Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Geet 23rd March 2011 Written Update

Part 1:

The video I am watching does not have the part of Geet looking at MSK and saying to herself that she could not understand what he was trying to do when I was hurt now it seems he is very angry but I will give him surprise as tomorrow is holi..

Geet is in her same maroon dress…. She is knocking at the door calling Vishal.. Vishal comes out of his room must have waken from his deep sleep and stretching himself he mumbles with a sleepy eyes hey I do not want vegetables today.. come tomorrow.. then he turns to see Geet and suddenly comes to attention saying oh you madam.. Geet with her wide eyes and hand gestures tells him to wake up and wake up all other servants as there is too much work to do. Poor Vishal is confused says M’am I finished all my work before going to bed. Geet hits her head and says oh tomorrow is holi and we have too much work to do for the preparation so get up and tell others to get up too….and then raising her hand with pointed finger in her best teacher manner she looks at him with wide eyes and says do not sleep…. Now Vishal hits his head with a grimace and goes back to his room while smiling and happy Geet walks away from there.

At the restaurant.. Police arrives and was asking about the chaos in this type of public place. Sangram says that is the reason I called you here. Then pointing at Arjun he says this man has caused this by attacking me and trying to kill me. Annie and Nitya looks aghast at that lie.. Policeman says angrily looking at Arjun saying rudely to him if he has too much interest in being a Don that he is misbehaving with a gentle man like Sangram Annie and Nitya has a look of surprise…. Arujn looks at Sangram and says oh are you saying that he is a gentleman?? Ask him what did he do? Policeman says now that will be decided at Police station. Then he instructs his man to take these two man to the Police station with the girls.. Arjun tries to object and say you can decide between two of us what is the need of taking the girls with us. PM gets angry at Arjun saying now are you going to teach me what to do? I will decide who is wrong and who is right. Let’s take all of them to the Police station.. all proceed to exit..

Geet walking hurriedly and come across Dadima.. Dadima stops her asking Geet my child what happen what is going on why are you waking up all the servants? Geet shushes dadima saying with a wide smile Dadima tomorrow is holi and I want to surprise Maan. Right away dadima jumps in the celebration and tells Vishal who just enters the area to wake everyone up and start preparation. Vishal goes per the instruction. Dadima tells Geet that she also will stay awake whole night to get the preparation done. Geet holds Dadima’s hand and says Dadima you do not have to worry about this I will handle everything…. then she says you know in during the holi in our Hoshiarpur there used to the crowd of almost 200 people and I alone used to do all the preparation for that. dadima comes near her and says Geet calm down and don’t be too loud because if Maan comes down then your plan for the holi will go flat.. Geet makes her face and calms down.. Looking at her happy vibrant face Dadima is feeling so happy.. Tears came in her eyes and she holds Geet’s hand lovingly saying’ Geet may I say you something? Smiling Geet nods her head. Dadima says being little emotional’ I am so happy looking at you being happy. I was just thinking as when the happiness will return in this house and when will I get my Geet back.. the Geet who used to fight with every one and who never cease to talk.. then she lovingly holds Geet’s face in her hands and says but today watching you like this I am really feeling great. Dadima almost sobs on that sentence Geet becomes all teary too and says softly Dadima you were really sad watching me being sad right? But dadima quickly wipes her tears and says sternly let’s stop this crying session as who will do all the work for holi? Geet bounces back in to action saying yes dadima and lifts her eyes to the door where all the house hold servants are approaching them rubbing their sleepy eyes…. Geet says AA lo…. Dadima smiles at that.. Geet instructs Vishal to make hot tea for everyone so that all can wake up…. all just go back in one direction and dadima and Geet laugh at that…. Dev who was about to enter the area sees them happy and laughing with each other. And a tender smile comes on his face too and he says softly that this is what I wanted to see that all the happiness of this house may return and this only you can do Geet.

At the police station..

Arjun and Sangram are standing and the girls are seated on the bench with lady PI with them.

PI asks the details. Stone faced Arjun stares blankly with the folded arms across his chest but Sangram starts saying that I will tell you the details and pointing at Arjun he says that this guys thinks himself a hero. I told him to go away but he started behaving badly. Annie looks at that with a pained expressions.. Sangram says loudly it is my fault that I was talking to him nicely. It would have bring him to his senses if I have beat him up…. That brings the response from Arjun he says to PI that he is lying. The PI stops Arjun saying that speak only when your turn comes right now he is speaking. But Annie gets up from the bench and says Sir he is telling the truth as Sangram was misbehaving with me then he came to save me. Arjun and Sangram both look at her. But the lady PI shuts her up saying he came to save you but why did you go there? If the girls like you dress up like this and go out at night then there will a cause of a fight like this. With a down cast eyes Annie listens to this insults and trying to say something but lady PI shuts her up saying this is all your faults and because of the girls like you this happens….

