Monday, March 21, 2011

Pavitra Rishta 21st March 2011 Written Update

Outside in the market
Manav , Archana and damodar are watching Savita selling Vada Pao on a stall.
A boy comes and after some haggling buys a Vada Pao for 7 ruppees .
The rest of the vegetable sellers are shocked to see manav's mother do this in the market .They are saying that with a son like Manav , why this old woman had to do somethign like this out here in the market .
Damodar goes and questions Savita .Savita gets serious as she sees Manav and Archana also standing and watching her .
Damodar : Why are you doing this ? What do you wish to prove by this ?
Savita : Nothing to prove , I am just trying to pass time . My son has left me and I am all alone now .His memories keep coming in my head and that is why I want to keep busy . That way I will make money and it will hurt less too ..That is why I am doing this ....
If you see my son anywhere tell him that his mother is still living without him ...Also tell him to go and take good care of his wife , take care of her needs . His mother is now earning her own living .
Manav gets upset and leaves with Archana .....Damodar tells Savita that one day she will have to pay for these actions of hers ..savita answers back that she has already paid enough and now is doing this for herself ..Then she starst paying attention to her customers ..

Satish ' house
Bhavna is absolutely livid after hearing the truth ...She is crying a lot because her son and her bahu kept something big from her .
She was dreaming about a grandson and all they did was to let her dream like a fool ...
That all her dreams have been shattered today and that is all because of Varsha and her practical thinking ..But she cannot even blame her as her own son kept this secret from her .
satish tries to apologise but she screams back that just saying sorry will not make things better ...
She is extremely angry at varsha and acuses her for not listening her .Because of Varsha and her prioritires for her career ....even her dreams of a grandson have been killed .
Varsha is constantly crying , not knowing what to say now ..
satis his trying to calm his mother down and he keeps asking her ..what good all this blame game will do and to accept destiny just like him and his wife have ...
But Bhavna is not ready to listen to this ..She is just screaming very angry that no matter what happens ...she wants a grandson in this house ...Even if it means consulting the best doctors or even if it means getting married again .....
Varsha cannot stop crying and even Satish is very pset to hear this ...

Manav 's house
Manav : I apologised , begged , went down as much as I could , but no use ...Now onl yto show me down she is doing all this .
Damodar : No Manav , she is not doing this to put you down .She does misses you a lot .To get away from your memories , she is trying to do this . I think we should let her do what she is doing ..
Archana : But what about sachin ? Who is looking after him ?
Damodar : I have spoken to a neighbour abot it ..she is looking after Schin ...
I think we should let her do this because if she does all this then her mind will stay occupied . She will also work hard and that would make her hungry, she will eat better ....
I think we should try and help her ..
Manav : How can we help her ?
Damodar : You know how your mother is ...she loses interest so quickly ...We can send her customers ...people we know so that she does good with sales and stay happy that way ......
Manav : Ok Baba, I will do whatever you say .
Archana is thinking that such small remedies will not cure the actual problem and something concrete has to be done now to help Aie recover and also to bring Manav and his mother close to each other again ....

Karanjkar House
Sulochna is expalining to Vaishali that she should not be abgry with Archana for supporting Madhuri ...
She says to vaishu that madhuri too has been wronged and Archana is only supporting her for the sake of humanity ...She tells vaishu that madhuri did make a mistake by letting Dahrmesh get away with so much but maybe she was unable to control it because no one i nthis world would wan ther life to be destroyed the way hers was .
She says that Madhuri must have been hurt so much when Dharmesh married vaishali , she too is a victim and vaishali should try and understand her .
Vaishali also agrees that eve nshe knows that just like her even Madhuri has been wronged but she just doesn't know how to control her emotions when she sees madhuri .She knows that Madhuri is innocent but she still cannot see madhuri the way Archana and Sulochna are looking at her ..
While they are talking Dahrmesh's mother ( Mrs. J ) comes in ...
Mrs. J was passing by and came in to see how vaishu was doing ...
She is very loving towards vaishal iand tells her that she truly believes that this whole ugly episode will only bring them even more closer because before she looked at vaishu as a bahu but will now look at her as herdaughter ...
Vaishu too is happy to hear this from her and she tells Mrs. J that now she wants to put all his behind her and move forward in life .....
Mrs. J tels Vaishu that she will always be there for her and she must keep dropping in to see her ...
Sulochna is quitly looking at the dignified manner these two women are trying to deal out with this issue of their relationship

Manav 's house
Varsha is at Archna's place and is trying to tal kto her .Archu tells her that she will not hear anythin aginst Madhuri but Varsha says that she has come to her to talk about herself ..
She tells Archana everything that happened .She also tells Archana that Bhavna threatened that she wants a Grandchild in this house at any cost , even if it means satish getting married again ....
Varsha is devastated that her saas could say something like this and how is she going to bear all this now .....
She is crying a lot ...
Archana also panics whe nshe hears this ..She cannot believe that Bhavna could say something like this and tells Varsha to stop crying and that she will talk to Bhavna for her ..She hugs her sister and is looking extremely worried ....

Precap :
Manav is on the phone talking to his mother .
Manav : Look Aie , we have always celebrated holi together .You remember all those times don't you ? I really want us to spend Holi together again ....That is why I have called you ?
Archana is also smiling anxiously , sitting near manav .
Manav : You will come ?
Savita : No one will come from this house ...You have dialled a wrong number and also remember one more thing ...We will not be celebrating holi in this house . She is crying while talking .
Manav is almost crying to hear this ...

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