Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Bhaagon Waali 22nd March 2011 Written Update

To touch or not to touch?

Guddu asks for water and Runjhun gives him water to drink. After she gives him the water she is about to leave but Guddu grabs her pallo. Runjhun tells Guddu to leave her pallo. She tries again but he's fast asleep. She then tries to pry his fingers from her pallo (I have no clue whether she was holding his hands or not, I couldn't see clearly, so I don't if she pulling his fingers apart or her pallo)

Mahadevi comes and asks Runjhun what she's doing. The pallo falls loose and Runjhun moves away. Mahadevi sarcastically tells Runjhun that she's indulging in romantic notions with someone she claims to consider a thug. Runjhun tries to explain but Mahadevi says she can do whatever she wants as everyone else went to bed hungry. Runjhun says she will serve food to everyone.

She serves food to Mittho first who says that Runjhun is so busy with her husband that she's forgotten about them. She goes back and forth serving Kalsanwali and Mittho who keep asking her to bring food. She then asks permission to give food to Amma. Kalsanwali at first says no but then allows it.

Runjhun is about to go serve food, but Billo calls her because she is hungry. Runjhun rushes to Amma's room and finds her on the floor crying. She consoles Amma who keeps apologizing to Runjhun for spoiling her life. SHe says she's the one who forced Runjhun to get married, and she got married to Guddu. She says she doesn't know how she thought that Guddu would turn into Ram. She keeps apologizing and Runjhun tells her to stop crying. Amma starts getting an attack and Runjhun brings her medicine. Amma refuses to take medicine, but Runjhun puts in her mouth and tells her to take rest. She helps Amma up and puts her to sleep.

Rajju is wondering that for Guddu's mom going into coma he was slapped so what would happen tomorrow. He's mumbling to himself and Mittho asks him if he got slapped by Guddu. Rajju denies it and spins the tale that only Vishnu got slapped, on the other hand Vishnu spins the tale against Rajju. Mittho asks Rajju why he didn't tell her what happened earlier. Vishnu tells Kalsanwali that because Rajju had asked him to save his name (Vishnu does a great imitation of Rajju). Kalsanwali aks Vishnu about the money. Mittho and Kalsanwali give their respective spouses the idea to steal the money given to Guddu back by his father and says they can give him that money in the morning as part of their share and then the rest of the brothers will have to pay up. 

Mittho and Rajju reach Guddu's room first and look for the money. Rajju even puts his hand under Guddu's Pillow, and Mittho has to tickle Guddu's ears so he can get his hand out. Rajju tells Mittho to look in his socks for the money. Mittho feels disgusted and doesn't want to touch Guddu's feet. (Poor Guddu)  Rajju says he will look but they are interrupted as Vishnu and Kalsanwali try to come in. They both hide under the bed.

Kalsanwali and Vishnu look for the money, and Kalsanwali tries to pat Guddu down as she looks for the money. Mittho curses Vishnu and Kalsanwali. She finds a pin and pokes it in Kalsanwali's leg. Kalsanwali curses the mosquitoes (poor mosquitoes) and then finds the money in Guddu's socks, and pulls it out. Rajju tells Mittho that he told her to look in the socks.

Vishnu and Kalsanwali are leaving when Mittho tells them they can't just take the money like that. Kalsanwali asks Vishnu why Guddu is sounding like Mittho. Mittho and Rajju come out of their hiding place and an argument ensues between the two couples. Mittho takes a pillow formt he bed and is about to smack Kalsanwali when Vishnu tells them that if Guddu wakes up they will lose what they had also.  They leave and run into Runjhun outside.

She asks them what they are doing. She tells them that she was looking for them. They lie and say that they just came into check on Guddu after all he is the son in law of the house. Mittho asks Runjhun why she was looking for her. Runjhun says that Amma becaem ill and she wanted to call the doctor. Kalsanwali and Mittho say that this time it is Amma's fault and she is cursing herself because of Runjhun's miserable fortune. This time she can't blame them for Runjhun getting married to someone like Guddu so she will suffer and die like that. Rajju tells Mittho not to talk about his mom like that in this condition. Mittho says she's telling the  truth and the four leave from there.

Precap: Guddu grabs Vishnu and Rajju by their necks. Vishnu gives Guddu the money they've stolen and says they will pay the rest. Guddu takes the money and sees that the mark of the money, and says that they stole from him and are giving it to him. He says he doesn't want five lakhs now but ten lakhs and Vishnu and Rajju will be the one to give it to him.

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