Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Sangini 23rd March 2011 Written Update

Hey Guys

Here is the Writen Update

The Episode starts with Ram saying that forget everything and i will keep Revati very happy.Rudr goes towards Ram and says forget what happen and plzz keep Revati happy.Ram remember what Rudr did at the marraige when he was going to marry with Gauri.Later on,Rudr is with Gauri in his room and says to her that i can’t tolerate any pain given to Revati.Gauri says Ram is a nice guy as i have already worked with him in the office and even his family is nice and they will keep Revati always happy.Rudr says i hope Ram has forget everything that has happened before.Ram in his house says i can’t forget the pain that u both gave to me.Ram says because of both of u my family suffer for 3 months.Ram says i married Revati for mom happiness but i could never love her.Ram then throws down the pot in angriness and his mom comes in.Ram mom saw that he is bleeding and ask to him what happend but Ram doesn’t respond.At Rudr house,everyone are waiting for Ram and his family to come.

Ram enters with his mother and Rudr and the rest welcomes them.Ram mother says that i had a dream that all the Haridwar could see my son marriage but the marriage happened in Delhi because i was sick.Ram mother says i wants to have a big reception where everyone will be called.Rudr family and the rest looks a bit shocked.Rudr says we will arrange for it.Ram mother then talks with Gauri and says we spend lots of money when u was going to marry with Ram but in this reception Rudr has to spend all the money,we won’t give away any money.Gauri says we will try our best and tells to Ram mother to forget what has happened earlier,it was due to some misunderstandings.Ram mother says its me and my son that has to suffer that.At the kitche,Gauri ask to Revati if she is happy?Revati says she is really happy and RR comes too.Gauri says Revati is very lucky to have a husband like Ram as there is less people like Ram in this world.Ram is there listening to all this.

At night,Rudr is discussing with Gauri about the reception.Gauri says to make a reception there should be a cost of 8 to 10 Lacks.Gauri says from where will we arrange for the money.Rudr says u don’t worry,i will arrange as Revati is my sister and i can do anything for her.Gauri says i will support u in what u will do.Ram on the other hand is thinking that i dint know Revati was the sister of Rudr and says i though i will forget Gauri.Ram then says after i met Gauri i came to know that i only loves Gauri and will i be able to forget her?Revati comes in ask to Ram whats the matter?Ram says there is nothing like that.Revati then tells to Ram that my friend got married 2 days before us and her husband doesn’t even let her away for a seconds and u always stay awa from me.Revati wanted to go close to Ram but he pushes her away.Revati then runs away and comes outside.Revati then saw someones coming and says why u came here now,go i won’t come back.Revati then saw its Pihu and is shocked to see her.Episode ends.

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