Monday, March 21, 2011

Gulaal 21st March 2011 Written Update

Gulaal goes to Reva's room crying and asks her why she agreed to marry Yogesh if she was still in love with Kamlesh. Reva says that she doesn't love Kamlesh. Gulaal questions her about the letter. Reva says that the handwriting is hers but she did not write it. Reva weeps bitterly. After a bit of crying, Reva says that if Gulaal's mother found the letter it means that the letter did not reach Kamlesh. If the letter did not reach Kamlesh, how did he know to arrive at the right time at the temple? Gulaal is shocked and says that she did not think of it. She believes Reva now. She says that they need to find out who wants to stop Reva's marriage at the place they found the lie.

Raman is walking in the house when Surilee pulls him into a room and makes advances. He asks her to leave him. She refuses. The room door is slightly open and he sees Jamna Kaki outside doing some work. Surilee asks him to give her his gold chain for her to leave him. After Jamna Kaki goes, he gives her the chain and leaves.
Gulaal goes that night behind the temple where her mother saw Kamlesh and Reva's scarf. She finds something and goes to her parent's home. She asks Karuna where she was the night before. She then shows Karuna an anklet (payal) and asks her if this is hers. Karuna denies and shows her anklets on her feet. Gulaal then shows a locket and asks her whether the locket is hers. The locket had photos inside (I think) so Karuna could probably not escape that. Everyone looks on shocked.
Gulaal takes everyone to Mota Bha's house and calls all of them. Everyone asks her what she is doing so late at night with her family there. She tells everyone about Reva's innocence and that Karuna was with Kamlesh. Dushyant threatens Prashant and asks him to tell everyone the truth. Prashant admits that they got greedy for money and did this for Kamlesh and Durgesh. Paan Baa slaps Karuna and tells her that Paan Baa caused Reva the most pain by not believing her. Mota Bha asks them to get out.
Gulaal gives some bhashan about Reva's plight. Devika goes to get Reva. She comes screaming that Reva covered herself in oil and shut the door of her room. Everyone is banging on her door while Reva is trying to light a matchstick and burn herself. They open the door. Reva asks them not to come closer else she will burn herself. Everyone asks her to stop. Gulaal says that everyone knows that she is innocent. Gulaal's mother asks for forgiveness. Reva says that she knows that they are doing this only to pacify her. She asks them not to come closer and drops the lit matchstick by mistake. Her saree catches fire at the bottom. She starts crying and panics. Gulaal tries to run towards her but Dushyant stops her. Everyone keeps yelling and crying and act as if they are coming closer, but Reva's saree continues to burn. (I don't understand why they couldn't just take a blanket or something and cover her instead of crying and yelling. The scene was very badly done. I also cannot believe that Gulaal left Reva by herself knowing full well that Reva tried to commit suicide in the past in a similar circumstance).
Precap: The same saree burning scene.

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