Monday, March 21, 2011

Bhagya Vidhata 21st March 2011 Written Update

Sinha House: Akhilesh is mad at Suraj for thinking like this. Suraj politely takes his blessings and walks away as he's getting late for his work. Akhilesh is mad out of his wits. And he knows who put Suraj to all this. Akhilesh then goes towards the side where Bindiya is. He calls out for Ratan while Bindiya continues to sign off the important papers right in front of Akhilesh's eyes. Akhilesh calls out for Ratan again angrily. He tells him to get ready as they have to go somewhere to discuss things out. Akhilesh tells him further that they have to leave right away as he wants to gather all the lost money of the company and give it back to them to get rid of their problems. Bindiya is overhearing all this conversation. Indirectly, he tells off Bindiya that she can't take control of his house and his family. She's living in a faade if she thinks like this. Divide and fall is what some people are following (hinting to Bindiya) or else their own son would not go out to do a job at strangers. It is because of such people aka Bindiya that he's acting like this. Ratan is oblivious to all this. He inquires about it and is told that Suraj is getting a victim of Bindiya's plans. Being nave and innocent, he's getting played by Bindiya. Bindiya continues to hear this conversation as it unfolds in front of her. Akhilesh further states that he has to save Suraj or else Suraj will be defeated in their fight against Bindiya. Sort of like giving ultimatum to Bindiya. Ratan gives dirty looks to Bindiya and both father-son duo walk away. Bindiya reiterates back in her mind that what Akhilesh is thinking is totally incorrect. Whatever she's been up to is all about Suraj's well-being. She's not turning him into a rebel, but rather turning him into someone valuable and that he would become one day for sure. Prasad House: We see Purva and Mamta working in the kitchen. Purva is lost in her thoughts. Mamta notices this. We then see Raja sitting and reading newspaper. The creepy dude comes in after waking up and yells out Purva's name and asks for tea. Raja is disgusted to see his attitude. He then notices Raja and changes his attitude. Raja calls Purva and asks her to bring two cups of tea as the creepy dude sits in front of Raja. The creepy dude tries to talk up Raja. How he was dying to meet him and all. He states how hard he's been working these days and how he doesn't get time to be home these days. Raja continues to analyze this creepy dude. Purva brings tea and gives it to them. Raja asks Purva to stay put. He then discusses the situation of the creepy dude preparing for some ISS exam and not having the time to be at home. Creepy dude replies back and states that Purva knows all about this and he's been working just so hard. Raja gets up and retorts back that he knows what he is been up to as he has all the paperwork with him. Creepy dude is stunned. Raja in his oh-so-amazing-tone says angrily that he knows how much studying the creepy dude has been doing, the friends he hangs out with, the places he visits and the things he does. .. He is not oblivious to anything. Creepy dude is just shocked out of his wits. He tries to put the blame on others that they have been lying about him. Raja replies back that how can he trust that what he's saying is the right thing? How can he trust him now? Raja asks him how much he'd run away from his responsibilities now? Bindiya didi must have thought of something nice before giving Purva's hands into his hands but he's all set to negate everything that this sacred relationship entails. Creepy dude is speechless. He stutters back saying that when someone is idle and does not have a job, everyone blames that person then for everything that goes wrong. Sort of saying that Raja is taunting him for no reason at all. But the truth is that he has not been able to give time to Purva because of the stress of his studies. Raja interrupts him and tells him not to lie as he knows everything. He has time to wander around with his idle friends but not for Purva. This is a point of shame! People like him should be ashamed of himself as he is hindering the success of the hard working students as well. Raja further says that he knows that he takes money from Purva in the name of his studies and then goes out and spends this money on alcohol and betting. And he also knows that he is not preparing for any ISS exams. Purva is stunned to hear this. Raja says that he knows that he doesn't want to become an ISS officer or anything like so. The creepy dude tries to turn the boat around on Raja. He asks Raja how he knows that he is not preparing for the ISS exam. Raja retorts back that the creepy dude is just a shameless creature who instead of embracing his mistakes is still trying to advocate his misdoings. Raja asks him further if he wants to go meet his wandering friends and gets proof right in front of his eyes or not. Raja also comments on how he also fights with not only Purva over the money aspect but also asks for money and fights for it with his own parents. Creepy dude stutters some more. He basically doesn't accept his mistakes. He tries to show how much he loves Purva but Raja tells him to shut up right there. He sees through him. He tells him that Purva is like his own daughter and he doesn't want her to suffer any sadness because of him. He just wanted to bring his real face in front of her eyes and that was it. He also says that had the creepy dud e loved Purva so much, he wouldn't have gone after other girls. Raja throws another bomb of how the girls from the