Monday, March 21, 2011

Saas Bina Sasural 21st March 2011 Written Update

In Pashu's Room
Ved is explaining to Pashu that he is just taking anger for someone else on someone else. Prachin is sitting in the corner crying. Pashu claims he isn't. He says just like how Maltis mom use to come into our affairs, now Toastys mom is too. Prachin stands up for her and says she is nothing like Maltis mom. Pashu tells him to be quiet as no one asked him and throws books at him. . ( wow I know this guys been through a lot but he needs to calm down!). Ved instead of yelling at Pashu, yells at Prachin and says who told him to come here. He says he's trying to calm Pashu down but he's adding more oil to the flame. Prachin says he is just telling the truth. He hit him and he doesn't care, but he should have not behaved that way with Toastys mom. Pashu tries to hit him, but Ved hold him back. Pashu says so you are Toasty and her mom's secretary. Just like Malti and her mom you are going to stand against me. Prachin says why do you keep comparing Malti's mom to Toastys mom. Pashu lets loose( oh god) and goes to beat Prachin up silly. ( if they had a shaking head emotion I would use it). Ved calls for Tej and everyone comes in to stop Pashu. Dadaji is yelling and Pashu and telling him to calm down. Pashu says tell him to get out of here otherwise I will do something crazy. As prachin leaves he tells him that everytime he sees him, he will hit him. . Dadaji yells at Pashu agian and tells him to stop. He asks what's going on here.
At the Sharmas
Toasty's mom is pacing the room asking why does Pashu think of himself. She says we are the daugther in laws parents, is this how you are suppose to talk to them. She says now she won't ever enter that house. Pashu went to far. The way he disrespected poor Prachin in front of all of us. And our daughter, Toasty, all the stuff he said to her. How hard she tries to help Prachin and she hears all this. and he's saying all of this in front of us. Imagine how much he must be saying behind our back. Now I know, Toasty will never be happy there.
Dimple says its not like that. It was just because he was in a bad mood. When you are in a bad mood, don't you burn our breakfast. Toastys dad agrees. Toastys mom says she does burn the food, but not someones heart. Dimple says just leave it mom. They must have been stressed. Who knows what happened in court. Toasty's mom is confused and asks why they went to the court. Toastys Dad says to buy veggies, obviously they went cause the had some stuff to do. Toastys mom says people don't go there to do stuff, they go there cause of a case. Remember in the hospital they were talking about some case too. Toastys dad agrees and tries to cover for Pashu. He says there is something in front of their shop and they are fighting about that. Toastys mom says they never told us. The dad says they don't have to tell us everything that goes on. Toastys mom says over such a small thing so much anger. Toastys dad says he is an angry guy, so obviously, why are you making it such a big deal. Toastys roll her eyes. Toastys dad says I've been home for so long, so hungry can you at least give me tea. She says fine. He says don't burn it, cause you are in a bad mood. She says just drink it how it will be.
At the Maltis
Maltis mom is thanking God for showing Pashus true colors to everyone. Malti says are you really happy. Her mom says why wouldn't I be, didn't you see him. Malti says but what about the pain in his eyes. What about that. Her mom says they will only get what they gave to you. I am sad that we didn't a result but at least the truth came out. The decision will be ours.

