Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Saas Bina Sasural 22nd March 2011 Written Update

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March 22 Update

At Chatur House
Tej and Ved come back from their search and Pashu comes home from the shop. Ved says they looked everywhere but can't find him. Pashu is looking down. Toasty happens to look at him and he asks why is she looking at him like that.  Toasty says should we get help from the police? Pashu says you guys can do what ever you want.  Tej says let's go to the station but Dadaji stops him.

He says Prachin called a while ago, but he's not coming back. He says he just callled to let everyone know he is safe. He said he won't be back until he passes his class.  Toasty says that's stupid. Dadaji said I told him that too but he is very stubborn. Tej asks where he is. Dadaji said I asked but he wouldn't tell me. He just said, I will only come when I pass the exam.  Pashu says why are you looking at me and saying that. I never told him to leave. Also what does he think of himself. Coming back after he passes the exam, like he's only doing this as a favour for Pitaji and I . Toasty says you are taking the wrong meaning from this. Pashu says I see, just liek I was wrong in hitting him, not I'm getting the wrong meaning from him.  Just say it, I'm a bad guy. Toasty says she doesn't mean that, when there is a problem there is no right or wrong, we all are right in our own views. 

She explains that Prachin is from a different generation. A generation that at this age doesn't have teh willingness or the strength to be beaten up at this age. He must have gotten really hurt that you slapped him in front of so many people. Pashu says so you are trying to say I am wrong. Toasty says no, I'm just trying to explain to you. Pashy says just stop with the lectures. I'm not a kid. Anyways its better you don't get involved in this anyways.

Tej asks why? why shouldn't see. Pashu says it doesn't matter. Tej says no, I'm asking why. She's Prachins Bhabhi, she has all the right to worry about him. Pashu says, oh really, now you are fighting with me on her behalf. Tej says no, I'm not fighting with you, I'm just asking. Toasty is a part of this house, just like we have the right to say stuff, so does she. Pashu says yes she really is, that's why in court we had to hear so much cause of her. Toasty says what did I do.  He goes on to say that Malti's lawyer said that we have trapped you into becoming our daughter in law. We forcefully make you do all the housework. Even forcing you to go to the Aryuvedic centre. So Tej, how do you think they found all of this out? Tej asks what he's trying to say. Pashu says do I have to explain this to you to. It seems like now you guys have lost all understanding. He says perhaps I was the dumb one, who actually believed that at the picnic Toasty didn't know who Maltis mom is. How does the lawyer know everything.

Toasty is shocked and says she swears she never told anyone anything. Pashu tells her to stop. Ved was right, women are the root of all problems. Today, she showed that.  Tej tells him to stop. Stop blaming everything on other people. Toasty is not the reason why all of this is happening. When all these problems started Toasty wasn't even here, she wasn't even married to me. Pashu asks what he is trying to say.  He says, what I'm trying to say is that all the problems of this house are due to your anger. Toasty goes Tej! Tej tells her to stop. He says they are all fed up with his anger. He gets so mad at such small things. When ever you want you can hit, you can yell at us, all these useless fights, arguments for what? Why do you have so much anger.  All your life. All this stuff wouldn;t have happened, if you could control your anger.  All the court anger, you took out on Prachin. If you hadn't slapped him liek that in front of everyone, he wouldn't have left.

Pashu says so you are trying to tell me that I am responsible for ruining this house. Tej says, its not about telling you, its about understanding. When ever we all are mad or angry what do we do. We throw all our blame on her. I'm not saying shes not wrong, she is wrong, but if she is wrong that doesn't mean we are completely right either. ( Clap amazing!)  If Malti bhabhi left that day, it was only due to your anger. Cause of your anger we have to go to the court, the police station. Dadaji tells Ved to stop Tej. Ved goes to stop him. Tej says wait, I'm not blaming anyone. I am just saying its easy to blame some one else . It's human nature. What's not easy is to realize your own fault in the matter, to look to see what you did wrong, and try to fix that. And this only happens, when your own shows your a mirror to help you realize this. That's what I'm trying to do.  Pashu says so you are trying to say that all of my problems are because of me, are you trying to say that I put Dadaji on the wheel chair. Tej says I'm not saying its you, I'm saying its your anger. Anger is a bad thing, when you are anger you forget everything. What's wrong, what's right. And this is what happened to you too. It's because of your anger you are unable to sustain any relationship.  Malti bhabhi leaving the house, your sour relationship with Pitaji, slapping Prachin and now getting mad at Toasty. You always say you have lost so much in your life. That's not true. All that you have lost, you have chose to lose due to your anger. When will you get that. When will you see that it's your anger that is causing you pain.