neighbourhood have lodged a complaint against the creepy dude after getting fed up of his cheap tactics around them. Purva just can't believe her ears. Raja tells her how police officers had warned the creepy dude about it. The creepy dude tries to get rid of Purva from the scene. He doesn't want her to listen to all this. He tries to take refuge into the big name of his parents (so apparently, the dude belongs to some nice family after all). Raja snubs him there and tells him not to drag his parents' name in all this. Raja tells him how he met them as well last night. Raja is regretful that he belongs to such nice family and still is so lost. How he asks for money from him and how he defrauded them by selling their property to get some money out of it. And how he spent all that money in bad things. How he took money from his Bindiya didi too in his parents' name just like he did from Purva. Raja has tears in his eyes. He tries to give him a lecture of how sacred a man-wife relationship is and how much responsibility it entails. How he is supposed to take care of his daughter and not lie to her. But he regrets that his family got a son-in-law like him and Purva got a better-half like him. Raja tells Purva that now; the entire truth is in front of her. She can take any decision that she wishes to. If she wants to accept him, its fine and if she wants to get rid of him, that's fine too. His job was to unmask his real intentions in front of her. He would support her fully and would never ask a question even if she wants to get rid of him. He can take care of her very well. Creepy dude is stuttering again and tries to please Purva now but she stops him. She tells him to stop right there. Bravo, she tells him to get out of the house and that she has no relations with him whatsoever from this point on. Yay!!! Go Purva!!! The creepy dude tries to make his case in front of Purva. Purva stands firm in her decision and asks him to leave. Raja tells the creepy dude which way to exit from *lol*. Amazing!! Oh, how much I missed our dearest ever Raja Bhaiyya!! He rocks and what a decision taken by Purva! Purva is crying so Raja consoles her. As the creepy dude is leaving, Raja calls out for him. Creepy dude gets a ray of hope that he perhaps got another chance but Raja tells him that if he wants to come back to them, he'd have to become something first. Becomes a respectful person first and then face them at that time. If he sees him before that, he would not leave him then. I don't think that the creepy dude got the point across though but at least he is out of the picture for a while. Mamta hugs a crying Purva. Raja consoles her too. Sinha House: The 3 daughters-in-law are prepping up sweets for Holi. Kamini seems quite eager in helping them out and says how excited she is about this Holi and how she wants to do some big dhamaka on this Holi. She then explains her plans to her. How she wants orchestra, band baaja, songs, lots of noise and commotion, etc. on the Holi. She says how this cooking stuff doesn't interest her. She wants to celebrate Holi in her own style and would cater in food and spend her time dancing and singing instead of staying in the kitchen and cooking for people. She is really over the moon with her Holi plans. But her plans are short-lived. Sakshi gives her input on how their family is facing such difficult times at present and how worried Akhilesh has been. But Kamini says that life is full of worries. She shouldn't be alarmed. They should spend life with all zeal and zest. So she stays adamant that she would spend a lot of money to organize for this Holi. Bindiya enters at this time and throws her plan right out of the window. She says that Holi in their family is not celebrated with band baaja but rather within their own traditional style. They have their own values and customs and this is exactly how Holi in their house would be celebrated as wel. Kamini is miffed upon hearing this and takes a jab at Bindiya by stating that she is now telling her how to live her life, which is unacceptable to her. Bindiya replies back by saying that she should control her loud voice first. She shouldn't forget that she is younger to her and she should learn some manners first. Bindiya further states that she shouldn't be taken wrong. But they have some customs, some rituals, and some traditions to live by. So Holi should be celebrated within the given norms of their family. And she is hopeful that everyone would equally enjoy this Holi at Sinha. Not everything that is old is bad, you see. Kamini is of course not listening to Bindiya here. Bindiya asks the other girls to start cooking for Holi as everything will be cooked in their house. After all, Holi is an occasion to get close to the near ones, sharing happiness together, and this is exactly how Holi's occasion would be celebrated this time as well. Right then, Bindiya gets a phone call and leaves. Kamini is seen huffing and puffing. She vows to throw out Bindiya's plans this time and do something of her style instead. Episode ends! Precap: Bindiya's back is towards Kamini as she attends a phone call. Kamini mixes some bhang in the laddoo mixture to get everyone intoxicated with it and feels proud of herself how she is about to make a fool out of everyone through her tricks. So long for traditions and customs.. Thoughts: Never thought I'd say this but where is PPW? I do miss her. Dying to see her return so that I can see some spiced up interaction of PPW & Bindiya along with Raja in the mix! Ah, esp that of Raja-PPW.. Can't wait! Embarrassed

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