The Next Days at the Chaturs
Everyone is seated to eat breakfast. Dadaji asks if Prachin is awake. Ved says he must have slept late. He was crying all night. Dadaji says maybe he slept where he was crying. Dadaji says to go call him. Tej says he has already sent Gyan. Toastys says he won't listen to Gyan, I'll just go.
Gyan comes running in. He says it seems that Prachin has left the house. Ved says look in the garden, he's probably with some plant. Gyan says no, he left this letter, that I am leaving. All are shocked. They all run to Gyan to read the letter.
I'm leaving this house. I don't have to tell you the reason. Don't try to find me - Prachin
Dadaji says can this be true. Ved says that's what it says. Gyan says he's not in the house either. I guess he really... Pashu says its not real, wait till he comes, then I will show him. Toasty request that he calm down for a bit. We need to find him first. Pashu says there is no need to. Its all a drama. He will be back in a few hours. Tej says but what if its not an act, I mean we shouldn't waste time and try to find him now. Pashu says there is no need to. He left on his own will. Dadaji says what is he talking about. Pashu says he saying the right thing. He thinks by emotionally blackmailing me, he will make be look wrong, well then he's wrong. The more we care about him the more he will bother us.
He leaves to go to the shop. He asks Ved to come but Ved doesn't move. He says did he not hear him, lets go. Ved says he need to go to the mandir. Pashu says all of a sudden. He never told him before. Ved says he just remembered. Its some relgious day, that's why. Pashu says fine, just come quick. Pashu asks Tej to come. Tej says he's shocked that he doesn't care about Prachin. Pashu says should he tell him in writing. If he doesn't want to come, that he doesn't have to. There is no need to make excuses. He'll go him self, they can go find him. He doesn't care about him.
At Maltis
Malti says what does her mom think, by winning this false case, she will be happy. Her mom says flase? Isn't it true that she was unhappy in that house. Malti says she was unhappy, but now that statement has been made into something else. When I came here angry from that house, we made a decision to make this a divorce case. Now it as become a dowry case. A case that says I was tortured. And Ved, there is also a case that Ved looked at me in a dirty way. ( so she does know, hmm interesting). Malti says that her mom knows this is all false. It was never like that. and has her mom forgotten that Pashu gave them 300,000 rupees for her dads treatment. And Ved, he has always seen me as his mom. Just as much respect he would give his mom, he would give me the same. Right mom. And maybe you have also forgotten, that no one in that house has tortured me. Maltis mom says, right now she is jsut angry. She isn't thinking properly. Malti says there is nothing wrong with her mind. Nothing. But rather all that is happening is wrong. Can we just please finish this case. She is crying. Maltis mom actually looks concerned.
At Chaturs
Toasty asks what has happened to Pashu. Why is he behaving like this. Tej says its all cause of the case. He is taking out all of this anger from that. Toasty says that is wrong. Prachin has run away and Pashu has gone to the stop like its a normal thing. Like it doesn't matter to him. Dadaji says, who says it doesn't matter to him. Toasty says if does matter, then wouldn't he have told us to go find him. Dadaji says, what do you think, when Ved lied, Pashu didn't know. He knows, that's why he let him stay. If he didn't care, he wouldn't have let him stay.
Gyan says, why are we wasting time talking about what happened and why it happened. Let's go find Prachin. Ved says he is right. Dadaji says yes but where will we start. Who knows how that poor guy is. Ved says yes, what if he does something stupid. Tej says why he is saying that. Nothing that big happened. Pashu has hit him many times. Just like us. Dadaji says yes but who knows these days. I just read in the paper yesterday. A boys father raised his hand on him and then the boy killed himself. Gyan says yes at my school one boy failed and then cause he was afraid of what his parents would say, he hanged himself. What is Prachin... Toasty tells them to stop. Why are we talking about this. I request we not think like this. I know Prachin, he will not do this. Gyan says what if Pitaji find outs. Toasty says we won't tell him, once Prachin comes back, then we will tell him. Gyan is starting to cry, and what if we don;t find him. Tej comes to comfort him and tells him to stop thinking liek this. We are all in this together.
Dadaji says I was always the one that said to Prachin that pain can never touch him. And today it did. It was my own evil eye that has hurt my son. Dadaji starts crying. Toasty tries to comfort him and says keep faith in God, we will find him. Ved tells Tej to go to Prachins college and ask his friends. He will go to the market and ask there. Toasty says she will call her mom. Tej says why is she bothering him. Toasty says what if he is there. Tej says that true. They all leave. Gyan goes to sit next to Dadaji and breakdown. He is crying like crazy. Dadaji tells him to stop crying, meanwhile he trying to control himself too. .
