Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Pavitra Rishta 30th March 2011 Written Update

Karanjkar House
Manjusha comes in the kitchen .She is still not feeling well.She apologises to Sulochna for having so much bhang on the day of holi.Sulochna tells her that there is not need to apologise as she did not do this deliberately .
Manohar comes in the kitchen and tells the ladies that he met damodar when he was in the market to buy vegtables ...
He tells Sulochna about the new turn of events in the Deshmukh family .
Manjusha : This Archana is a fool .She was so happy in her own house and now look , she has gone back to that old woman who will day and night curse her .
Sulochna: No Manju , this will not happen .Archana has changed a lot .Before she used to only live for others but now she has learned to live for herself as well.....Every girl wants to look after her in laws and be happy with them ...Archu too is only doing her duty ...I have full faith in my daughter ...she smiles ...
Manohar gives an angry look to Majusha.

Ajit's house
Rasika is alone in the house .She closes the door .She checks her wallet . It has 3000 ruppees in it .Rasika says to herself that she is glad that she did not give this money to Ajit or else Ajit would have given it to Manav .Rasika cannot understand why Ajit is working for Manav when he should have been his partner and if Ajit will not claim what rightfully belongs to him then Rasika will make sure that she takes the money this way .
While she is holding the cash, suddenly Ajit and vandu come in the room from outside .
Ajit sees his mother holding this money and he immediately questions her why she did not give it to him ...
She tells him exactly what was in her mind .She wants him to claim partnersip in Manav's business.
Ajit is disgusted with his mother and he tells her that because of her behaviour he had to gamble to get the money back ...
He tells her that it is thanks to her that he is back in th gutters , he clearly tells her that because right now Manav has no idea about all this ...they cannot just take the money this way ...
Ajit tells his mother that he will never betray Manav , no matter what .
Raiska is feeling terrible to know that Ajit had to gamble ...
Vandu too is feeling bad .Ajit apologises to her and asks her not to tell all this to Manav .

Deshmukh House
Archana is cleaning the kitchen .Savita comes in a throws turmeric powder all over the floor , deliberately ...
Savita : I hate a nice clean looking kitchen .....
Manav is also looking from outside ...
Archana takes another bottle of masaala and gives it to her ..
Archana : Take this also and throw it ......she says to a shocked Savita ..
Here . I will throw it myself ..Archu throws the corriander poder all over ..Then she gives salt to Savita to throw ..when Savita doesn't , Archu throws it on the floor .
Archana : You can make as much mess as you want ...I will clean it ..again and again and again ..You will get tired of creating the mess bu tI will never get tired of cleaning the mess you make ....
A shocked Savita leaves the kitchen ...
Manav comes in and starts helping his wife to clean up .Savita comes back again and taunts Manav , calls him a Joru ka ghaulam...
Manav ignored her and keeps cleaning ...
Savita leaves ...
Archana : I am sorry Manav that I have to be so rude to your mother ..
Manav : You are doing this for her own good .She is being stubborn and so you too are going the same ...I should be the one saying sorry because she is being so rude to you ...
Archana: I don't have a problem . In fact I was happy to see her back to the way she was . I am sure what we are doing will work .
Manav : I am sure it will .I have full faith in you .
Archana : Your confidence in me gives me strength ..
They both smile at each other happily and start cleaning again ....

Karanjkar House
Manohar opens the mail and he sees a letter .He gets very disturbed after looking at it .Probabaly he knows about Vinod losing his job . Sulochna calls him for dinner but he says that he is not hungry .He hides the letter .

Outside on the road .
Shibu is talking to someone who is sitting in a car .We are not shown his face .Shibu tells him that he is succeeding with Ajit and soon differences between Manav and Ajit will get bigger and after this he will target Satish .
Ajit looks at Shibu talking to someone in a care .When the car leaves ...Ajit questions Shibu but Shibu makes up a stroy of this car hitting him and he was only telling the driver off....
When Shibu goes , Ajit thinks to himself that Shibu is not all that simple and sweet as he looks ..He is definitely sure that Shibu is on to something and he wants to find out what it is ...

Satish 's car
Varsha is talking to Archana on the phone ...
Archana : You have to think in a different way Varsha .There is always a solution to any problem ....Look at me .I wanted to live with my mother in law after she would accept me but now I am doing it differntly .Of course there are problems but I am still very happy .Same way you too have to find some other solution to your problem .
Varsha : I don't know what to do ?
Archana : You are not the only woman in this world who doesn't have a baby ...there are countless children out there who don't have parents ..Why don't you also have one of those children who can call yo ua mother ....
Varsha starts thinking about what Archana said to her ...
The car stops at a signal .A sweet little boy is selling flowers .He goes to satish's car .Varsha looks at him and his sweet smile and she buys flowers from him ...She watches the boy as he sits down and is counting the money ...
Varsha suggests to satsih what she is thinking ..
Varsha : satish , can we adopt a baby .....
Satish looks at her but doesn't say anything.
Varsha : Did I say something wrong ?
Satish : No , you did not say anything w rong but I don't know how my mother will react to this ..Let me think about this ..If I myself agree to this then I wil lbe able to convince her too .....

Precap :
Manav and damodar are sitting on the dinning table and having dinner .Archu tells Manav that she will take Savta's dinner to her room ...
She makes a plate and goes to the room ..
A crashing sound coems and Manav comes to see what happened ...
The dinner plate is on the floor with all the food scattered on the floor .Savita is standing stubbornly while Manav and Archana are looking at her ....

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