MANSA AND DEV at ghat in their own thoughts on Radhika and the scene shifts from one to another Manasa thinking that I have to find the boy who Radhika married and worrying about her and Dev thinking why he is unable to find his friend as he will go back tomorrow and miss her and thinking Daima told him if Kanha wishes they will meet as friendship is bound by strong thread and Mansa thinks dont know which thread Radhika has tied with the boy she went to meet him but he is gone away and D thinking I if we meet then we can play together and Mansa thinks marriage is not a play and if R keeps thinking about the boy then she will lose her childhood atleast she should forget the boy.In between Radhika shown doing work at home .FINALLY Mansa leaves everything to Kanha and asking him to show the way and gets up and Dev also get up saying he has to find Radhika and play with her before he leaves tommorow.
Mansa comes to his cycle and finds it fallen down he picks it up and Dev also comes out the same time Mansa recognises him as the boy who brought him work from RP house and then they recognise each other Dev tells him he wants to meet his friend as he only comes once a year to Rawal and will go back tomorrow and when Mansa asks him her name devs driver calls him I have been searching for u as u have to go to shilaniyas (foundation stone ceremony) u have to change ur clothes r lying in the car and after doing pranam to Mansa Dev leaves for the ceremony’
The ceremony is going on the SRP is seated and the pundit is chanting mantras and senior RP is doing puja and when Dev comes he sits behind but his dadaji asks him to sit with him HE ASKS HIM WHERE HE WENT AND DEV replies he went to ghat and says sorry .RPsays its all right .The pundit asks for the family members RP says all r busy with the packing as we are leaving tommorrow Pandit says at least ur grandsons should come RP says Dev is like my grandson he cuts the pundit and asks him to start the ceremony and asks Dev to chant the sholaks along with him and Dev does a very cute scene.
Mother calls Chanda and tells her to get some provisions from the shop and gives her a bag and list Chanda and brother come r together and Chanda says where is Radhika why dont u send her her mother tells her to get it and she reluctantly goes out as her mother scolds her and sees Radhika at the spindle she asks Radhika to do the work R refuses saying mother will scold me then her sister says mother asked u and asks Chenu to confirm and gestures him to tell yes as chenu says yes Radhika then goes out a bit
reluctantly after R keaves Chenu asks Chanda for 2 rupees for for
telling lies and one for hiding from mother she .refuses that she wont give anything shows him a and runs away.and Chenu this will cost u dear(very good acting by all children)….
tHE PUJA IS COmpleted and groundbreaking ceremony with the plough and bricklaying is done by Dev and dadaji and and then after everything is complete Dev tdoes pranam to Pundits and dadaji and picks up dadajis walking stick and hands it to him DADAJI TELLS HE HAS TO GO TO THE MUTT and asks him to go home with the driver Narayan.Dev asks his permission for going on his own as he wants to see the market .Dadaji says ok and then dev happily leaves so also Dadaji.
BB comes murmuring insides and sees a stoll and says who keept this here Padma comes says I have kept it as I was getting the curtains changed and BB asks what else u want to change and now what u dont like u can throw it outside Padma says jiji r u angry with something good thing FIL is not at home and BB asks where he has gone Padma says he has gone for the foundation ceremony of new ashram Bb immediately say enough and starts bickering and insulting her and asks her to get tea Daima looks on Padma is angry but quietly leaves without answering.(the expressions of all three r worth watching here)
SHOP AND and Radhika Dev hide and seek in MARKET
Radhika gives the bag and list to shopkeeper one lady comes and asks for sindoor.ANother lady asks why u want sindoor early in the morning and the other tells her her sindoor is over and then other one replies if a married women does not put sindoor her husband will die. R listens to all this talk with wide eyes and starts thinking and when the shopkeeper gives her things and asks if she wants any thing else she says sindoor and the shopkeeper tells take this when just then Dev passes by the ehsaas comes to R and she turns sees his back and starts the shopkeeper says take the sindoor she grabs it and runs.she sees glimpses of him but he turns into a lane and she misses him. She stands there searching just then her father comes there .he asks did ur mother let u come out she says yes.Chanda told me that mother wants me to bring all these Mansa says she must have told chanda and she sent u.R is worried what will happen now Her father reassures her nothing lets go home and both walk suddenly Dev sees her back and runs behind her but misses her as lot of traffic is there he is sad both see each other from far and from behind have ahsaas of each other but miss each other
Both father and mother enter the house and Ashanti is in her full gear her eyes expressing all the unsaid words if asking Radhika why she went out Radhika says she went to get provisions Ashanti says who asked her Radhika replies Chanda Chanda immediately backtracks and says she did not tell R she must have gone out as she wants so Chenu says u only told sister to go out chanda and Chenu both fight saying yes and no and mother comes and seperates them and scolds them and asks them to sit seperately Then she sarcastically says to r u must be tired Maharani go inside and rest.She then brings water for Mansa and asks where he went early in the morning He says to find about the boy.Ashanti get angry says even after telling so many times u again went and starts bickering about Radhika saying she has all luxuries like a maharani when did I stop her Mansa also strats in a loud voice u stopped her from going to the Gurukul I have given a word to the panchayat and warns her I wont let anyone play with Radhikas life she will go to the gurukul whether u like it or not.and she has all the anger on her face and throws away the broom(very lovely acting by all in the family the father mother and all the three children like this bit very much)
RP comes home and servant ives him water BB comes signals the servant to leave and takes the empty glass saying I want to talk something important with u Daima comes and asks RPJi did the ceremony go on well and Rp replies very well and I gave 50 gold coins to the newly wedded couples and Padma comes and gives him tea and asks all things over here I have packed everything except kitchen and RP says we will start from here after tomorrows puja and I have to announce something very important after the puja and I hope all will agree to my decision Padma says we never disagree with ur decision RP is happy and 2nd DIL and Daima leave to pack up their kitchen things. BB has a worried expression on her face looking at the second DIL AS THEY R LEAVING RP asks Amba to bring a blue file to his room as there r some very important papers in it.BB looks on and says Babuji I have very important thing suddenly Gopaldas comes and asks in his rhyming language cau we go tommorrow or do we have something again tomorrow his wife gestures him to leave and he leaves. BB again starts and RP gets up what is left now she says there is he says who said Kashi maharaj and she is shocked RP takes her to task for going and bribing him and says he is ashamed of her BB says she did because her husbands rights were taken away from him Rp says he is not eligible to become a RP then BB says u could have made my son Virat RP says I could have but he has no sanskaars but Kashi Maharaj said my younger grandson is destined to become RP she starts screaming and arguing with him RP is climbing the steps and she says what destiny my son will become RP SRP says he will not and this women he will not RP says he will not and this BB mad and wicked women pushes her FIL down the starts.He screams and rolls down the stairs and falls and hurts his head on the rails and falls down BBM watches with first a horrified expression and then with a good riddance to bad rubbish expression (she is one mad wicked women)
Lets see the repercussions of her actions tommorrow the twist in the story and RP family has come.
RADHIKA IS putting sindoor in her mang in front of Kanha with the chantings of baghwan vishnu mangalam and her step mother comes and sees her with a horrified expression on her face and saying what have u done and scene ends on Radhika’s face
A very intersting episode and the Wicked Maheshwari has attacked her father in law so the twist in story lets W&W
Thanks friends sorry for any mistakes I am a bit slow
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