Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Choti Bahu Season 2 23rd March 2011 Written Update

episodes starts with Maheswari asking Mansaram about Proposal for Radh, Mansa tells plz forgive me, i cannot accept the proposal…..Maheshwari bursts on him saying i have not called u to tell me that u like it or not, i have only called u to know that ur daughter is going to be our CB, tomorrow i’ll send the shagun to ur house. Mansa in thoughts….this is a big problem to any father, its very good proposal and i have to deny it…..
Shanthi bursting on Radh saying dont know why RPain has her him? Radh tries to ease her anger saying maybe RPian has called him for good deed…maybe to give the order of Dupattas, Shanthi shouts her saying from when u have come nothing has been for me….because of u even Chanda’s proposal was rejected……Radh says good time will come and everything will be alright….chanda says her to stop and starts saying u’ve waited for that guy for 12 yrs na…did anything happen??,….nothing is going to happen now…..
Chanda saying if the guy was to find u then he would have gound u by now…He would have even have married…..Radh is sad. Shanthi shouts chanda to stop but gain starts shouting at Radh……and she tries to move from there but hits her leg to the water pot and the water is spilled, Radh leaves to ghat to bring the water…..
Dev enters his house thinking of Radh….He says she’s not come to mathura maybe i should go to Rawal, and now i have to go Rawal….
BB, Padma and all preparing the shagun things to be sent to Radh’s place with GD’s humour….Maheswari is too happy, everybody notices it….Maheswari says its MY Rohan marriage….M sees Dev coming and asks him where was he? Dev stammers saying at the ghat, mandhir……..Maheswari says u have to take this shagun to girl place….Padma says it would be nice if anyone of us (elders) give the shagun at the girl’s place….Maheswari says though the girl is from brahmin but she is staying at julahi’s place, then how could we go to that place? M daughter seconds her saying even for marriage we’ll do here and let them saty in Dharmshala….Padma says we’ll think of marriage after wards, and asks Maheswari that she’ll also go with Dev….But Maheswari denies…Maheswari goes to Dev and says try to make ur friend inderstand that the girl choosen for Rohan is one in million…..Dev asks BB but where i have to go. M says ” Rawal”….Dev is on cloud nine hearing that……..Maheswari sees his happiness and asks him but Dev tries to hide it and goes from there…….he goes to some distance and jumps with hapiness….(so cute)
Radh at the ghat remember all her childhood memories spent with Dev…..( Kahna reee… playing in the BG)
Shanthi asks Mansa why RPain called him…Mansa says RPain wants to make Radh her CB….Shanthi shocked to hear this, even chanda…….But shanthi is very happy saying this is good news, she says ” chanda ur sister is going to a big wealthy family” Mansam says she is already married, it not about the big proposal……Shanthi tells forget about the childhood marriage, who taken vow before panchayat that u’ll take good care, now see u have got good proposal for her…, Mansa says how could we…….this is radh’s big truth, she is married to seven bonds….this is Kahnaji wish….Shanthi says if its Kahna wish leave it to him……if this marriage happens or not, he’ll take care of it……
Shanthi very desperate in convincing Mansa that this Rishtha might be decided by Kahna……the pheres which they had in the childhood might not be the real marriage and this might be the real rishta decided by Kahna…..Plz let it go as it is decided by fate….Let Kahna decide who is the real jodi( parter) for Radh……along with Radhika try to think of ur other daughter too…I have been listerning to u all this long, now plz listern to me this time ( she pleads him very sincererly)…Radh returns to home……she asks him why Rpain called him…..Shanthi is very happy and says i’ll tell u, “she says For chanda a good proposal has come” they are bringing the shagun tomorrow…..Radh is too happy..
Dev standing in front of the sclpture….talking to it….he put a neeli chunari on it…..i have to tell u what i feel for u…(sweet)

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