Monday, March 14, 2011

Geet 14th March 2011 Written Update

I know it is going to be very emotional episode and I was dreading to write about it but could not stay away from it.. So here we go..

Part 1 and 2:

Geet is seated on the hospital bed with blanked expressions and folded arms.. Maan looks at her through window and enters the room. He looks at Geet staring at nothing and not even feeling his presence. His expressions turns in to teary one and he slowly approaches her but Geet is oblivious to his presence in the room and keeps on staring at nothing without even blinking the eyes…. Maan still approaches her slowly his eyes filling up with the tears but Geet does not even know that he is there. Maan feels her pain and he cringes with the pain too…. He slowly sits on the bed his eyes are fixed on Geet’s face but her expressions do not change at all.. He softly brings his palm on hers and caresses it softly still looking at her face…. her eyes are filling with tears and without any words tears start rolling on her face…. and Maan feels the same pain his eyes are filing with tears too and start rolling on his cheek he keeps on looking at her pained expressions.. Geet looks at Maan and her lips starts quivering and she gradually sees him and throws herself in his arms and cries and sobs hysterically.. Maan just holds her as tightly as he could as if to take away all her pain. Geet keeps on crying and sobbing saying our baby.. our baby.. but Maan was unable to console his wife with any words.. He just keeps on holding her tightly and crying over her shoulder. Geet says Maan bring my baby back and Maan was totally stricken with those words. He did not know how to response to his beloved Geet. He has always given her whatever she wanted and had fulfilled all her desire but this?? How in the world he can bring back the baby Geet so desperately wanted….

Maan and Geet were still clinging to each other with Geet still sobbing hysterically…. Door opens and dadima walks in followed by Annie. Geet clings to Maan more tightly and tells him Maan please bring my baby back. Dadima and Annie just watch them from the door and hear Geet telling Maan to bring her baby back.. and feels her pain…. Geet looks at them and slowly untangles herself from Maan’s embrace. Dadima steps in and comes forward toward Geet. She sits and takes Geet in her embrace and both of them cry bitterly. Geet mumbles and tells Dadima, Babaji has taken my baby away from me. Dadima tries to console her and hug her more saying may be this is the results of our deeds and babaji is taking our test. Annie is standing with Maan holding his shoulder. Maan looks stricken and keeps on staring at nothing. Tears are rolling from Annie’s eyes and she keeps on standing there supporting her brother and looking at Geet.

Dadima says it is enough daughter, please stop crying. Geet sits back but could not stop her sobs so she covers her mouth and sobs once again. Maan looks at Geet and he as if he is breaking inside as he is not able to take away that pain and agony from her. Dadi so lovingly cups her face with tears rolling from her face and says sobbingly no child no more we cannot do anything against the will of God but they could not stop crying and dadima once again takes Geet in her embrace and hugs her. Maan was so devastated looking at Geet that he slowly gets up and walks out of the room without a word. Geet looks at that and says Maan.. she turns to Dadima and says dadima Maan?? Where did Maan go?

Maan is walking out of the room and Dev sees him. He has such a grieved and stricken expression on his face that Dev does not even dare to call him.. He stands up as soon as Maan steps out but Maan’s eyes do not see that process and he just walks on without even glancing at him or at anything.. He just walks on with those painful expressions. Dev could feel his pain and he wanted to console him but does not dare to break in to that wall. He keeps on looking at his departing back.

Inside the room.. Geet is upset that Maan has left the room she keeps on asking Dadima where did Maan go? She keeps on crying and says that dadima Maan also has left her but Dadima shakes her head and takes Geet in her arms to console her. She thinks that if Maan does not handle Geet, this tragedy will have bad effect on Geet. I need to talk to Maan. She looks at Annie and says Annie my child please stay with Geet I will be right back then she gives Geet a small teary smile and cupping her face lovingly she gets up and leaves the room. Annie comes forward and sits with Geet and puts her hand on Geet’s

Dadima walks out and sees Dev and asks him where did Maan go? Dev says he may be outside and adds that he did not had courage to talk to Maan but Dadima should talk to him as he looks very much stricken. Dadima nods her head and walks away from him.