Arjun is getting angrier with the behavior of lady PI insulting Annie like that….

Part 2:

Lady PI is on and hurls some more insults at Annie manhandling her roughly saying that you girls just want boys to dance per your tune but do not care for them if they live or die for you.. Annie is tearful and does not say a word but looking at that mistreatment of Annie, Arjun gets mad at lady PI and tells her to mind her language. All look at him. He says look the fight was between us two and your work is to investigate the matter and not to be insulting. The PI gets mad at that and says do not show your temper here, this is the Police station and I am the in charge here. Then he tells his assistance to book everyone for the night so that they will get little bit of sense. Annie and Arjun gives each other helpless look.

In the Kitchen at KM, Geet is stirring something and all the servants are standing around the table. Suddenly on of them feels sleepy and a pot falls from his hand making a loud sound. Geet says in spite of drinking couple cups tea u r still drowsy. Then she turns to her new assistant as (Nakul is no where to be seen) and says irately Vishal tell these people that it is a surprise for Maan and I do not want any loud noise. Vishal goes around her to tell all and the guy says ok banging the pot on the counter.. Everyone turns to him and says shush’ but Furiously Geet asks every one to get out of the kitchen but tells Vishal that let’s start preparing for Khir then she starts getting hyper saying oh so much work to do and looks at every one who were standing around the counter telling them to help her in everything and follow her and do what ever is needed…. There are some funny moment every one following Geet where ever she goes.. Finally Geet asks as why everyone is following her. Vishal tells them because she did not tell them what to do but to follow her. Geet says oh ok and then distributes the work of food and decoration of lawn and everthing.. Dadima looks at that and feels so happy that her bubbly non-stop talking Geet is back. Dev enters and standing near Dadima says may I do something to help. Dadima shakes her head and says no you just pray that the happiness stays all the time with Geet. And I will go in the kitchen and see what is happening. Dev smiles looking at Dadi’s departing back. His cell phone rings and he picks up to hear Annie’s teary voice telling him that she is calling from a police station and there is a big problem and she needs him to come asap.

At the Police station Annie is sitting on the bench with two different girl in front of her Nitya is no where to be seen. Two thugs walks in and looking at Annie makes rude remarks saying now they will have to come to PS every day. Arjun walk in and sees them looking at Annie like that and walks up to them looking straight in to their face. They just scurried away. Arjun glances at Annie who sitting with bow head and sobbing softly. He walks up to her and looking down at her could not resist but puts his hand to console her. Annie feels his touch and looking up at him she stands up quickly and hugs him tightly sobbing and saying I am so sorry Arjun that because of me you also had to come to the PS. Please forgive me…. Arjun could not hold himself back and envelops Annie in his arms closing his eyes…. As if at last he has come home to her.. Annie keeps on hugging Arjun and sobbing says that I should have listen to you about Sangram. It was my mistake that I took him for a good person.

Part 3:

Annie is still sobbing in Arjun’s arms. Arjun strokes Annie’s hair and says lovingly calm down Annie, Calm Down then he tenderly pushes her back and looks at her tear stained face and a soft smile comes on his face. He sees the tears still trickling down her eyes. He shakes his head with a soft smile and wipes her face tenderly. Annie keeps on looking at him. He delicately slides her hair behind her ears and holds her face saying now how would you know what kind of man he is. Once again Annie burst in to fresh flood of tears. Lovingly holding her face Arjun tells her to stop crying. He says now we have to think that how will we get out of this situations. Sobbingly Annie says she has called home. As I could not call Maanbhai I have called Devbhai he must be on his way. That brings Arjun right away from his concern and care for Annie and his expressions of love and concern just turns in to thoughtful and serious. As if he withdraws himself totally by the mention of Dev.

Dev is walking angrily in the corridor of the PS. While Arjun still holding Annie looks serious. The PI is running after Dev saying, Khurana sahib the girl did not tell us that she is Dev and Maan’ sister. Without looking at PI, Dev says sternly where is my sister? The PI points toward a room saying in that room. Arjun and Annie are standing nearby and Arjun is still holding Annie’s arms. They hear soft footsteps and a shadow approaching door. They step back from each other. Dev enters….. Arjun and Annie turn back to look at him. looking at his stern face Annie quickly turns back. Arjun looks at that and then he turns back to look at Dev. There is a long stare between Arjun and Dev. Dev says Arjun? Arjun keeps on staring at him. Slowly Dev walks in with a little frown keeping his direct stare at Arjun. Arjun also keeps on staring at him without blinking his eyes.