At the Sharmas
Toastys dad asks Smita where Nikita is. Smita tells him she's at Rajans. She asks whats wrong with Toastys mom. Toastys dad tells her to stop re-igniting the fire. Dimple comes and says she is going to Toastys. Her mom stops her. She asks if yesterday wasn't enough. It's because of her that Prachin got slapped. Smita is shocked. Dimple says if it had been for something else she wouldn't have cared, but yesterday it wasn't even his fault. Toasty mom says its because Pashus heart is made of stone. I will call Toasty right now to let her know that you aren't coming.
She goes to call Toasty but Toasty calls her first. Before her mom could say anything, Toasty asks if Prachin is there. Her mom asks why he would be here. Toasty says after she left, the problem go worse. Prachin has been missing since morning. He ran away. Toastys mom is shocked. Toasty says I thought he might be there. Her mom says he isn't. Did they call the police. Everyone asks what happened. She tells them that Prachin has ran away. Toastys dad takes the phone, he tells her they are coming over. Toasty says there is no need, they are all looking for him. Toastys dad says if we can do something please let us know. Toasty says pray that we find him. Toastys dad says to let them know when he's back.
Toastys mom says its anger that's all. This generation is so angry. I'm just scared that in his anger he might do something stupid, like suicide. Toastys dad tells her to stop talking liek that. He says that Prachin is not that weak, that he will be that stupid. Toastys mom says you can;t trust anyone. He says I have trust in Chedis values. He won't do it. They all hope its true.
At Sharmas
Toasty is calling all of Prachns friends asking if he is there.
Meanwhile Ved is asking people on the street. He runs into Nikki. She asks what's wrong he looks upset. He says it nothing, but has she seen Prachin. She says prachin, did something happen. Ved tells her that Prachin has run away. Meanwhile Rajan sees all this. He comes up to them and says its Ved again. Can he just leave them alone. Ved leaves. Nikki says that was rude, his brother. Rajan says I don't care about him or his brother and he wants that she shouldnt care either.
Toasty tells Gyan and Dadaji that Prachin is no where to be find. They all wonder where he could be. Gyan remembers Arvin. Maybe he is there. Toasty asks if he knows his number.. He says he doesn't but he knows where he lives. They are set to leave but Gyan says he can't leave Dadaji alone. Dadaji says its okay, he can take care of himself they should go. They hesisate and Dadaji gets mad and tells them to leave now. he says he will be waiting near the phone. When they find his son please call him. He starts to cry and pray to God to bring him back soon.
He sees Golu, the plant near the phone. He goes to waters it. Then he starts to talk to it. he says hey Golu, do you know where m Golu is.
At the Shop.
Pashu is upset thinking about Prachin. A coustmer comes. She asks to see a sari. She asks for Prachin. She says he knows her taste really well. Where is he. Pashu says hes not coming in today. He asks a worker to show her the saris. Pashu is really upset. He thinks about what happens. He gets mad. Someone ask if he is okay. He tells them to get back to work.
Tej is driving down some road. He gets a call. Its Pashu he asks if he found Prachin yet. Tej says he hasn't but why does he care. Pashu says he doesn't, Prachins not a little kid that he should care so much. Tej says then why did he call. Pashu says he called so that when he find them he can break his legs, Who does he think he is running away. When he finds him tell him.. Tej says yes yes, I will and hangs up. He thinks to himself, he can't even lie well. The episode ends on Pashus upset face with tears in his eyes.

Pashu says, Ved was right. Women are the root of all problems. It because of Toasty all of this is happening. Tej tells him to stop blaming others for the problems. Pashu asks what he's trying to say. Tej says the root of all the problems in this house is is anger.

Wow Prachin leaving has overshadowed Matlis realizations. I'm glad Tej is standing up to Pashu. how is is toastys fault. I think Prachin must be at some garden, he loves plants so it makes sense. I thought Dadaji would have figured that out from Golu. It was really hard to watch, esp Dadaji and Gyan they both brought tears to my eyes.
Back to Malti, so our questions are answered. I don't understand why she doesn't speak up and say anything. Telling her mom isn't enough. Why doesnt she let the court now, or stop the lawyer. Why doesn't she take all the charges back. Its really annoying actually. I know she wants to listen to her mom but come on!

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