Thursday, March 24, 2011

Sangini 24th March 2011 Written Update

The show starts with Pihu serving a glass of water to a crying Revathi.Pihu asks her what the matter and why is she crying Revathi says her husband stays away from her may be he wants to forget something,but is unable.Firstly I was thinking he’s worried if ever our family will accept our marriage but now that everyone has accepted our relationship he continues to avoid me.May be I’m lacking something.After marriage a couple must live life together but if there’s no love the wedding can’t stand forever,Pihu is sad and Revathy asks pihu to forgive her if ever she hurts her.pihu says don’t worry I want to tell you something being elder than you, in life husband and wife must understand each other and know how to tackle every problems and misunderstanding,they must not think to be superior than their partner and must be able to forgive.pihu says she understands this after losing Abhay.pihu tells revathy to cheer up and goes in as she decided to drop revathy home.Revathy is thinking it is Ram fault not her’s how will she forgive him.Ram just appears at the door excusing himself of hitting Revathy,who also forgives him.Revathy hugs her but he’s hesitant and pihu arrives seeing them she said I knew everything will be fine.Pihu sees Ram and says you?Ram is quiet and Revathy says why did you react like this on seeing Ram,also Rudra reacted the same is there something which happened of which I’m not aware of?Ram says nothing like that only Haridwar is so small that everyone get to knows each other.Ram tells revathy lets leave as mom is alone home waiting for us.[CRYPT]

Ram and Revathy leave.Pihu stays in a thinking mode.
Gauri is doing her morning prayer takes blessing from RR and RR asks about Rudra whereabout and Rudra enters and says everything is done don’t worry he will take care of everything as he got five lakhs Rs as loan.Dadaji says in that much everything will be done smoothly.RR is still not convince about throwing such a lavish partyshe says Rudra bbusiness just take off recently and now with this loan what will happen next.Ram mom excusing herself comes to tell that she sees a new five stars place as the party venue to please take it they all accepted though with heavy heart while leaving she gives a magazine to Gauri to buy jewelleries for Revathy.When Gauri opens the magazine she’s shocked as it will costs by Lakhs.Rudra says not to worry as it is his duty to think about money and Gauri must keep everyone happy.Rudra tells RR,Ketki and Gauri to go shopping.He’s very worried and seeing him Gauri falls in tears.
Pihu is on the road and a car with four men approached her and they begin to behave badly with her in the meantime Rudra comes and beat one when a key gets stuck in his sleeve, they just escaped.
Pihu offers to leave Pihu home but she refuses and finally they are still walking together Pihu says that she took admission in a medical college to complete her courses as she need to fulfill Abhay dream of opening a clinic.The landlord of Pihu seeing Rudra is not happy and tells Pihu who’s he I gave the house to you only and Pihu says he just come to leave me home.Rudra tells to call if ever there’s any probs.
Revathy is choosing a saree for the reception as it will be the first time she will be wearing saree after her wedding and that she need to impress her mom in law.Ram enters the room and she asks him to choose it and he says wear anyone it will not make any difference.Revathy says as it is the first time she will be wearing saree after her wedding she will be very happy if her hubby chooses it for her.Ram sees a green saree lying on the bed which Gauri choosed so he picks it and gives it to her.
Rudra is sitting on the bed and Gauri brings his shirt and a cup of tea for him they have a good light romantic momentGauri tells him that today Revathy is coming home as she wants to learn how to cook spinach with cottage cheese so she tells Reva to come home so they have lunch together and a key just fall down from the sleeve of his shirt Gauri asks him what it is for but he did not give any answer.Rudra leaves and Gauri keeps looking at the key thinking…….
Everyone including Ram family also are having lunch,Ram mom continues to talk about her reception(no other dialogues more than reception is written for her)she asks Gauri if ever she already gave the order for the jewelleries and Gauri says they will be done in three days time ram mom says if ever someone else where these designs first before Revathy she will bring another magazine for gauriOuch
.Ram says to his mom to eat and not to talk about the party.
Revathy and Gauri both are serving Ram and standing by both his sides and Revathy asks Ram to taste the food and tells her which one she prepares for him but Ram chooses a dish prepared by Gauri,Reva is sad and Ram excuses himself.
Rudra phone rings and it is Pihu, the men who were teasing her are in her house one talks with Rudra asking for the key and Rudra says he’s coming not to touch Pihu.
rudra goes in his room searching for the key Gauri comes behind him and asks what are you searching for?Rudra says the key which was here and gauri says she throws it in the bin as Rudra says it was useless.Rudra empty the bin and takes the key Gauri tells him to tell what is happening but he leaves.
MONDAY PRECAP: Dadaji is telling Gauri to call Rudra and in the meantime Rudra and Pihu arrive and Pihu is hugging Rudra everyone is shocked and Ketki seems the most disgusting.[/CRYPT]

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