Thursday, March 24, 2011

Maryada 24th March 2011 Written Update

Roshni Devi saying all these shayari, completely drunk in bhang and SSP is praising her. RD getting ready to leave and says that the fun she had with the Jhaakar won’t happen anywhere else, and she also mentions how Aditya has joined her party now. She says that behind every successful man is a woman, and praises Priya as well, and then she leaves. [LOL usually, Roshni Devi isn't that funny, but today she just sounded idiotic. But that woman sure knows how to keep everyone on their toes with the way she has SSP running behind her ROFL]

Right then, Vidya’s mom come and asks if anyone’s seen Vidya, and Devyani says that she would obviously be with her husband, and they let the matter go.[Devyani, always the ever so perfect woman, ready to hide anything. I wonder if there will ever be a point when her patience snaps Confused] Priya drags Aditya to the side, and tells him that she feels that the name they got isn’t the man that they’re looking for. She suggests that Aditya get the picture of Ganpat Chaudary so she can see if it’s the right person or not. Aditya then launches into a tirade about how she ‘s so sure, and tells her not to worry. [Aditya! Listen to Priya! I feel like she's actually being really sensible and he's being really stupid. He will obviously need to doublecheck to see if it's the right person, and he's being illogical in thinking that he can handle everything without Priya's help when she's the one who knows who the actual criminal isOuchDead]

Before anyone can say anything else, they hear some guy screaming at SSP, for being someone who messes around with women, says how he’s going to show everyone the real face of SSP. He goes to strangle SSP and tries to hurt him, when Aditya pulls him away and starts punching and hitting him, not stopping even though Devyani is yelling at him and Jaggi tries to pull him away. Aditya just continues hitting this guy. [I don't get why there's no one else seriously trying to stop Aditya from hitting him, especially SSP, who's just standing there.] Finaally, after like a century, SSP steps in, and everyone tries to pull Aditya away, but he still doesn’t stop, yelling at the guy that he’s going to kill him, and he ultimately ends up strangling him.

Priya becomes really really afraid seeing this situation, seeing the way Aditya is behaving, and the guy who Aditya was hitting ends up lying still.

Bauji and SSP bring Aditya inside who refuses to calm down, and Priya is left standing on the side, crying and afraid of the situation. No matter how they try to calm him down, he still is yelling about how they insulted his dad and he wouldn’t tolerate it.

SSP tells him to calm down, go upstairs and rest, and calls Priya to take him upstairs and she does so slowly. SSP then gets a phone call saying that the guy who Aditya hit is in a really bad state. Devyani becomes afraid that if anything happens to him, something might happen to Aditya and begins crying, and SSP promises that he’ll take care of everything, that he won’t let anything happen to Adi.

SSP then asks for Gaurav, and Devyani makes up an excuse about how Gaurav and Vidya went somewhere, and SSP gets mad that whenever he is needed at home, Gaurav is never there. And he tells Jaggi to go the hospital and look after matters there. [Uh oh...more widening of the gap between Gaurav and his dad...let's see how all of this plays outConfused]

Upstairs, Aditya is in the shower [AHHH! He's so hot!] and Priya is waiting tensely outside in their room. She keeps having flashbacks of Aditya hitting the guy, and continues to cry, afraid. Aditya finally comes outside and sees how distressed Priya is, and holds her shoulder, and she asks him why he did what he did, what was the need for that, and if something happened to him what would she do. She’s crying as she asks him why he didn’t think of her. And Aditya lashes out that he doesn’t need a character certificate for his father, that he’s willing to do anything for him.

Priya tells him how she can’t bear to see him like this, and Aditya tries to calm her down, and tells her that when the matter is about his dad, he can’t listen to one word against him, and he pulls her into a hug. Priya doesn’t hug him back, and just seems more and more afraid as she is crying. [fghlkdfjg. what a situation for poor Priya to be in, the man she loves acting so scarily and angry and stuff....very few women would probably be able to handle this situation. Aditya should have been just a bit considerate of her feelings instead of just jumping on his angerDeadAngryThumbs Down]

SSP talking to people when a police officer comes with a warrant to arrest Aditya. Everyone is shocked as the policeman explains that they have to take Aditya with them. He explains that the guy who Aditya hit is in a critical condition, and that they have to wait until Aditya gets bail to let him go. SSP begins arguing that he’ll talk to the MLA and handle this when Aditya yells out that he won’t request anyone for anything on his behalf, and goes to the inspector to be taken away. Priya tries to talk to him, and Devyani tries to stop him, but Aditya continues to refuse, and remains stubborn. Aditya says that he can’t make fun of the law and goes away with the inspector, leaving the women all in tears, especially Priya who is completely broken.

Precap: SSP saying that they can’t do much because the MLA is of another party and Aditya himself has accepted the crime, while Bauji and Devyani are begging him to try and do something.

Overall, this would probably be a 6/10 in terms of an episode for me. Nothing particularly amazing except for the fact that we saw Aditya’s undying loving for his father….again! And now he’s going to jailDead But I have to say, I do respect Aditya for refusing to take his father’s help and just going with the inspector, although my heart is breaking for the situation Devyani and Priya are in right nowCryCryCry

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