Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Maryada 23rd March 2011 Written Update

Aditya looking angrily at his phone, telling Priya that he never thought he would find this person, the one who did all that on the train, who falseley accused her, who ruined her. He says the name of thi person is ‘..Ganpat Chaudary. Priya looks at the phone, and says no, but Aditya holds her and says not to worry, that everything will be fine, and he’ll handle it. And before Priya can say anything else, Imli comes and takes Priya away, saying how Vidya is not herself now. [ddhgkdfg darn! we'll see what happens from here]

Roshni Devi and SSP have both been listening and seeing all this, all tense. But are suddenly calm. Roshni Devi asks SSP how the girl came so close to finding his name but took this bypass? SSP says that through some method, some way, using his own brain, he found a solution. Roshni Devi praising him for handling this situation, and SSP telling her that she’s the one that taught him everything. And they both smile evilly. [gosh, did i ever mention how much i absolutely hate these two? this stupid SSP always covering his own tracks, but mindyou, he will be caght one day, along with his wonderful RD and he won't be happy then *evil laugh*]

Everyone is drinking bhang and dancing away.[LOL SSP dancing with Roshni Devi ]

Devyani worrying about where Priya and Vidya are and Bauji tells her to let them be for a few minutes, and telling her not to worry.

Priya asking Vidya why she’s saying that Gaurav is having an affair, that there’s someone else, and Vidya is completely emotionless as she says that she saw them in each other’s arms. She had no misunderstanding, she saw and heard everything. If only she could go back in time and not seen this, have none of this ever happen to her. And she’s completely broken down in tears, and Imli and Priya are listening to her sorrowfully, and attempting to console her. [ poor Vidya, but honestly, it's good that she has two relatively strong women supporting her in terms of Priya and Imli, and in this situation, one can understand her pain completely. whatalife, seeing your own husband in the arms of another woman]

Devyani suddenly makes her entrance and asks what the matter is as she sees Vidya crying, and suddenly she gets suspicious and asks where Gaurav is, and none of the three look her in the eye.

SSP bursts out in song “Rang Barse” MUST WATCh!! [Of course for Aditya, and Bauji and Roshni Devi and everyone but SSP is definitely the highlight ]

Uttara is drenching herself in the water, completely decked in color now, lost in her own world, when SSP suddenly stops dancing and pauses to stare at her. [creepy SSP is back]She suddenly becomes conscious of what she is doing, and ends up running back inside, and SSP is shattered out of his thoughts.

Inside, Devyani asking Vidya what she’s saying, and she’s crying as she explains, along with Priya how she saw Gaurav hugging some other woman, and how the two of them left together. Devyani doesn’t say anything, and says that there might have been some misunderstanding, that the two might have just been friends, and before Vidya can say anything, cuts her off and tells her that she’ll take care of everything. That no one outside, none of the guests should know any of the problems, that everything should look normal. [Uff, and Devyani is back.] Priya asks how anyone can be normal in this situation, and Devyani says that when outsiders cant solve any problem, why let them know of our problems. And she tells Imli and Priya to leave. [I hate devyani's obsession with this need for perfection and appearances....I really loved Priya's question, how for once Devyani honestly has to look back and think about what she's doing, and I sure hope she doesn't go and cover for Gaurav's mistakes now...that would be pathetic, and as a woman she should understand what Vidya's going through. Although she may choose to look away when SSP is doing bad things, she sure shouldn't expect every woman to be okay with her husband messing around]

Devyani talking to Vidya, telling her to console herself, and she’ll take care of everything, and definitely not to mention anything to her mother. [And this is when I hate Devyani and her need to pretend normality when everything is anything but normal]

More dancing outside, when Priya comes with Imli. Jagg comes and takes Imli away leaving Priya standing in her tension, thinking about how Aditya said the bad guy’s name is Ganpat Chaudary. Bauji drags Devyani and Vidya into the dance, and Vidya is forced to pretend to be happy. Priya comes and takes Aditya out of the dancing and tries to talk to him, but people keep dragging the two of them back inside, leaving no chance for speaking.

And you see each of the four women standing in the middle of the dancing, the happiness, drowning in their own sorrows and worries, troubled emotions fluttering across their faces.

Precap: Aditya is seen hitting and some other guy who apparently tried to hurt SSP.

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