Dharmesh’s house
Dharmesh’s mother is walking around looking very angry .She keeps thinking of various occasions when she saw Manav and Vaishali close to each other .
Dharmesh comes in and she immediately asks him where his wife was all night .She is angry with him because she feels that he has stopped caring about his garhasti .His wife was out all night, doesn’t even bothers to call and he is taking all this so lightly ..
Dharmesh tries to calm her down but the lady is not ready to listen .
She says that she will go and search for Vaishali and get her back from where she is and also teach her a thing or two about duniyadaari …
Dharmesh says that she doesn’t need to go , he will go and look for her ..
His mother still wants to go and get Vaishu back herself .
Outside Manav’s Chawl.
Manav is coming in .He is carrying some bags .Vaishu is coming fro mthe mandir and she feeds him prasad with her hands …There are some women standing there ..One of them starts yelling at both of them that implying that they are having an affair .
Vaishali : What are you guys saying ?
Woman : You guys are doing all this without any shame why would I shy in saying it ….She says that both Manav and Vaishali are doing all this to have a good time and spoiling the rishta of Jeeja and saali .Vaishu tries to argue with them and gtells them that they are talking filth ..But that lady is very loud and she screams so much and says so muc that she colelcts a whole lot of people around …
Manav sees the situation getting out of hand and then he tells Vaishali to come inside and not to argue any more ..Even as they leave the Chawl people are calling them besharam and what not …
Manav’s house
Manav is sitting down looking worried and Vaishali is very angry .She tells Manav off for not fighting back ..Mnav tells her that if he had fought back then things would have becoem uglier and he did not wish to spoil her reputation like this …
She says that she cannot believe how people can say something as Manav and her are like brother and sister …
Manav asks Vaishu to go and live in her Aie’s house for sometime …He is concerned about her reputation and her unborn child .He says that as a big brother he can look after and take care of her but for now he cannot afford to live somewhere better and he is worried what these scandals wil ldo to vaishali ..
Vaishali first argues that she will not give up so easily but then after hearing what Manav has to say , she says that perhaps that is the right thing to do .
She says that she has to stop running away now and take a firm decision about her life ….
Outside manav’s shop
The shop has not been opened this morning and One clent comes in to enquire abot it .Ajit and Shibu go to check what is taking manav so long so he can coem and open the shop ..
Manav’s house
Vaishali : This world is not a good place . People point fingers at those who are honest …he is doing so much wrong , one thing after another but how come no one is pointing fingers at him ( she means Dharmesh ) .
Manav : This is how this world is ….People will not spare brother and sister …we are jeeju and saali .
vaishali : you are right .I will go to my mother’s house .I cannot keep running away .I feel all broken inside , I am tired and feel shattered ( she is crying ) .
Her sister Archana is standing outside the house and listening to their conversation . Now I wil lsort out this issue my way .If I saty here and Archu tai comes then I wil lnot be able to answer her questions so I better leave now …
manav : Don’t worry , I will explain it to her ….
Archana comes in : What if I don’t understand ….
Manav : When did yo ucome ?
Archana : When yo u were talking about giving up ..
Manav : I am not giving up but I am worried about Vaishu’s reputation I don’t want people to talk this way about her …
Archana: They will still talk ..In fact now they will say ‘ see he was guilty that is why he send his saali away . I cannot understand , why are yo uguys giving so much importance to this kind of filth …
You guys heard it today …I heard all this long time back but gave it no importance..All this means nothing to me …I trust my sister , I trust my husband and why should I get worried what the outside world is saying about us ..
Manav : Archana you are right in what you are saying ….but we cannot change the world ..what if Vaishu goes out tomorrow and then someone teases her about this situation ..
Archana : What if they tease me …
What is wrong in wrong and what is right is right …we have to stick with right and ignore the wrong ….I learned all this from you only so why are you backing out now …If vaishu is with us then we can fight this or esle how will we prove ourselves right ….
If you still think that she should go then it is fine by me …I will always support you .I just want you to make the right decision ….
Manav holds her : You are right , I was wrong ..Vaishu will not go anywhere .I don’t care what people say , I will now take care of my relationships and my responsibilities ..
Hotel room
Dharmesh goes to the room .Madhuri is there .he tells her that he is sick and tired of the questions and wants to get away from it all ..He looks very worried and tense ….
Madhuri stand there quietly listening to him .
Outside the chawl .
The chawl people have gathered in a big crowd .They all want to sort out this mess with Manav and Vaishali ….
The lady who is creating this whole situation is telling everyone that they have to sort out Manav or else this place will be totally spoiled by his actions ….Mostly everyone is in agreeement with her .
Rasika also comes .She is thrilled that there is some spicy gossip going on and wants to get involved ….
Rasika tells the chawl women that she really regrets getting a bahu from such a filthy khandaan and that she is ashamed that her bahu’s brother is doing such shameful acts …
Ajit and Shibu coem to this place .Everyone by now is shouting and calling manav out ..
When Ajit wants to know what is going on ….one man says that this is getting too much and that they are respectable people .A jeeja is doing filthy acts with his saali and this cannot be tolerated .
Shibu gets so angry that he starst fighting with that man …
Ajit tells Shibu to calm down ..He tries to calm other also bu tthey are not listening .Ajit goes up to get Manav .
Manav, Archana and vaishali all come down ..a big crowd has gathered and people want answers from him ..
Precap .
Savita also comes to the same place .She sees all that is going on and gets angry and goes to fight with the people there …Manav and Archana look worried when they see her there …
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