Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Balika Vadhu 30th March 2011 Written Update

Shyam tells Jagya that coming back to village and do good things for the fellow villagers is the best thing to do. JAgya questions him what did he gain from coming back. He only ruined his life. Sugna stops him. Shyma says he will answer, he got his wife's smile, his parents happiness of having their son next to them, his kids happiness and time for them and most of all being with his parents would give his kids the same culture that he himself got. Jagya taunts him again asking what he did for Varu, he says he ruined Sugna and the kids lives. Sugna gives him a tight slap and he leaves in a huff. Sugna apologises to Shyam on behalf of JAgya. Madan and Radha consoles VArun and they have a sweet bonding.Embarrassed

JaAn reach home and Jagya tells them Shyam had called him to give lecture and says bad and Gehna stops him and says he is elder to him and even if he said something thats for his betterment. BB to support Shyam and JAgya leaves. Bhaiorn leaves the table without having food.

Bhaiorn upset over Jagya's misbehaviour. BAsanth comes and consoles him saysing he has just lost his way and he was always been the same so ne the same so he shuldnt worry, everything will be alright and the brothers hugHug

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