Friday, March 25, 2011

Bhaagon Waali 25th March 2011 Written Update

The aunts and uncles are now wondering how they are going to get the 10 lakhs. Buntu says he doesn’t know anything about that since it was between Guddu, Vishnu and Rajju. Billo says that how can they trust the other brothers are not trying to swindle them. Kalsanwali and mittho object and say what need do they have to swindle Billo and Buntu. Mittho inadvertently reveals that Vishnu and Rajju already got beaten up by Guddu so they won’t try to mess around with Guddu. Buntu asks Billo when it happened.

Billo shares the story with Rajju and Vishnu and they share a laugh at the expense of Rajju and Vishnu. Guddu comes (drinking again), and asks Buntu why he’s smiling. Buntu loses his smile quickly. Runjhun comes out hearing Guddu’s voice. Guddu tells Buntu to smile, like he was doing, but Buntu is hesitant and asks Billo. Guddu says that he should do something on his own, why does he always ask Billo before doing anything. He says if Buntu doesn’t smile he’s going ot break all his teeth. Buntu smiles.

Guddu says that he has such a brilliant smile. Buntu gets scared and loses his smile again. Guddu tells him why he lost his smile and Buntu smiles again. Guddu tells him to stop smiling and slaps him. Runjhun rushes down. Guddu tells Buntu he has no shame laughing on his elder brothers. Runjhun comes and tells Guddu to stop doing what he doing.

Guddu gets angry and tells her that she’s to blame for all of this. She’s his life’s biggest curse. He raises his hand and asks how dare she interfere in his matter. Rajju and Vishnu get up, and Runjhun asks Guddu why he stopped. He says he should show his manliness and hit her. After all there are many men that hit their wife to show how strong they are, so he can also hit his wife and show everyone what a man he is. Otherwise he will lose his respect.

Guddu drops his hand, much to Mittho and Kalsanwali’s disappointment. . He says he won’t slap her, and never will because he doesn’t raise hand on women. He says but he will hit Runjhun. He will hit her where it hurts her the most. He takes a swig from his bottle and walks directly to Amma’s room. He tells Amma to move. Amma doesn’t move so he starts throwing things in the room to scare her. Runjhun rushes to Amma’s room. Guddu says he’s asking Amma with lot of love and politeness.

He sits in front of Amma and says that she gave him a condition that he will stay at home and be a son-in-law, but her family keeps mistreating him. He says that he has to ask a million times for breakfast, the mamas and mamis don’t listen till they get beaten up. Most of all her granddaughter keeps challenging him.

Guddu tells them to stop doing drama and leave already. Runjhun tries to persuade Amma to stay, but Amma says she’s leaving, and tells Guddu that she will do anything he asks, but she tells him not to mistreat Runjhun. Guddu says that there’s always a condition and tells Amma to leave. Amma leaves despite Runjhun’s protest. Guddu turns to Runjhun and tells her that he warned her that he will hit her where it hits the most, so next time she should think before speaking up.

Mittho, Kalsanwali and Billo are laughing among themselves and Guddu catches them. He says they’re enjoying it all a little too much. He’s not putting on a show for them to enjoy. He says if they want to enjoy, he will give them reason to enjoy. He calls Billo first (He calls her a jewelry store), and tells her to bring his things down from the top room. Buntu offers to do it for her but Guddu tells him to move aside and do the work. Billo leaves in a huff, and Mittho and Kalsanwali try to leave as well but he calls Mittho next (he calls her a Meethi Churi – Someone who sweetly makes cutting remarks). He tells Mittho to make preparation for his food. Kalsanwali offers to help, but he calls her to clean the room (the Gram Pradhan’s (The village Chief) Laadli is his nickname for Kalsanwali).

He makes them serve him while he drinks and eats, and the husbands watch. Guddu falls asleep and the mamis dump their work and leave. They run into Runjhun. Mittho tells Runjhun to take care of her husband. Runjhun cleans up, and lays Guddu down to sleep. (I think we’re past the point of counting touches) She covers him up and remembers Amma’s pleading tone. She says that Amma was never like that before. She says she’s going ot bring Amma’s happiness back and the only way to do that is to change Guddu’s lifestyle and his way of thinking. She says she will bring Amma out of her guilt.

Next Week: Runjhun is at the temple, and praying to Kali Maa, and says that she doesn’t know if she will get help or not, but she can’t allow Amma to live a suffocated life anymore. Runjhun says she is going to win this battle and give a new life to her Amma. A life of happiness.

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