Maan is sitting on the sofa and remembering the words of Geet.. please Maan bring my baby back.. He is in complete agony and shakes his head with the pain.. He just does not know how to bear those words and the tears are rolling from his eyes.. He is sitting there and crying his heart out with the painful words of Geet.

Dadima walks in and sees his pain.. She slowly comes towards him and sits near him saying Maan my child.. with those loving words.. Maan looses his control on his emotions and hugging Dadima cries his heart out. Dadima the pillar of strength to all takes her grandson in her embrace and lets him empty his heart. Maan sobbingly says Dadima what happened Dadima.. Dadima caresses his back lovingly and says son we cannot change our fate by crying. She adds wisely that if you become this weak than who will take care of Geet? You know the condition of Geet. She was dreaming about this baby since long and was waiting so much for the baby.. Fresh tears roll from Maan’s eyes he is still in the embrace of his dadima. Dadima sobbing sofely says now if God has decided against it then what could we have done. Maan is still crying and says bitterly but Dadima why did this happen with us? Why indeed? Dadima says son If I had the answer to that question I would never have let that happen. Then she consoles Maan lovingly by wiping his tears and says Maan please wipe your tears and go to Geet as she needs you the most.. Now you go.. Maan gathers the strength and wipes his tears while Dadima looks on his grandson. Maan gets up and goes toward the room.

Annie just stepped outside and sees Maan and tells him that it good that you have come as I need to go to get some medication and Geet is alone in the room. Maan just stands there listening to her. Annie holds her brother’s hand saying Bhai right now only you can comfort Geet. Maan looks at her without a word and Annie comfortingly presses his arm and leaves. Maan lifts his gaze to Geet’s room and slowly enters the room where Geet is still seated as before. She lifts her gaze on the entry of Maan and they both look at each other with sadness. Maan slowly approaches the bed while they both look at each other.

Part 3:

Maan slowly comes forward and sits on the bed.. They both look at each other. Geet’s eyes are filling with tears and then she throws herself in Maan’s arms and sobs while Maan takes her in his arms and feels her pain. Geet sobs and tells maan, Maan I am sorry that I could not take good care of your baby and I separated your baby from its papa. Maan sits back and looks at the tears rolling from Geet’s face and her downcast sad face. He cups her face and wipes her tears with his thumb and repeats the process with other eye also. Then he cups her shoulder Geet looks at his sad face. He shakes his head slowly and says softly Geet please do not say that. It is not your fault. He holds her hands and says Geet It is my fault. This would not have happened if I did not leave you alone. Fresh tears flow from Geet’s eyes, she holds Maan’s hands and shakes her head and says no Maan it is not your fault at all. It is my fault. She looks at Maan and says sobbingly that I could never give you any happiness but only pain and difficulties and then she is sobbing bitterly with downcast eyes. Maan was feeling so sad with her guilty conscious that he just did not know how to console her. He keeps on looking at her and her sobbing form and then softly he cups her face saying Geet please control yourself and brings a little smile saying it is very late come rest & lie down. Then he helps Geet to lie down. Their hands are still entwined and he goes and takes Geet in his arms and lies down with her on the hospital bed with Geet still sobbing keeping her head on his shoulder and he resting his head on her head and staring at room.

Maan is escorting Geet out of the hospital room supporting her from the back and holding her hand. Romeo comes running saying Maan Sir I will keep the car ready. Maan asks about Dadima and Romeo says that they just left a minute ago. Maan says ok and Romeo leaves. Maan and Geet are walking in the corridor and hear a voice saying Pushpa we are now grand parent as we have the baby boy in the family. They stop and look through the window of a room and sees a mom swinging the cradle. Looking at that a smile comes on Geet’s face and then turns to sadness. She keeps on looking at the baby and mom and then holding the window starts sobbing. Maan comes behind her and holds her arms. She turns to look at Maan and breaks in to sob. Maan cups her face lovingly and says no Geet.. Our baby has not gone from us. It is with babaji and laughing and playing so we do not need to be sad about it Geet. Geet turns to look at the mom and the baby and then turns to Maan and sobs bitterly in his arms. Maan holds her and cups her face comfortingly but he also cries with his Geet hugging her thightly and looking at the baby in the cradle. He stays there with Geet in his arms for a minute and then slowly leads her out..

