjali are @ the table w/ her. Neeraj persuades Sarla to eat, since she does need to take her meds after that. Sarla is surprised to hear about meds, but Purvi tells her that the doc ordered them for her, and she shouldn't skip any meals. (Sarla-chachi, forgot your own stories?)

Sandhya arrives @ the scene unseen and observes them carefully. Neeraj asks Sarla why she is hesitating, and Sarla tells him that she's thinking about Pankaj and others and the condition they're in. She's wondering whether they'll get to eat properly, when she notices Sandhya. Purvi leaves.

Sarla goes up to Sandhya and tells her that she has been looking for her for a while. She then tells her that she wants to apologize to her, and that Sandhya must be angry. (Sandhya, you too please play a double game of saying one thing to her in public, and another in private) Sarla tells Sandhya that the court didn't punish her, but she could (Well, Sarla's involvement in the plot was less than Prabhavati, Pankaj, Puru and Yuvraj)

Sandhya tells her that there is no reason to apologize. Sarla then notices her mangal sutra & sindoor, and is about to say something about Yuvraj, but Anjali interrupts and tells her that Sandhya is now Neeraj's wife. (Good acting Sarla - to not know that Sandhya is Neeraj's wife) She congratulates Sandhya, and tells Neeraj that he didn't even tell her that he was married(he didn't?) She narrates how Yuvraj cheated them, but Neeraj tells her to let bygones be bygones. He tells her that everything will be okay and the Jagirdars will be happy (only if they can get past Yuvraj's death, which Prabha & Pankaj won't) Sandhya is still suspicious, while Anjali smiles.

Sarla tells Sandhya that this way, Sandhya is her bahu (was, Sarla, was, but then again, Yuvraj too didn't respect you much, did he?) Sandhya is not happy to hear this, but Sarla hopes she can forgive her. Anjali offers to take Sarla to her room (first time she's acted like a bahu of this house) Sarla tells Sandhya that she'll meet her later, and leaves w/ Anjali.

Neeraj asks Sandhya to forgive Sarla

Neeraj tells Sandhya that Sarla is repentant, and if she doesn't believe her words, @ least believe her tears. He tells her that everyone makes mistakes, but it's forgiveness that marks how great one is. He thinks that her hatred has trumped all other relationships. He reminds her that he didn't support them when they were wrong, but if she's wrong, he won't support her either. Sandhya is shocked to hear this and Neeraj leaves.

Sandhya wonders how she can convince Neeraj that Sarla is not repentant, and that her turning up in this house was no accident, but a conspiracy in which Neeraj seems to be twisting & turning. Something that she'll have to find out about.

Rohit falls down the stairs

Shradhya has gotten the breakfast ready, and Rohit is coming down the stairs when he misses and falls down the stairs DancingParty He lands on the floor and is writhing in pain Approve

Shradhya is shocked to see this and goes to help him, but he stops her, reminding her not to break his vow (that's one thing I love about Rohit - even if Shradhya is stupid enough to help him, he'll stop her Approve) He turns her away, and Shradhya turns to go.

Rohit stops her and calls her back, and tells her that he's in too much pain, so forget the vrath (I'd say remember it - had the shoe been on the other (bare)foot, Rohit wouldn't have done squat for Shradhya) Shradhya is initially hesitant to touch him, but Rohit asks her to forget the whole thing, and Shradhya picks him up and helps him to the bed. While she's helping him, he for the first time is looking @ her face. Sarla lays him down and goes to get the hot water.

She returns and tends to his pain in his back, and then his legs, applying some ointment. Rohit is relieved. Both look at each other, Rohit somewhat fondly, and Shradhya somewhat happy. She tells him to rest, while she gets back to the kitchen.

Rohit stops her and tells her to sit beside him. He tells her for the first time ever that she looks beautiful. Shradhya refuses, telling him that the work does have to be done. She leaves, while Rohit looks @ her. Dead

Sandhya face off w/ Sarla

Sarla is sitting in her room when Sandhya arrives. Sarla invites her in, telling her that she was thinking of her. Sandhya tells her that obviously, it wasn't something good, and wonders when she'll reform? She tells her to play her drama on others, not on Sandhya.

Sandhya tells her that Sarla's lost her home, family everything, but not her evil ways. Sarla gets up, closes the door and checks Sandhya's hands, which she jerks away. Sarla tells her that she was checking for cameras & recorders. Since she loved doing detective work

Sandhya tells her that rather than detective work, it was cleaning up the plots of others that she was used to. While her home has changed, that habit hasn't gone. She tells Sarla that she's come to warn her - lie low, or she'll have her thrown out. And that won't be recorded - it'll be telecast live.

Sarla tells her that the hubby has changed, but she hasnt. She asks her whether by winning over DK, she's won this? She tells Sandhya that she snatched Yuvraj from them (actually, Sarla, had Yuvraj stayed in jail, he'd still be w/ you) and her whole family is in jail b'cos of her. Sandhya tells her that they are suffering the consequences of their own actions. Sarla tells her she too will suffer - the court may have freed her so that she can ruin Sandhya. She warns Sandhya to prepare to start losing. She tells her that she's there to turn her heavenly home into hell. She promises that, and asks her to get lost.

Sandhya tells her she heard her, and remembered something she had heard since she was a kid - that a dog's tail is never straightened. She tells her that even if the dog's tail isn't straightened, mad dogs can be taken to the pound.

Sarla challenges her to get her hubby off her tail, who calls her chachi. Sandhya tells her that she will - she'll show Sarla her real worth, and Neeraj her real face. She won't let her stay in that house - that's her promise (Sandhya, do something about Anjali and GB as well) The two of them face off, and the episode ends.

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