Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Dhoondh Legi Manzil Hume 23rd March 2011 Written Update

First a disclaimer to all those die hard fans. If you dont want to get upset dont read, please. I am amazed at what is going on here.

Quite fittingly the whole sham starts with Abhishek trying to get Nandini back. Naturally he sucked so badly at it that Nandini takes a really really long time to ponder whether she should really get back with Abhishek and suffer his hamming for the rest of her life. On the other hand there is this medical representative who can provide her a lifetime supply of free medicines for every ailment starting from headache to foot in the mouth disease. By divine intervention, Nandini’s father after I guess he has had two glasses of ovaltine makes the most dramatic appearance of his life. For the first time I think even others could hear him say his dialogs. Net result, Abhishek is chucked out of the house. Nandini I guess did a passable job but she cannot be blamed much because the mere presence of Abhishek sucks the life out of any situation (plus I am deeply infatuated with Nandini, oh when can I go on a date with her).

I will skip some insane and forgettable dialogs exchanged between Abhishek and NNT which really made no sense at all. Whatever they said to each other left them more unconvinced about each other and I guess life in general and the viewers completely confused. This is but expected given the general sense of direction and handling of the story.

So on to I guess the most loved couple in this story. Chander and Alka going around campaigning suddenly gets a flat tire and they borrow a car since they need to get to the next “gaaon” in 10 minutes. Great. So whats up with today being Holi? What was it, an afterthought? Gee I didnt see any of the folks on the road playing Holi or even having one bit of color on them till now. Extremely pathetic handling. And suddenly Alka starts “Holi Hai” with two kids half her size in the middle of nowhere while nobody else in the road seemed to be remotely interested in Holi. I guess they too didnt realize it was Holi till now and must have run off to buy colors. For some weird reason suddenly the “get me to the next village in 10 minutes” act gets chucked out of the window and it is “Holi Hai” for Alka and Chander and some I guess volunteers or new converts to this sudden Holi celebration.

So now that we have convincingly established that it is “Holi” today, I guess Nandini should also celebrate Holi (I hope somebody already conveyed to her that it is Holi today). She is now mighty happy having seen the back of Abhishek for good, thus enter Laurel and Hardy. Yes, this is the new name of Nandini’s father and his friend (Nandini’s future father-in-law). Both of them together remind me of Laurel-Hardy. Nandini’s in-laws are at Nandini’s place which calls for some more time-pass between them which is called acting. Can somebody ask Nandini’s father to take it easy? Sheeeesh. Why does he have to act surprised at every situation? Somebody says anything, he acts surprised. A phone call comes, he is surprised. I bet every time he looks at the mirror, he acts surprised. And by the way where is Gopal? Playing Holi with his medical representative friends? Geeez. Get your act together kid. This was the best opportunity to get really ahem pally with Nandini and he blows it. What a sucker.

Again the Oscar awarding members are keenly following the direction here so keep it up. Really. You will soon get all the Razzies raining on you.

So next episode, bhaanr mein jaye campaigning in the next village. Alka and Chander will uthao fayda of the mauka of Holi I guess away from NNT’s eyes. Some campaigning this. The rest of the Holi participants show as much enthusiasm in playing Holi. As if somebody has told them that they will be shot dead if they dont play Holi. But what can one say when the cast is like this. Oh and did I tell you that suddenly we find that Abhishek and his mother have gone to I think Vaishno Devi (though this was not clearly mentioned), I am not sure why though NNT gave some weird reason for it. There cannot be any poorer handling of this story. The whole thing continues to move in fits and starts and the viewers continue to suffer. Illogic is the order of the day. Alas.

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