Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Na Aana Iss Desh Laado 22nd March 2011 Written Update

Dia, on an impulse, tells Jhanvi that she is the witness to Kaajal's murder. Initially, Jhanvi reprimands her for not telling her earlier, but later she says that it is never too late and that she must give a testimony in court. Dia then recollects Chanda saying that she has already lost two children and that she cannot bear to lose Rajveer too. She tells Jhanvi that she cannot talk in court as she cannot go against her family. Jhanvi is shocked and tells her that if she does not testify in court, then her crime would be equivalent to that of Rajveer's. She accuses Dia of being selfish and tells her that if she does not give justice to Kaajal, she will not be able to see herself in the mirror all her life. Dia breaks down and cuts the call.

Dia walks up to her parents' picture and asks them what she is to do. She tells them that on one hand, there is Chanda who has brought her up like her own daughter and on the other; there is a friend and an innocent who has been wronged. She then remembers Ammaji and fearfully tells them that Ammaji will never give her an opportunity to live if she dares to open her mouth in court.

Jhanvi is tensed and Amba asks her what the matter is. Jhanvi tells her that Dia is an eye witness to the murder, but she is not willing to testify in court. Amba tells her that they cannot say whether Dia is in the wrong or right. She tells Jhanvi that probably Dia is helpless and is not able to testify in court. Jhanvi tells her that her helplessness cannot be greater than a girl's murder. She tells Amba that the fight is not only for Kaajal, but also for all girls like her. She assures Amba that she will make Dia open her mouth in court.

Ammaji has arranged for a Satyanarayana Pooja at home and Adi goes up to Ragini and gives her a saree. He asks her to wear it and come downstairs for the pooja. She looks at the saree, scornfully and tells him that she is G.D. Chaudhary's daughter and she cannot wear such cheap sarees. She refuses to attend the pooja. Adi tells her that when Ammaji gets angry, she does not remember anyone's father's name. Saying this, he walks away.

Karan sees Avtar brooding in a corner and asks him to sit for the pooja. Ammaji asks Karan to fetch Dia. He goes towards the kitchen and Dia walks past him with unseeing eyes. He is puzzled and asks her what the matter is. Dia does not reply and he asks her to hand him the Prasad. She hands him a vessel and when he uncovers the lid, he sees that it is empty.

Adi goes up to Ammaji and tells her that Ragini has refused to wear the saree and attend the pooja. Ammaji is surprised and asks him if something is wrong with him. She tells him that Ragini has already sat for the pooja and that it is he who is late. Adi ia puzzled and takes his place beside Ragini in the pooja. The pooja commences and Ragini whispers to him that he must not strain his brain too much as he is not as intelligent as he thinks himself to be.

Immediately after the pooja, Karan goes to Dia's room and asks her to tell him what the matter is. After a lot of hesitation, Dia tells him that she is the witness to Kaajal's murder. She tells him how Kaajal was murdered and breaks down. She tells him that she is a fix and does not know what to do. Karan tells her that she must listen to her heart and do accordingly. He tells her that he will always support her in whatever she chooses to do. Brother and sister hug each other and Chanda, who overhears this, is shocked.

PRECAP- the Sanghwans are at the dining table and Ammaji switches on the television. Jhanvi is shown on the screen and she tells the reporters that there is an eye witness to the murder and the person belongs to the same family. She tells that the identification of the person will be revealed in the course of time. Everyone is shocked.

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