Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Sapnon Se Bhare Naina 22nd March 2011 Written Update

In the car, Daksh asks about his appointments and Naina tells him without a hesitation.  The two argue.  Daksh tells her that she is afraid of him as he is her boss and she tells him that she is not afraid, and calls him "Mr Karela Patwardan and leaves.  Daksh thinks.that this is what his employees call him !

In Naina's office, they try to undo the damage caused by Nikhil.  He has a smirk on his face. 

in Daksh's office, Naina  tells him that she is hungry and will eat, but he tells her that eating in the office is against his rules, and tells her to eat after the appointment.  He asks for Mr Singhania's number and she tells is eating and he tells her that he told her not to eat, then she gives him the number.  Someone knocks and comes in.  Mr Singhania is in.  Naina introduces  him.and she wants to leave, but he tells her to stay and take the notes.  Mr. Singhania wants divorce.

Mr Singhania asks what Naina's opinion is regarding divorce.   She tells him to think before starting a new relationship, and he praises Naina,  He says, "Besides beauty she thinks as well."

Daksh and Singhania discuss the case and Naina takes the notes.  Daksh tells that he knows  enough and he will type the petition.  Singhania leaves. 

Naina calls her office and speaks about the photo copies and the girls hide the incident and worry.  Akriti says that Naina gave all original with great trust and now she will not trust her.   They all try to clean the originals which have been stained by the ink, which Nikhil had dropped, but Akriti thinks it was her Dupatta because Nikhil said so..   

Daksh tells Naina not to advice his clients.  She says what he does is not right.  Daksh  and Naina's ideas are different.  He is interested in his business.  Naina tells him, when someone tries to break the ties, she should help to restore them.    Daksh is immature in his ideas, and just wants to do what he thinks is  his job, and he already has a negative view of life.   He thinks Naina is more emotional in her views.

Naina gets call from Seema.who calls her to the office.  She tells her that  she is coming.   Daksh tells he has to go for a meeting with Mr. Chaterjee and gets ready to leave.   Naina  asks him to drop her at Bandra but he tells her that he is meeting him somewhere else.  Naina leaves on her own.

Naina halts a rickshaw to go to Bandra and Daksh too goes out in his car. 

Akriti tells Naina that the ink spilled on her pictures.  She cries and tells Naina that she is no good.  Naina thinks what to do.  Naina takes the photo copy bill and leaves to the photo copy shop   Nikhil thinks that he has won. 

In the shop, Naina asks the man to see if any photocopies are in the machine, and after checking he tells her that they have been deleted.   Naina is disappointed.  She gets a call from Mr. Chaterjee, about his appointment tomorrow.   She then calls Daksh to confirm, but he tells her that he is going to meet him today, and Naina wonders why Daksh has told an untruth.  

Outside, Naina sees Daksh with someone, and when that person turns, she recognizes that it is Lekha.   She wonders why he went to meet her.

In the evening, Rohini comes home and asks for her tea.  Mother says it is ready, but the bell rings, and Shyamal comes with the news that Lekha and Sushant have come, and she leaves to meet them and Rohini asks her about her tea.   She tells her that she will attend to her after seeing her guests.  Rohini notices a change in her mother's attitude.  and stares blankly.

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