Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Laadli 22nd March 2011 Written Update

At the Nari Nikethan the security knocks Gursheel's door and gives her a letter and says her that it is from her sister Goldie. Gursheel reads the letter and is shocked after reading the first line which says that she was leaving. Goldie says in the letter that she is repenting for all the evil deeds she did and she hates herself for all her deeds. She have hidden some jewelry and money from Gursheel and she is giving all that to her. It may be useful for her. The letter concludes by Goldie asking Gursheel to take care.

Amrit is getting ready to leave for office and Bebo is tensed and she is remembering Manji wearing her mangalsutr and Prabjot warning her about Manji. Amrit goes to her and asks her why she so tensed was. Bebo as usual replies nothing. Amrit tells her that he has been noticing her for past two days and there is something that is annoying her. Bebo holds Amrit's tie and tells him that so for the past two days he has been looking at her and is not even concentrating on his office work and he is calling her from the office. Bebo gives him his bag and asks him to leave for office because all would be waiting for him there. Amrit replies that he doesn't feel like going to the office. Bebo compels him and he leaves for office. As soon as Amrit leaves Bebo is again serious.

Manji goes to Amrit's cabin and asks if he has called her. Amrit asks her to call some clients and ask them if it would be OK if they submit the designs tomorrow because he has got a whole lot of work and he has to leave for home early. Manji is shocked and she asks him if he has to leave early. Amrit says yes and asks her to do the work.

Veer is rehearsing how to propose Manji again while Manji is calling all the clients. After calling the clients she smiles and says where you would go Amrit. All is fair in love and war. Veer is so afraid and he is giving courage to himself.

Amrit is at work and he seems to have a shoulder pain. Manji goes and massages his shoulders. Amrit is shocked and asks her what she was doing. Manji says that he is tired and she thought of giving him back massage. Amrit denies her help and he inquires about the phone-calls to the clients. Manji lies that the clients require the details today. Amrit says it is alright. Manji tells him that he will have to work overnight; but she will also stay with him. If he wants anything he can call her. Amrit nods and Manji while leaving tells to herself that tonight is for love. But he will have to wait. She has got a chance; now she will have to create an atmosphere.

Bebo phones Amrit and Amrit tells her that he was about to call her. Bebo tells him that he has got a lot of work at office; if he remembers her how he is going to finish his work. He tells her that she is his "sukoon" and if he thinks about her, he can work whole nightEmbarrassed. Bebo tells him that if his "sugoon"Embarrassed comes to office would he be disturbed. Amrit says he won't be disturbed. Bebo tells him that he would take his dinner and come to the office.

Manji is decorating the office. After making a satisfactory arrangement she tells that now it is her turn to get ready. Veer is taking out a lehanga and is thinking to give it to Manji. Amrit is working and suddenly the current goes. He goes out of the cabin and calls for the security. The decorations are switched on and Amrit is surprised and tells who did all the arrangements. Amrit comes to a conclusion that all these would be done by Bebo to surprise him. He sees someone walking towards him and he smiles thinking it is Bebo. It is Manji in a saree. She goes to him and he hugs her thinking it is Bebo. He thanks her for coming to his life. He says I LOVE YOUAngryAngryAngry. Manji replies I LOVE YOU TOOAngryAngryAngry. Amrit is shocked to hear her voice. Veer sees this and Bebo who came with the dinner also sees this. Both are shockedShocked. Amrit pushes her apart and he is shocked to see Manji and he tells you. Bebo goes to her and slaps herClapClapClapClap.

