Friday, March 25, 2011

Laadli 25th March 2011 Written Update

At the court the Narang’s advocate produces a CD and says that it is the same CD in which the recordings from Gursheel’s phone is there. The judge plays the CD and it is shown that a person is standing near the window. The face of the person cannot be seen. The person is wearing a pendant and it can be clearly seen. Now this person has shot Manji. The advocate argues that it was someone else behind Bebo’s death. A person is sitting wearing a burqa.

The opposition lawyer says that it doesn’t mean that Bebo Narang is innocent. If Bebo has not killed Manji; then it would be someone who did it according to the orders of Bebo. Manji was yelling at Bebo. There was enmity between Bebo and Manji. Manji wanted to snatch Bebo’s husband from her. Bebo was jealous and angry at Bebo and she killed Manji. The advocate seeks permission to call Kuku Narang to give his statement.

The advocate asks him what happened on that day. Kuku narrates the entire events. He also adds that Bebo is innocent and she didn’t do anything. She was the one who helped Maji. The advocate asks if he was worried about Manji. Kuku asks why he should. The advocate says because she was blackmailing him. Kuku says yes. Now the advocate says that he did the murder to help Bebo. Bebo is shocked to hear this and she says that if the advocate wants to put the blame on someone; he can blame it on her; but not her father. It is clear from the video that the person is short and Kuku have more height than him. The judge also agrees with Bebo. Kuku is asked to leave.

Daljeet is called. The advocate shows some papers and asks Daljeet to read it and tell him what it was. Daljeet is shocked to read it. The advocate says these papers prove that he had connection with black marketing. Daljeet justifies himself by saying that he was just helping his friends. The advocate asks him if he knew that Kuku would send him to prison if he knows about it. Daljeet says yes. The advocate tells the court that Manji knew it and she was blackmailing him. (I am sure no one other than Mnaji-Daljeet knew the black marketing issue. Then how did advocate know it.)The person who is sitting there in burqa is wearing the same pendant the murderer was wearing. The advocate continues that Manji was blackmailing him and in order to save his laadli sister’s marriage he helped her to get rid of Manji. He had two reasons to kill Manji. Daljeet says that he didn’t do it. Advocate asks him where was he when Manji was dead. Daljeet says that he was there; but went out only for some time. The advocate says that in this time Manji was killed. Daljeet is asked to leave and Amrit is called.

The advocate asks does he love Bebo. Amrit says she is his wife. The advocate says that everyone loves their wives; but he love Bebo so much that he can kill anyone for her. Amrit says he don’t know anything about the murder. The advocate asks him didn’t Manji show her love for him in front of all in the party. She called him to her room in front of all. The advocate asks him didn’t she want to snatch him and no gentleman would tolerate it. Wasn’t Amrit was very angry at him. Amrit says yes. The advocate argues that he loved his wife too much and he could kill anyone for her. The Narang’s advocate says there isn’t any connection between anger and murder. The opposition advocate says that there is a relation. Amrit once tried to kill his wife because of suspicion. So he could kill someone else also. In the party Manji has challenged AmBo and to solve Bebo’s problems he helped Bebo to kill Manji. Bebo supports Amrit and says Amrit can’t do a murder. The advocate asks her didn’t he tried to kill her. Bebo says if he had tried he would have been successful in it. That is a past event and has no connection with the present case. The advocate says that if Amrit didn’t do it; he would have hired someone to do it. The advocate says Bebo is trying to save Amrit. He asks her didn’t Amrit try to harm her. Bebo says there isn’t any need for that and if Amrit wants her life; she would give it herself. The advocate says this is the love of AmBo. They can give their life for each other and Amrit helped his wife.

Amrit sees the person in burqa and identifies his pendant. The person sees this and he leaves the court. Amrit runs behind him and the judge ask the police to catch him. The police catch him and the person escapes. The Narangs also come. He says he saw the person with the pendant. Ashok says now they can’t do anything. Amrit receives a phone call. He says they have a chance and Amrit asks Kuku to seek permission from the judge and he divulges his plan in mute.

The person is watching news where the reporters are asking Kuku about the murderer. He says that Manji didn’t die; she just went in to a comma. They hide it from all because they feared the murdered would attack her again. Now she is OK and she will tell the name of the murderer in one hour. The person is tensed to hear this. He goes and wears a doctor’s coat and wears and ID. He goes to hospital; enters Manji’s room by showing the ID to the policeman standing there. He was about to stab her; but the light comes and Amrit grabs his hand. The police; Kuku Narang and the three Narang brothers are also there.

The murder is VEER. He shouts that she is alive. Kuku slaps him and says that she is dead and they lied to catch the real culprit. He asks why he killed her. Veer says what else he could do. He loved her. But she cheated him. She took his love as a joke. She was using him to go near Amrit and he decided to punish her. He came at the party and hid in her room. But when she came Bebo was also with her and there was a scuffle. He shot her and now she is quiet and innocent. She can’t cheat anyone. The police take him.

At the Narang House; AmBo are in bridal dress. Kuku tells Bebo that today she is taking farewell; but she would be always there in their hearts and memories. He hugs her. Bebo goes to Amro. She hugs her and calls Amrit. She gives Amrit’s hand in Bebo’s. Daljeet tells it is time to leave. Bebo in tears says that today your laadli Bebo is taking vida. AmBo leaves and the Narangs are looking.

Episode and SLB ends on Kuku’s face.

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