Thursday, March 24, 2011

Saas Bina Sasural 24th March 2011 Written Update

ved comes home asking if anyone is there or not.. gyan comes with dadaji..dadaji asks ved when he came..ved says just now.. dadaji asks about pashu.. ved says that he didnt come and that when he was leaving he asked pashu if he’s not coming to which pashu asked him to leave him alone for sometime so he left.. toasty comes and asks ved if he’ll have tea.. ved says no with attitude.. dadaji feels sorry for him and says that he’s very upset and the main problem with him is that he is not able to express his feelings.. dadaji says that we people atleast talk to each other and share our feelings but he..dadaji says that he’s going through a lot nowdays..first prachin leaving home and then this case..god knows when he’ll get freedom from it.. tej comes home after meeting lawyer…
tej says that pashu has found a way to get freedom from the case..he says ive just met the lawyer..dadaji asks why and if something happened??tej asks toasty if she didnt tell them all..she says no.. he says you should have..toasty says that i thought that since you are going to meet the lawyer its better that you tell them all..dadaji asks what happened.. tej tells that pashu had gone to meet the lawyer to tell him that he is ready to accept all the allegations put on him..gyan, dadaji and ved are shocked.. tej continues that pashu was to finish the case as soon as possible..dadaji says that pashu has gone mad and asks if he doesnt know that by accepting the allegations not only he but ved will also go to jail??
tej says that he knows and thats why he wants to accept it and go to jail so that the rest of the family lives in peace..gyan asks tej what he told the lawyer.. tej says what will i tell, told him what should be said that what pashu has said he shouldnt do and to go and talk to malti’s lawyer and tell that we are wanting to finish this matter and for this if we need to talk face to face with malti’s family then we are ready..
toasty calls tej and says this is where you are making a mistake..she says that if we tell them that we are wanting to finish the case then they will make only 1 opinion of it that we are scared and people like to scare people who are already scared..tej is about to say something when ved stops him and says that firstly, we are not scared of anyone and secondly he asks her if she wants this case to go for lifelong??she says no bhaiyya and i..ved says then why did you say that tej made a mistake??toasty says that i just wanted to say that..ved says that its easy for you to say all this but do you have any idea how much pain we’ve been through??me, how much have i been through, pashu and this whole family..tej says bhaiyya when ved shouts saying you keep quiet..he says look at dadaji, look at you know that pashu and chedi were put behind bars for the whole night because of this case..tej says that toasty knows all this.. ved says that then tell her that we dont need her opinion and in matters where she is not involved she doesnt need to give her special inputs..toasty gets upset..
at malti’s house, malti tells her mom that pashu’s that one question is constantly pinching me..she asks her mom that didnt pashu give money for dad’s treatment..her mom says yes..she asks then why this false case??her mom asks but what about what he did to you..malti says that i agree that its mine and pashus fault but we are paying fine by taking divorce then why all this??maltis mom says that to fight a case for justice sometimes you need to take help of a little lie and now the arrow has left from the bow..even if i try i cant stop it..she says that you only think, if we are proved wrong then i will go to jail and is this what you want now??malti is in a dilemma..
toasty tells ved that he is absolutely right and asks him not to get angry.. she didnt mean to say anything bad.. she says that i understand that i can never feel your pain but i can try to give you medicine.. ved says thankyou but we dont need medicine..he asks her to leave them on their own and leaves.. toasty is teary eyed..gyan asks suddenly what happened to ved.. dadaji says that this case has literally made everyone loose their minds..they are removing one persons anger on another..tej says that this is wrong that someone elses anger is being removed on toasty..dadaji says that this also happens sometimes.. he says that ved likes pashu a lot and so he cant see him in pain.. one he’s already suffering from a bad name and on top of that..dadaji says leave it as his anger is not more than 2 minutes..after that he himself will realize that he shouldnt have spoken like that to her.. dadaji asks her not to feel bad about ved words..
he asks toasty to go and prepare for dinner and asks tej to go and get fresh and gyan to study.. gyan sees toasty leaving sadly and so goes to the kitchen behind her..toasty is crying in the kitchen..gyan comes there..she asks him if he wanted anything..he says that i came to tell that i know that you are feeling bad but please dont cry.. she says dont take tension as these tears will stop automatically in sometime..she asks gyan if he also feels that what she said was wrong.. gyan says no u didnt say anything wrong..she says that im also worried about this family as much as you all are..he says that we all know this but its just that everyone is having their own problems and the reason is malti.. he says that she has given them all a lot of pain..he says that he has seen them all crying in pain and that when her topic comes efveryone wounds get fresh..
he says that today what ved said it wasnt him but his pain so please you dont take it to your heart..toasty wipes her tears and asks if i dont understand this also.. she says go and study..gyan says again studies..ive got bored so im helping you for sometime.. toasty says only sometime..he says sometime means 1 hr right.. she smiles.. he asks what should i do?? she tells him to get a vessel..
