Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Pratigya 22nd March 2011 Written Update

Pratigya is wiping the blood seeping from her wound with cotton.Two Servants carry an inebriated Krishna and drops him on the bed...Krishna is muttering "Pratigya, Babu"..The servants leave..Pratigya turns towards the mirror , sees the blue color smeared by Radhe on her cheeks..Pratigya remembers the days happening and the humiliation she underwent , Tears roll down her eyes as she watches her only support and strength lying on the bed incapacitated by Marijuana.


Komal comes in with a glassful of lemonade, Adarsh wakes up, Komal hands over the Glass of Lemonade to Adarsh who is having a stiff hangover.. Adarsh takes a sip from the glass, Komal begins spouting out gossip like a Popping Popcorn..Komal curiously asks why did Adarsh hide the fact that he got his promotion due to her father's influence, Adarsh is shocked on hearing this state secret talked about so openly ..Adarsh wants to know How Komal came to know about this confidential information.Komal replies that Adarsh shouted out this information in yesterday's Holi Celebration. Komal further says that adarsh was totally changed person after partaking the Bhaang, Komal is pleased by this new Adarsh and is planning on giving it to him daily . Adarsh is not interested in this exposition and very much interested in knowing the placement of his parents when he shouted this Nugget. Komal innocently replies that they too were nearby and heard everything..and that they left immediately after this Information .Adarsh is stunned , rubs his forehead saying that he does not remember anything of the previous days happening.Komal is amused and queries whether he remembers the Slap or whether that too has slipped his memory..Adarsh is completely blank , and is beginning to worry over the fall out.

we have seen off One favored Son.... We now Zoom to see what the Morning heralds for another favored Son of Destiny ...................Krishna wakes up with a hangover....gets up with difficulty..grimacing in pain , pressing his temple and forehead..Krishna takes a look at himself in the mirror and is surprised that he did not even change his dress..Krishna calls out to Pratigya..There is no answering response..Krishna leaves the bed , grumbling that Pratigya always disappears when she is needed..

Krishna comes out into the Hall , Pratigya on his lips..searching for Pratigya ....Spies His Mother and Kesmma having witches Potion [Tea]..Krishna approaches them and inquires the whereabouts of Pratigya ..Amma takes this opportunity to give her version of Holi's happening's..and ends by saying that Pratigya always creates trouble during any festive occasion and is intent on destroying the prestige of this House.Krishna does not believe this accusation , retorts Pratigya will not do anything untoward until there is a strong reason...The trigger happy Amma ,adopts a reasonable tone , tells him that Radhe being the Brother in law wanted to play Holi with Pratigya, but Pratigya was too straitlaced and slapped him..Amma wants to know , whether such things are done, esp with close relatives ...Kesmma adds her two bit, Kesmma supports Amma , replies that She was there too when Pratigya slapped Radhe .Kesmma says that Pratigya does not know any culture and is not a traditional Girl..Kesmma further advises Krishna to Keep Pratigya in control, if left free she will destroy all relationship ...Krishna is getting a little hot under the collar ..Krishna goes in search of Pratigya.


Pratigya and Kesar are seen cooking in the Kitchen..Pratigya is deep in thought ..Kesar observes her distracted air , comes to her and tries to sympathize and console her ...Pratigya is reliving that moment saying that she tried to be very patient , even told Radhe to stop..it was only when Radhe went beyond his limits , she was compelled to slap him.

Krishna comes in and begins shooting question's one after another .. tries to probe as well as suggest that she try to follow the rule's of the house..Krishna tells that Radhe is their closest relative, and it was not right on Pratigya's part to ill treat him...etc, etc..Pratigya just stares at him mutely, tears gather in her eyes ,Pratigya rushes out, in the direction of her Bedroom.

An exasperated Krishna loudly wonders, as to what wrong he did now..all he was doing was asking her..and instead of answering , she locks her mouth, starts dripping and runs..Krishna moves to follow her but is stopped by Kesar who reveals that she was a first hand witness to y'day's happening's, not only Pratigya , had it been any girl, she would have slapped Radhe for Radhe had crossed his limits.Krishna is having a glimmering of truth now ..and fire's of anger begins to build up in his eyes...Krishna rushes out in anger towards the bedroom.

We Now Swivel the camera back to the house of gloom,

All the saxena's except for Komal and Adarsh are at the dining table.. Adarsh comes out all ready to go to the office...Adarsh begins to walk hesitantly towards the exit..Shyamu's voice stops him.. Adarsh tries to apologize for yesterday's happening but Shyamu is on his self pity trip and will not be assuaged by mere "SORRY" ...Shyamu continues his lecture on "UPBRINGING OF CHILDREN AND INCULCATING THE VALUES IN THEM" ..Adarsh again tries to give his side , only to be stopped by Shyamu's ordinance.Shyamu has decided that henceforth , Adarsh is not required to share his salary towards family expenses, moreover he is free to live as he wants and has full liberty to spend his wealth on himself , His wife and his In laws..Shyamu tells him to hurry up to his work and leaves the podium.

The camera returns to focus on the Happening KRIYA..Krishna rushes in ..sees Pratigya sitting on the bed..walks to her, demands to know the truth from her..Pratigya remains silent..An angry Krishna grips her jaws, tugs her face up and commands her to tell each and everything that happened yesterday..In answer ..Tears trickle down Pratigya's cheeks..Krishna gets concerned and in a gruff voice ..tries to gather what happened..but Pratigya gets up and tries to walk off without saying anything...Krishna holds on to her arm, trying to pull her back..Pratigya cries out in pain..A puzzled Krishna looks at Pratigya's Hands and see the plaster ..His anger flares .


Krishna his voice choked in anger , is threatening injury to Radhe..Krishna goes to the drawers , pulls it out , roots among its content..takes out something [Sorry was diverted at this moment] and walks out promising retribution to Radhe for daring to cross his limits ..An Alarmed Pratigya runs behind Krishna calling out to him...

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