Ved stops him and says he doesn't want to hear anymore. Tej says I;m not fighting. Ved says just stop! I'm taking you away from here. They both leave. Toasty tries to apologize for Tej. But Pashu stops her.

At the Sharmas
Toastys mom says I say its all Pashus fault. Toastys dad says, Sudha Latit Kumar Sharmaji, why are you so against Pashu. How it his fault. Don't fights happen in all households. Toasty's mom agrees but she says hitting a young adult boy like that. Dimple says now why are you two fighting about that. Toasty mom says I'm just saying that Prachin wouldn;t have left if it wasn't for Pashu. Toastys dad says its not about blaming someone right now. It's about helping Tej and his family find Prachin. She says I agree with that, we are ready to help. But where do we start? Everyone is confused.

In Tej and Toastys Room
Toasty asks Tej to go ask Pashu for forgiveness. Tej says why should I, I didn't do anything wrong. Toasty says you did do something wrong. You made the same mistake he did. In front of everyone you disrespected him like that. Tej says I did not disrespect him, I will always have and always will respect him. And what's your problem. I did this for you and now you are getting mad at me. Toasty says thanks for standing up for me, but you did exactly what I was saying. I said todays generation doesn't have patience, they react right away. And that exactly what you did. What's the difference between you and Prachin. Tej laughs, again you are putting everyone else view before mine. Toasty says no, Tej says that's exactly what you are doing. At least this once, look from my perspective. because everyone else means something to you but me right.   Toasty says I do care about you, you mean the world to me, that why I'm telling you not to make the same mistake as everyone else.
Tej says I'm not going to ask anyone for forgiveness. Because I am not wrong, not because I don't respect Pashu. I;m not just saying this to you, I can say this to everyone. Then he loudly says so Pashu can hear I won't ask for forgiveness. Pashu heard it.

At Maltis house

Malti is lying on bed thinking.  She is remembering when she first came to the house and how Pitiaji said she is important to them and shes taking Pashus mom place. She remembers how Ved gave her two dinner passes. How he wanted to eat but only from her cause he likes her food only. She remembers how Pashu was yelling at her in court. Telling her to stop lying and ruining his house. She begins to cry.

In Pashus Room

Pashu is thinking about the past too. He remembers when Maltis mom was rude to Tej and Ved and how he told her to leave cause of that. He remembers when Malti came back from the store and everyone was mad cause there was no food made. How she then said they can help her out too. And then Pashu gets mad and yells at her. He then remembers how he behaved with Prachin.  Then he remembers Tejs speech. 

Ved comes. He tells Pashu, that he knows its stupid to say but he tells him to forget everything. Tej shouldn't have said all of this. Pashu says what are you trying to say. Ved says I'm jsut saying like always just be strong. Tej doesn't know what he's talking about. Just forgive him, he's small. Pashu says no he made me small today. Prachin, who I treated more like a son, don't I have the right to him. Ved says you do have the right. Then why is this being questioned. Why am I hearing that I am the root of all problems. Maybe I should just live separately.  You don't understand how much this all hurt me. Ved says its not like that.  Pashu says its fine, let me fight this all alone. I'm noticing that everyones leaving me these days. and I know why too. Ved says why. He says cause of Toasty. ( Pashu! AngryD'oh when will you get it! ) I've hit Prachin a hundred times and he;'s never done this. For the first time he has so much will to run away. Can't you see its cause of Toasty, he got this strength. Ved says no he's seeing this the wrong way.  Tej has never spoken to me like that, but today he did. Its all cause of Toasty. My anger never bothered anyone before and today its bothering everyone.  It fine, when the time changes so will everything else. Ved says what. He says you will get it, you and Toasty.  ( and here I thought he might get what Tej was trying to say.).