Dev says Arjun what are you doing here? The PI walks in saying sirji he was the one with your sister. That makes Dev frown. The PI says he is the one who fought with that son of Don. Dev says which son of Don. The PI says sirji that Sangram Singh who is really notorious. And then starts to say that oh he knew beforehand that Sangram is at fault. Dev looks at PI and says with authority to release his sister immediately. The PI says oh sure and tells Arjun to go too and adds that Dev needs to sign some paper. Dev says ok he will do it. Annie looks at Dev. He looks at her sternly and tells her to go home with a driver. Annie nods her head and gives Arjun a stare. He looks at her but says nothing. Annie picks up her purse from the bench and walks out of that room. Dev and Arjun eye each other like two opponents. Arjun stares some more and walk out of the room without a word to Dev. Dev keeps standing while PI tells him that he should tell his sister to be careful and not venture like that. He adds that it was good that Mr Arjun Singh was there to save your sister otherwise something could have happen. Dev takes all this in without a word.

Arjun is walking out and meets Sangram being escorted by the police men. He stops and tells Sangram that he could have teach him a lesson long back but he wanted to see how low he could stoop. Then he says now go behind the bars and sing the praises of your father.LOL
The Police men take him away. He was about to turn and go but hears Dev calling him from behind and he stops. Dev comes forward and looking at him says Thank you. Arjun says yes you must say thank for this as in spite of knowing that you and your family mistreated my sister, I still saved your sister today. Dev takes a deep breath and looks at Arjun saying I am thankful to you for saving Annie today and I will be thankful to you whole my life but Arjun you do not know what is the truth and you do not know what NT did and it is necessary for you to know the truth. Arjun looks at him.

Part 4:

Arjun is walking out on Dev.. Dev is calling him from behind saying Arjun listen to me. Arjun turns to him and says heatedly that he will not listen anything against NT. Dev says precisely that I am not telling you anything against NT but I want to tell you the truth. Arjun looks at him. Dev says heatedly today if my family is divided and we are standing against each other.. do you know who is responsible for that. Arjun looks at Dev.. Arjun says are you asking me this question? In fact I should be asking that question to you.. Your family who still hates you.. Dev looks down. Arjun continues…. You who cheated your wife and then asks Tell me Dev what did you do right in your life? Dev says you are right you should be getting this answer from me and after getting this answer your misunderstandings will be gone. Dev says I am not sure if you are aware of this persona of NT.. Angrily Arjun turns his face. Very boldly Dev says if anything was important to her was only money and power. Arjun looks at his forceful voice.. Dev looks at Arjun and says today you do not want to hear anything against her.. well I was like that before. If she calls day a night then I would believe her. My day would start with her and end with her. Then walking bit away from Arjun he says that much I used to love your sister but like you I was not aware of her true colors. And that was my mistake that to fulfill her expensive tastes I kept on borrowing money from people. In the back ground Arjun seems to mellow down a little hearing the genuineness in Dev’s voice. Dev continues.. When people stopped giving me money then on her advice I stared looking for shortcuts to acquire money. And I stared going so deep in those wrong works that I lost the sight of what was right and what was wrong. And then one day.. and one day I committed such a crime that I can never forgive myself for that.. The flash back of his wedding with Geet is shown and he is narrating all that to Arjun. The fake wedding ceremony, the documents for the land, taking the advantage of nave Geet on his wedding night and then leaving her at the airport and ruthlessly looking at her unconscious form.

Dev continues saying Even after cheating Geet so ruthlessly she was after her life. He says I went away from here taking this heavy burden of my Guilt but she came back to kill Geet. The chandelier accident is shown and Maan saving Geet and NT pushing Geet from the railing at the party…. Then he turns to Arjun and says do you know that by misleading Geet on her wedding day she tried to kill Geet. But before she fires the bullet bro reached there in time and while saving Geet bro pushed her aside and she fell from the roof. Listening this Arjun remembers Annie telling him about his misunderstanding about Maan..


Maan enters the kitchen and sees Geet with little bit color in her cheek. Dev turns to look at Maan. Maan looks at the color on Dev’s furiously and gives an angry stare at Geet. Geet lips says no maan….

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