its late night..pashu comes and sits on the sofa..dadaji comes there and asks if prachin didnt call..pashu says that even if it did then would he talk to me??pashu says that he had called at the shop..when i took the phone from ved he cut the line..he says that i never thought thaat prachin would do like this.. dadaji says that i also never thought that you will do like this..pashu asks what did i do?? dadaji asks you are ready to lose??how could you do that.. pashu says that its my problem and ill solve it..dadaji says atleast wait for chedi to return and then we’ll decide.. pashu says that then that’ll be his decision and not mine and that i need to know how to heel my wounds myself and that i dont need anyone.. ved and tej come there..ved asks him how he is??
tej says thaat he went to prachin’s college again today.. ved asks why??tej says that i thought that he might have spoken to some friend of his and thaat he said that he’ll come only after passing so he might have to go to college for something..ved says that he can study at home also and that he used to never go to college regularly and that he is at somefriends place only..tej says that he will go to college for some reason.. ved asks why dont you understand?? toasty also comes by then.. tej says that the method you are saying will take time and that we dont have enought people who can keep an eye on him so im giving an easy solution.. dadaji says tej is right..
ved says that you never find my saying right anytime..toasty stops them and says that rather than fighting its important to find prachin so try all means and that there’s no point in discussing how to find him..pashu says oh so now you will teach us how to find a person..toasty says no bhaiyya and its just that ved and tej were arguing for no reason so i said..pashu says that that means that what others do is useless and what you do is of use..toasty is about to say when tej asks her not to.. she says leave it and that ive made dinner and ill serve..toasty’s cell rings.. its sudha.. toasty asks if she can speak later as she needs to serve dinner.. sudha says ok but do call later..
pashu gets up from there and is about to go when toasty says bhaiyya dinner.. pashu says he doesnt want..tej says dont want meaning??pashu says its and your wife have done lot for me but i dont need anyone’s help now and that ive had food..toasty asks him not to do like that and that if he has complaints against them then he can scold them but not to say like this..pashu says that i dont have complaints against anyone but u have for which im trying to find solutions and as far as scolding is concerned im scared to talk to anyone here as god knows who will feel bad for what i say and leave home..he says that i dont have strength to bear such accusations made against me and he leaves.. ved also leaves saying he’s not hungry.. sudha overhears all this over the phone..
in pashu’s room, ved is with him..tej comes and asks whats all this eating from outside, not talking to anyone..pashu asks tej to sit silently for sometime and think and tell him for what he came there..he says that you said to stay away from my wife and not speak to her im away so also you have problems..tej says that i never and asks ved to explain to pashu.. ved asks tej whay dont he understand that its all the same as it was when malti was there..the same fights etc..its all the same..tej says that but toasty is not doing all this.. ved says that i dont know about that but that she is a reason for it..tej is shocked..
sudhaa is pacing in he room when lalit comes and asks her why is walking in the room and if she wants to walk then to go to park..sudha asks what do you think im walking here.. he says i was just joking..i saw tension on your face so thought of reducing it by joking..he stops and asks her why she’s so tensed??she says lest get toasty back home as she cant like in that hell..lalit asks now what happened.. sudha says that lets just get her back and that shes serious..lalit tells her that right now that house is going through a lot of tenion and if we bring her now what will they think??she says its because of the happeneings.. lalit says that im irritated because of your tension..he says that if she was having problems then wouldnt she tell??
sudha says that she wont as during bidaai we lock their mouths with sanskaar due to which every girl hides her pain from parents and toasty is doing the same.. lalit asks sudha to give him her hand.. she asks why??he says give me and shows her her palm and says that she is feeling the pain there.. she says no.. he says no you are and presses it hardly.. she says its paining..he says this is what you are doing with toasty.. he says that you keep telling her that she’s in pain and shes sad and saying that you are actually making her sad..
he says sudha there is still time..control yourself and leaves from there..she tells herself that you cannot see her pain but i can and will never let her bear it..
she comes to the hall and sees if anyone is there and is wondering whether to call or not..toasty is sitting on her bed.. tej comes there.. she asks him why all changed??he asks why are you so shocked as you only wanted change…she says you are also accusine me?? he says no but i had told you that let things go the way it is but you wanted change.. im only blaming you wish of change and not u as this has affected all..she says that i never thought of all this and that earlier we used to accept all challenges together and fight and now everything is breaking including the family and im scared..
sudha calls.. she asks what happened and why was pashu screaming.. she says nothing and how did you get to know..sudha says your line wasnt cut so i heard all..toasty gets angry and asks her mom to stay away from their problems.. tej grabs the phone from her and listens to sudha tell her to reply back to pashu the next time he fires her..he says now i understand why all this happens and tells sudha that because of a women like her only thier hous eis destryoed so never to call back..
tej asks toasty to tell her mom to stay away from their matters..sudha asks lait to talk to them and lalit also feels the same and so decides to talk to them..

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