Next Morning
Pashu is making his breakfast and tea. Toasty comes in and says why did he do this. She would have done it for him. He says there is no need. . Toasty says whats wrong. He says nothing, he doesn't need anyone help, he can do it himself. Toasty says you are still mad about yesterday. He says I don't want to argue either. Just leave me alone.

At Maltis house

Malti is getting ready. Her mom asks where she is going so early in the morning. Malti says to go meet with the lawyer. Her mom asks why. She says to take the case back. Her mom asks if she has gone crazy.  Malti says she was before but now she's trying to be sane. Her mom says why is she ruining everything. We are so close, we almost won. Malti says but she's getting further away from herself. What about that.  Maltis mom says what will you get from taking the case back. Malti says inner peace. They already hate me but at least I won't hate myself. Her mom says she's making a huge mistake. Does she want to live her life like this, wearing a mangalsutra and behaving like a widow.  Malti says otherwise what kind married life will I be living. One thing I learned, be it married or widowed we all continue to live our life. Why not live it peacefully and let others live liek that too.

At the Chaturs
Everyone is seated at the table to eat breakfast. Ved says he's not hungry. He's full. Dadaji tells him to sit. Ved says he's really not hungry. Toasty says you too. Ved says no I'm not mad at you or anyone. Okay I'm leaving. Dadaji says even if your not hungry just sit there for a bit. Everyone is having so much fun right. It's so peaceful now. Its so nice right. Also we are missing so many people at this table. That's good more for all of us to eat right. Let's all eat to the fullest today. Tej says why don't you just say it, I am wrong. Dadaji says I'm old. If I say something and then have to hear something, I might not be able to take it. Tej says so its all my fault. Dadaji says not all but partially it is. You said you won't ask for forgiveness. You were stubborn. Fine don't. If its written that this house will fall apart. Then let it.

Pashu comes. Toasty puts out his plates. Pashu says he's leaving to the shop. Dadaji says why so early. Pashu says he has some work to do before. He tells Ved to come whenever. Tanya signals to Tej. Tej asks Pashu to stop, he wants to say something. Pashu asks who he is and what is he to him. Tej says, he just trying to ask for forgiveness.  Pashu says don't you get it. Just stay away from me.


Toasty is talking about how Prachin left to Malti at a restaurant. Malti says everyones house has a different story. My husband use to love his brothers so much I got jealous. Toasty says use to, what to do you mean. Malti tells her that she is getting divorced.


Thanks for all the really good comments last time. I would love to hear more. You can also join the discussion for the week at this link. http://india-forums.com/forum_posts.asp?TID=1642067

So today was a sad day. I personally think that Tej was right and Pashu is behaving like Prachin Tej isn't. Nevertheless, the family needs to work on this together to solve it. Not just get mad and not talk to each other. Pashu doesn't need yes men like Ved, he might be older but that doesn't mean he's always right. Maybe Tej was too harsh but still. I hope Pashu understands and Prachin comes back soon.

It's good to see Malti finally stand up to her mom and take back the case.  Toasty and her friendship is interesting. Maybe they will find out that they know each other and some good will come out of it.

Finally I bow down to the writers of this show! Clap. I have not seen such great writing in Indian shows, only on English shows. It was so beautifully written and liek someone said on the last update we all can see reflections of our self in these people. It shows that there are no bad people, just bad situations and how we take those situations. I also like the contrast, when Tej said all that to pashu and we jump to Toasty mom who is saying the same thing, but we get another view on it. Clarifying that Pashu isn't evil, in case we didn't get that already. We see Malti learning from her mistake and Pashu well he's making more.  We see Pashu and Prachin behaving in the same manner, like babies. Brilliant! Sorry for the long comments and thanks for coming down this far if you have!

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