Bebo asks Manji to stop all these and now it is too much. There is a limit for everything. Bebo tells her that she told her all these the other day and is telling it today also for the last time: Amrit is her suhaagClap. He is her husbandClap. She could tolerate anything in this world; but if she tries to snatch her husband from her she would not tolerate it. So stop all the fruitless efforts. Manji tells Bebo that she must come to senses. She is not the only one to love Amrit. She catches Amrit's hands and tells that Amrit also loves herDead. Bebo is shocked. Amrit takes his hands from herClap. Manji tells that he is not telling all this in front of you because you both share a very old relation. He doesn't want to hurt you. She asks her to think herself. Where is Amrit and where is Bebo. Amrit should be with someone like her. Amrit yells at her to stop her nonsense. He asks Manji if she is comparing herself with Bebo. She is his wife and he loves her and would continue loving her. Manji asks him smilingly not to say that. She knows that he loves her. In the whole house; just he was supporting her. He took her to the office so that they could spend more time together. (Manji should I remind you? Amrit didn't take you to the office. You yourself came to the office for your selfish deeds.) when she was late to get back on the day she went out with Veer he was so much concerned about her. You were feeling bad when Veer gave me flowers. This is love. Amrit says NO. You are in this office, in the house and before him just because of Bebo. Manji don't know. Bebo was the one who made all allow Manji to stay at home. The flowers were brought by him for Bebo which Veer gave her. Amrit asks her to just take it out from her mind that he loves her. And the truth is that he loves only Bebo and not Manji. She is shocked to hear all these. Amrit takes Bebo's hands and asks her to leave. Bebo says but? Amrit says it is just too much and leaves with her; leaving a tearful Manji behind.

When AmBo leaves; Veer goes to her. He gives her his handkerchief and asks her to wipe her tears. He cannot see her in tears. Manji discards it and wipes her tears with her hand. He tells her that he loves her very much. She is shocked to hear this. She yells at him and says that if he breaks Amrit's love for her; did he think that she would love him. Veer tries to tell her that he cares for her. Manji tells that she doesn't care if someone cares for her or not. She tells him that inorder to rose Amrit's jealousy she was just acting with him and he thought she loves him. Have he seen his face on the mirror. She won't even let someone like him to even come near her. He is just a servant of the office and don't try to come above his status. She leaves from there and Veer is shattered.

At the Narang House Kuku tells her that he ignored all her deeds regarding it as childishness. But today she crossed her limits and that too with her sister and jeeju. She should be ashamed. Manji tries to says something but Kuku tells her that she should be punished for this; but Bebo prevented him. Manji is more angry hearing that. If it is her childishness then she should be treated just like kids. Kuku tells her that she would stay in her room and wouldn't get out without telling anyone. He also tells her that the next day it would be Saru's child's "chatty" (I am not familiar with these rituals. I think I heard something like that. If it is not that please forgive me.) and he don't want any disturbances in it. She leaves from there angrily.

Manji is shouting from her room. She tells that he loves her and when his wife came he began to yell at her. She should be blamed to love such a person who isn't courageous to tell anything. He was just quiet in front of his in-law and wife. But she won't sit quiet. She would tell him what is the result of insulting and cheating someone. (It would be better if you tell that yourself Manji). He have made a faceoff with Manjeet Narang. She would destroy them.

Amrit is bringing in a lot of things and Bebo goes to him and wipe his sweat. Manji sees this. ambo leaves to light the lamp in the temple and Manji is jealous. AmBo are lighting the lamp. Prabjot goes to them and ask them also to make preparations for a child's chattyEmbarrassed. Bebo blushes. Amrit also asks Bebo to get readyEmbarrassed. Bebo blushes again and leaves. Bebo sees Manji staring at both of them.

Manji walks angrily and she bumps into an old women who was coming with luggage. The old women asks her to take the bags. Manji asks why she should. The old women goes in calling Amro. The governess comes and Manji asks her to take the bags. The governess tells her that don't consider the governess is a maid and leaves.

Manji and the governess have a fight over bathing the child. Manji overhears this. manji sees Kuku coming and she hides. Kuku hears the fight and goes to Saru's room. Kuku supports the governess and Saru agrees to it. Manji comes in clapping her hands. She tells that Kuku cannot say anything against the governess because he is forced to. He has made a deal with her. She asks Kuku let she tell.

Episode ends on Kuku's face.

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