Friday, March 25, 2011

Gunahon Ka Devta 25th March 2011 Written Update

The epi begins with Simple coming to Arpi and asks her why is Avi so upset today. Arpi tells that she too doesn’t know the reason but is tensed abt it. Simple tells that she’s his wife and must know how to mollify her husband. Goes and gets a glass of Bhaang and makes Arpi drink it. Arpi asks what is this and Simple tells her to jst drink it. Arpi drinks two glasses of Bhaang and looses her control. Her head starts dizzing and she starts smiling looking at Avi. (I ws thinking of CB n her hangover after taking bhaang, on seeing Arpi’s smile)LOLLOL

Arpi suddenly comes in between the party and starts to dance to the tunes of “Ang se Ang lagana” Avi joins her too but dances in an angry mood. While they are dancing, RV tells Snake Rai tht ‘ Ur daughter is multi-talented. Avi hears to the convo. Snake Rai replies’My daughter is definitely multi-talented but how do u know tht. Rv says’see how weel she dances. Avi fumes to hear this.

RV looks at Arpi dancing with dirty eyes and Avi sees him staring at her angrily. He wraps a cloth on head and starts to beat the drums in anger. (Avi has taken SRK’s get up in Darr) The music ends n Arpi leaves into the haveli. Bj sees her going in and goes n adds some white pdr to the gulaal (colour) She gives the plate to Pj and sends him to RV. Bj comes to RV and applies the colour to RV. RV starts itching after being applied the colour.

Bj comes near RV and asks what happened. He says the colour is itching him n Bj tells him to go to the washroom n get cleant up. RV too enters the haveli and Avi sees this with angry eyes. He too follows them in.


Arpi is walking thru the corridors, loosing her balance, and calling Avi’s name. RV enters the washroom. And Avi follows them when suddenly Simple comes n stops him. Asks him to come n play holi with them but Avi tells ‘U go n I’l join u. Arpi sees a plate of colour and takes it with her. Enters the washroom where RV is cleaning his face.

She hugs him frm back and tells ‘ What did u think ‘I wont be able to trace u? See I found u and wud also mollify u. Its Holi n we must forget our differences today. Lets play the colours and enjoy together. Am sure u wud forgive me n cheer up.


RV lifts his face and Arpi is shocked to see him. Tears roll down her cheeks as she stands shocked. RV gives his evil smile. He says ‘ Sure, I forgive u. Arpi turns her face in anger and leaves. Avi whose standing out (Guess He hasn’t seen her hugging him nor hs heard anything) sees Arpi coming out of the washroom n thn RV following her smiling n wet. He looses his control and punches hard on the pillar in anger.

Bj standing at his back smiles to see this. Simple comes there n takes Avi out to the party area. Avi comes n looks at Arpi in anger while she is smiling at him. Arpi is surprised to see Avi’s anger to see her. Suddenly Snake Rai comes n tells Avi ‘.. Avdeshji aka Damaad ji aka Bhaiyyaji. Today my head is like a helicopter. U also take a glass of bhang n we bith wud become helicopter and fly in the sky of Lallanpur. (This man is so funny)LOL He says ‘ Today after taking this Thandaai all my heat and truth is coming out. I loved this grt party hosted by u Damaadji. And I bless u n Arpi tht u always stay happy and united ever after. (Der aaye durust aaye) ClapBig smile

But Avi looks at Arpi and replies Snake ‘. Earlier u were unhappy n I ws happy but now u are happy but who knows whether I wud remain happy or not.OuchCry (Oh Avi ‘What are u saying ‘.Plz don blv wat ur seeing. Listen to ur heart Dear) Arpi is surprised to hear this and becomes tensed. She thinks why is Avi talking like this. Bj comes to her n says don’t u bother urself for all this. I wud settle everything for both of u. U don’t talk to Avi abt this. Ppl are here n they must not see u upset. She tells Arpi tht there is a custom n takes her into the haveli. (Again upto some evil plans)Angry

Bj tells Arpi tht there is a custom where Girl’s family give gifts to the Boy’s family. She feels awkward to tell this but as she’s a widow so she cant giv the gifts. So Arpi wud have to do this. Arpi tells tht she can do anything for Shikha’s happiness. She has to give gifts to everyone so doesn’t mind if RV is amongst the guests. Bj hands her the gifts and Arpi takes them with her.

Bj stands there with her viscious evil smile. (Oh no ‘.the first gift box looks like the bracelate box ..This Bj is so clever n evil)ShockedAngryDead

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