Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Chaand Chhupa Baadal Mein 23rd March 2011 Written Update

Viren follows Nivi home. Nivi turns around and says “did I not tell you not to follow me?” Viren says “I am not following you, I came to meet dadi and I hope you don’t have any problem with that.” Nivi walks off and sees NT dadi standing there. Nivi goes inside, NT looks at Viren. viren says “dadi, nivi is angry with me, she is right. You will understand me for sure. I love nivi and i want to take her back her home.” Nt says “she is at her home.” Nivi is hearing this from her room. Viren says “no dadi, my home is her home now.” NT says “ah, that home the one she has left.” Viren looks on at NT. “That home where she craved for love?” viren says “dadi please it’s not like that anymore. Everyone loves her and is waiting for her.” Nt says “so? Just because your family awaits her, that does not mean she should return. Why would she go there back when she didn’t even once get her share of happiness? And who are you to take her back? What right do you have on her?” viren says “I love her, and that’s the right I’ve come here. I am not here to express my rights on her; i came here to win her heart. I promise you dadi, I will keep her happy, and she will not have tears in her eyes again. I promise…” NT says “is it the same kind of promise you promised me last time, and ended up breaking it? You have given her nothing but pain and yet you think i’ll trust your words? If you rlly loved her then you wouldn’t have come here crawling and begging me for your love. Go viren become something and then try to win her love. At least try to become capable for her.” KS arrives. “go viren your words are just mere words and i don’t trust them. When your doings match your words then come back.” (is this going MPK way?) Ks says “did you not here her? Go away.” Viren says “I love Niveditha and i’ve come to take her back.” KS says “why? Is there more you want to do? You want to insult her more than you’ve already have?” Nivi is upset. “You want to hurt her more?” viren says “no…I…” KS says “last time in front of us you wanted to throw her out and now you’ve come to take her back. Why? Just because she was a pawn in your game? I will not let this happen again.” Viren says “I will not hurt her, please believe me, I really love Nivi.” Ks says “If i could i wouldn’t have let this wedding take place but i didn’t say anything because i wanted my daughter’s happiness. I have always took it as my daughter going in that house as Bhupat Rai Sood’s DIL. But you lied to her and cheated her. You showed us the divorce papers yet i stayed silent but not anymore. I have never trusted you viren sood.” Viren says “I know, but please just give me one chance. I won’t disappoint you. This time nothing is a lie, i couldn’t understand what was in my heart before but now i do. I realise what my nivi means to me. My family and I are incomplete without her.” Virne folds his hands in front of them. “Please trust me just once.” KS says “why? just because you are BRS’ grandson? I need a reason to trust you!” Viren is speechless. Nt says “it doesn’t take a second for ones trust to break yet it takes ages to win it back. If you had understood this then you wouldn’t be here folding your hands in front us.” Nivi is in tears. “Win our trust first then think of taking Nivi.” Nt dadi leaves, Viren looks at KS with a hope. Ks angrily shut the door on viren’s face, Viren leaves disheartened. (awwwwwwwwww my Viren has to face rejection *sigh* Viren it’s okay main hoon na Embarrassed

Preparations for Nivi’s ghar pravash are ebing done at Sood’s house. Everyone is eagerly waiting for her except CC. Everyone is disheartened when they see Viren arrive alone all upset. Seeing the ghar pravesh preparations Viren remembers the time where CC refused to accept Nivi as the DIL. Bs goes to Viren. Viren says “Sorry dada ji, I had gone with your blessings but i couldn’t bring your DIL back. I’ve lost dada ji.” CC smirks, BS says “why are you apologising? Don’t you have my faith on my blessings? My blessings are with you forever not just for a day. You can’t lose because i have faith in you and my blessings will not go to waste. It’s not important to win each time, what’s important is that one should never give up. make you weakness your strength. One learns how to get up when they fall. Learn to trust people and then expect someone to trust you. Just my name isn’t enough for you.” Viren remembers Ks’ words. “Trust is what sood;s are known for.” Viren remembers Nt’s words about breaking trust. “Never back away from situations and never give up. No matter how impossible it is to get what you want, you have to make it possible.” NT’s words start ringing in Viren’s ears. “This is my blessing.” Viren says “dada sahib i promise, now the world will see that I am your grandson. I will not back out until I reach my goal.” BS looks on at him proud. He looks at everyone who give their consent. (hahaha he didn’t even once give a look to CC ROFL) Viren rushes to his room and packs his bags. He makes sure he has all the necessary things he needs. Including Nivi’s photo. (Yeah for some support) viren goes downstairs and says “thank you dada ji you have shown me a new path to get what I want. I promised you to get your DIL back, though i couldn’t keep this promise I promise you that I shall not step in this house until I bring Nivi back.” Everyone is shocked. VD tries to say something but viren interrupts “No tayi ji, I will not back away this time. I shall not come back until I bring Nivi back.” Viren smiles and takes the blessings of BS and YD. He was about to leaves but CC stops him saying “STOP VIREN! Perhaps you have forgotten that you and your wife have signed the divorce papers.” (So? Woman…they haven’t been legally stamped yet! So they aren’t legally divorced yet) “you can’t do what you want every time. What’s this new drama now?” viren looks at CC with a smile and says “ma don’t worry about the papers and me. Like i said Nivi and I will return in this house together.” Viren was about to leave but turns around again. “Dada sahib Nivi promised you to return your GS back right? She fulfilled her promise now it’s my turn.” CC is angry. VD tells him to take care of himself. Sid wishes viren all the best. Viren leaves in full confidence. CC is worried and says “Stop him someone!” Bs looks at her in anger and heads to the porch followed by everyone.

Viren knocks once again at Nivi’s door. Ks opens the door and sees viren standing there. he says “you’ve returned again? Did i not tell you before not to come here?” viren says “I’ve come to tell you that i’ve left my home. I know you don’t care but this is my new beginning where i’ll walk alone as just Viren and not as a sood. I dont’ want you to trust me now, I just want you to give me some time to prove myself right.” Ks says “it’s not easy.” Viren says ‘I know but I do have the right to try.” It starts pouring all of a sudden. Viren leaves, NT arrives at the door asking KS what’s the matter and how come it’s raining when it’s not the season. All are shocked to see Viren i the rain. Viren makes his way to the little shed in his lawn and looks on proud! (*WHISTLES OUT LOUD* GO VIREN GO!!!! WHOOP WHOOP!)

Precap: viren makes his bed in that sed, Nivi looks on at him from her porch. Viren sees that the plastic cover he hung to keep himself away from the rain is coming off, he tries to fix it, Nivi is worried for him.

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