Khurana Mansion and the phone rings.. Annie picks up the phone to hear the voice of Arjun asking if Dadima is there. Little hesitantly Annie answers saying yea she is there but little busy but if you need to talk something important than I could call her. Arjun says oh not that important just wanted to know about Geet..

Part 4:

Arjun asks Anne if Maan and Geet have come home. Annie says not yet but they are about to. Arjun says I could understand how Geet must be feeling and the door bell rings. Annie says I think Bhai and Geet must have come. I need to go and I will come and talk to you tomorrow at work saying she disconnects the phone.

Maan and Geet are walking in the house. They look extremely sad and quite. Dadima comes with a smile and welcomes Geet saying oh you have come my daughter saying she cups her face lovingly and says now go and rest in your room but do come for lunch as I have prepared the lunch for you but Geet is still sad. Dadima looks at Maan and signals him to take Geet inside. Maan nods and holding the shoulder of his wife leads her inside.. Dadima and Annie sadly look at them.

Maan and Geet are walking pass by Baby’ room and Geet stops. She turns to look in to the room and sees toys scattered on the bed and sees the cradle next to it. Her eyes are starting to get teary and tears starting rolling from her eyes. She remembers Maan’s word saying this is the bathtub of our baby where he will take bath everyday.. Geet’s is now crying remembering those words just the day before and also remembers Maan saying… and this is the punching bag of our baby where he will exercise daily.. Geet just could not control her sobs.. Maan comes closer to her and holds her arms looking at the baby’s room with tears too.. Geet just could not see those things anymore and turning runs away from there.

Geet comes running to the door of their bedroom and was about to push open the door but stops looking at the toys scattered in the room.. Maan comes running after her and comes and stands near her. Once again the fresh flood of tears starts flowing from her eyes and she covers her mouth to control her sobs. Maan looks at her and slowly pushes open the door and they both step in. Geet looks at Maan with eyes flooding with tears. Maan looks at her sad face and takes her in his arms and gives her a tender hug.. Geet clings to him and cries her heart out. Maan thinks in his head.. Oh what a strange moment is this. I know what Geet is going through at this moment but am unable to do anything. But with me being with her I will not let her be this sad. She should not be this sad. And a determination comes in his eyes while he keeps his wife in his embrace comforting her lovingly..


Maan walks worriedly in the living room asking dadima about whereabouts of Geet. Dadima says she was with you Maan. Maan says but I did not see her when I got up in the morning….

Geet is in the baby’s room sitting and feeling sad. Dev walks behind her and extends his hand to comfort her but stops. Geet is oblivious of his presence but Dev has almost tears in his eyes…. Maan just comes looking for Geet and sees Dev standing in the room with Geet and stops at the door….


OMG what an emotional episode..

To feel the pain of Maan and Geet and also the family.. this was kind of so sad and so slow moving episode.

For me the most tearful scene was when Geet sobs in Maan’s arms and ask for forgiveness for separating Maan from his baby…. Gosh what a painful moments for Maaneet..

But OMG Gurmeet and Drashti did wonders with their performance. Gosh what a terrific performance. I am in total awe of their talents and my hats off to both these wonderful actors.

Anjui was awesome as well. Loved the way Dadima kept her strength at these crucial and sad moments and was like a pillar of strength for Maan and Geet. Guiding them perfectly as how to cope with this sadness and survive the loss of the baby.

Felt really bad for Dev too as even being present there was not able to participate in comforting the family. He just had to be a spectator from far and keeps his feeling inside him. Loved dadima as how she interacted with each family member to bring them out of this grief.


Dev wants to comfort Geet but he has lost all his rights to comfort her as her brother in law forget about being the biological father…. so let’s see how CVs deal with that.

Now as Maan has decided to bring his beloved Geet out of this sadness so hope to see something good coming up in next episodes….

Thank you all and have a wonderful day.. love to all Eva

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