Monday, March 21, 2011

Mukti Bandhan 21st March 2011 Written Update

Vaibhav says sorry to his father for his behaviour and responds to the question, if he's happy with this arrangement (the wedding with Devki) 'yes'. Charulata and Sidhart's wife are visiting Devki and BB, where they are positively surprised about the fact, that Devki handles besides the office, the kitchen as well. And her food seems to be pretty tasty, though BB is a bit sad, that soon Devki'll leave. Charulata brought some gifts for Devki for Holi, which she gives to her. BB says, Devi is really lucky to become the DIL from such a big family, which loves her. To which Charulata replies, that their family is lucky to get such a DIL like Devki. Vaibhav visits Sabina and when Sabina asks him to sit, he says he hasn't come to sit, but to sweeten her mouth, because last week he got engaged to Devki. He tells her, that he tried to convince himself, that he hates her and won't see her again, yet it is really hard to hate someone, you once loved. He accepted everything she said, that she doesn't want to spend her life with him, that he should marry Devki, but with one thing he couldn't agree, that he doesn't have anything to give her. He has dreams, which he saw only for her, but won't be able to fulfil. Now he'll try to give this, all the happiness to Devki, he'll fulfil every dream of her and when Sabina will see Devki that happy, she'll think, if he could give this much for a bit love, what could've he given her? When he left, Sabina says to herself, that she already knows all this, but she'll pray that Devki should get the happiness from her part. Virani is sitting in his car, where someone (a man) gives him the information about Vaibhav's visit to Sabina, to which he isn't pleasant and says, now only one thing can be done. The man replies and this is, what only he can do. Dalichand comes to Vaibhav's office to see him. Dalichand excuses himself for not being at the engagement, to which Vaibhav says, that Devki didn't invite him, that's why he wasn't there. He gives him money and tells him to get lost, which seems to hurt Dalichand, but nonetheless he takes two coins and gives them as a 'Shagun' to Vaibhav, what Vaibhav doesn't want to accept. Vaibhav says to him, that is he really cared for his daughter, he would've done something for her earlier. And what was that, what he did on the party days back? He insulted his own daughter. Dalichand replies, that he really didn't know, who Devki was and that he got blinded by money, on this day. When Vaibhav asks him, who gave him money to do this drama, Dalichand is about to say Vorani's name, but stops himself, thinking that Devki is goin to be the DIL of Virani. Dalichand says Channu Chauksingh (?) and Vaibhav starts to think, why he would do this? Meantime Dalichand disappears. In Vrani's house everything gets prepared for a Pooja. When Vaibhav and Virani appear together there, Motilal gets surprised by seeing his on there as well. After they are done, Devki has to leave, but because she had come with BB, who dropped her before going to 'Mandir', the family suggests, that Vaibhav should bring her home. Although Vaibhav isn't too happy about it, he agrees. Precap: Vaibhav went to visit Sabina, only to see, that Sabina's house is on fire. He runs inside, searching for Sabina...

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