Thursday, March 24, 2011

Rishton Se Badi Pratha 24th March 2011 Written Update

The episode starts with Nidhi sitting in her room Puspa along with all bahus come and kajal say u should b happy as the day for which all girls wait for will soon arrive in your life but nidhi didn’t understand it Mai come and give her ring Nidhi ask whats all this so she tell her that samrat has got new mom and thats you Nidhi shockedShocked Mai say soon u will marry RVOuch Everyone leaves the room surbhi was about to go but nidhi stops her and say why this all is happening why they dont understand my feelings Surbhi say why u dont speak in front of them she say i dont have that much guts and they will never understand my feelings please you do something save my life i dont want to go that house where my sis suside. i will also die but will never marriage to RV. Surbhi explain her and say not to take tension everything will b alrightOuchOuchOuch In tribhuvan room he is drunk and saying to his wife that bauji has gone mad how can he decide to marry our sister with killer did they forget what he has done with ratna i will never let this happen i will talk to him. Seema stops him and say talk in morning.Angry Next morning surbhi in green sareeDay Dreaming bring tea for tribhuvan but he gets angry and say where is servants but surbhi say i want to talk you thats why i bring the tea but tribhuvan say i am not like my father who will come in your plans but she say please dont talk like this i want to talk you about this matter thats whi i call abhey and vishnu bhai here. Abhey and Vishnu comes and ask why she called them here so she say want to talk about Nidhi marriage. Tribhuvan say u must b happy cuz ur stupid brother is getting married with good girl but she say you are taking me wrong m also against with this marriage and nidhi also donnt want this marriage to happen thats why please do something she is really worried. Abhey say this is not time for fight we have to do something to save nidhi life. Vishnu say we cant do anything as this is Bauji decision.Tribhuvan say we can do nidhi is our sister and we have full right Scean shifted to Markanday who is doing pooja. Three brothers are waiting for him. Markanday finished the pooja and happy to see his sons and ask what happened Tribhuvan say please stop this marriage RV is not a good for Nidhi abhey and Vishnu agree with him. Mai giving food to the cow pandit comes and give parsad. Pushpa ask where is Markanday he told her that he is busy with Tribhuvan,abhey and Vishnu pushpa get shocked Pushpa and mai goes to them and ask what happen markantey say my children’s are telling me whats right and wrong. Tribhuvan say ratna life ruined by RV and you are making nidhi marry with him Markantey say u dont have problem wiith marriage you have problem with RV cuz u dont like him and u also dont like samrat and u will never understand the feeling of that child cuz you dont have your own children. Seema ask her not to argue with bauji and abhey say atleast once ask Nidhi but pushpa say that as parents we will take every decision for her happiness and who said nidhi is not happy abhey tell her that surbhi told himOuch Pushpa say why will she talk with surbhi she has parents if she will have any problen she will speak with us rather then surbhi Pracap Pushpa aking nidhi that are you happy with this marriage and she say i am happy with this marriage. Angry

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