Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Choti Bahu Season 2 15th March 2011 Written Update


YESTERDAY WE SAW the lovely 1st meeting between Dev and Radhika and today the episode continues with the last scene from yesterday the end of boat ride and she thanks him and tells him u kept the talk going as u wanted to me to forget my fears and he says I kept my promise u r in Rawal in half an hour and then he says I know u r the same girl from the MR MATHURA contest wearing the blue chunari and then she looks at her chunari and smiles and starts walking away with a smile he says ok wait but when she stops cant say anything just smiles( lovely scene) and both of them go their ways he in the boat and she is walking both thinking about each other smiling and seeing each other in their mind and a beautiful
background number(chal padi kaise anjan dagar pe and sach se bekabar mai someone please post it.) The long distance dialogue starts between Radhika and Dev starts Radhika smiling why does the face of that unknown stranger comes to my mind
,Dev u have been searching for that unknown beautiful face sometimes in dreams and sometimes in reality,
Radhika who is he and why do I feel drawn to him Dev when I saw her I feel that we are made for each other.
Radhika Kanha why do I feel as if I have known him since years
both of them with loving and beautiful smiles go on and Radhika turns to look and one last long shot of Dev rowing his boat to the other end is shown .(mindblowing and awesome scene)


DEV slowly opens the door and comes inside with his Binaca smile (it just does not go away)he is looking very handsome then Rohan switches on the light Dev looks at him with a smile Rohan is serious and says where r u coming from ,Dev u know that Bmaa has sent me to the puja Rohan I know that Dev says what happened Rohan says why a simple good boy is so late in coming home and the cell phone is also not reachable and the work for which u went was over 3 hours back and DEv is smiling throughout.Rohan says and when I meet him he has a strange smile on his face Dev cant stop his smile and Rohan asks what is the matter tell me.Dev I told u if its is in my fate I will meet her Rohan what did u meet the Blue chunari girl but u did not see her face Dev I saw and talked to her and spent time with her its so strange I went to the puja completed it and was coming back but some power seemed to pull me towards the river and automatically I went to the river bank from where the boats start and she was standing there and I dropped her at Rawal in a boat in half an hour.Rohan says had it been me I would have taken in my car as the distance by road is 5 hours Dev thinks he will never reform then he says though she was with me for half hour I felt i have known her since years and have heard her laughing( but ofcourse u have) her voice also seemed familiar.Rohan r u ok what happened to u tell and Dev says LOVE with a lovely expression and Rohan just is stunned and a beautiful bg song(bin mile mil gaye] Dev with a lovely smile song continuing.


RADHIKA WITH A SMILE COMES IN SEES her father sleeping waiting for her in a sitting position peeps in the house sees Ashanti sleeping comes out puts her bag with a serious face and takes water from a pot to drink the sound of the glass and plate wakes up her father.He calls r u ok when did u reach she says just now and he tells her we searched for u everywhere we were worried and she tells him I missed my boat her father tells her he knows as Chenu told him and asked her how she came she told him with a sweet smile that I met a stranger who rowed the boat and dropped me here and Manasa God bless the person who helped my daughter he must be a very good person and Radhka is smiling sweetly Manasa watches her with a smile Radhika asks him what and he says after so many years I am seeing ur face with a smile glowing as u used to be when u were a child may God always keep u like this r u hungry and then asks her to wash her legs and face and goes inside to get food.Chenu comes out r u ok I got very worried u trouble me a lot ok give me 10 rupees Radhika smiles even in sleep but why Chenu answers because u troubled me R ok take then Chenu says now give me 100rs R but why he says mother was very angry and she slept early so I can also tell her that u came as soon as she slept ,give me 50rs more R comes and catches his ear and he shouts she quietens him and tells him u have become very badmash (he always wasand is when did he stop ) and asks him did u eat and then asks him to sleep inside Chenu wants to sleep outside and then asks his Behana u look very happy today she thinks to herself thinking do i look so happy smiling sweetly.

Again long distance telepathy dialogues between Rad and Dev Dev thinking everything appears changed when u r in love

R takes out her Kanha and says is there some change in me after I met that stranger

D I did not feel she was a stranger till now I heard about love and today I am feeling it he walks to his window with the flute smiling sweetly
R with her Kanha smiling sweetly and (baware naina happy insturmental in the bg)
D playing the flute a melodious tune
and R takes blessing from kanha and gets into her bed and sits with a sweet smile and both of them shown as if R is listening to D playing flute( beautiful scene) both of them imagining one another in their minds and the song Jiya jage soye raina playing in the background with new lines and a mesmerizing scene and song ending with both male and female voices singing piya oh piya Dev saying I have to meet that girl again.


MORNING Dev with his dadaji in the lawn dadaji in his wheel chair D looking very handsome in a red shirt to his dadaji I have something important to tell u he feels shy then again tells I met a girl and it appears as if she has come out of my dreams Dadaji has a cute expression D continues I dont know who she is but she stays in Rawal and it looks like I am telling a story but it appears as if I know her from years as if some thread has bound us(yes the saat Pheres) I can always feel her when she is near me and looks like we r made for each other and u will also like her when u meet her and i know just then Daima calls him he says I know u will get well soon Daima says what D u look very happy D says nothing feeling shy then she says whatever it is Its my prayer to Kanha that u should always be like this. Daima says 1st time in years I have seen u so happy Dev says usually I bring dadaji out after he takes his medicine but today I brought him out before as I had to tell him something important Daima says if u have finished take him inside D says ok then says no one minute and goes and tells dadaji softly that I am going to search for her and if u bless me I will definately find her Dadaji with great difficulty pats on his hand and D is happy Daima asks what and D says its a issue between two men and winks at his grandfather when Daima asked will u not tell me D says he will tell when time comes and leaves them ( Blooper I thought he should take him inside)

BB shouting at maid u dont know what is happening in the house where is Babuji and then sees amma bring her Fil in the wheelchair she shouts where did u take him she replies today Dev took him out early BB shouts u know he has to take medicine on time and tell Dev not to do like this in future and RP has an angry expression on his face.BB wheels him inside the room thinking to herself if the old man does not take medicine on time he may get cured
but I will not let that happen


R CALLING CHANDA WHO IS SITTING putting nailpolish in her hands9she seems to be always doing that) lets go it is getting late Chanda says I am not coming today r says why Chanda says mom is taking me to the market to buy clothes. Manasa watching then R says ok I will ask Chenu and Chenu who is talking to a friend quickly sends him off.R asks him to accompany her he says ok come Ashanti comes out saying no u have to go to the market with me when chenu asks what I will do she scold him and asks him to go to market with her and scolds no one respects me in the house a grown up girl can come any time to the house I cant say anything give me some poison(did not get that word) and make me quiet forever then Chenu says I am coming she shouts at Chanda come or will u just keep getting ready Chanda says I am coming.Ashanti bickering go to the market.
Manasa and R r quiet.R says today I wont go to univ alone as mother is very angry when her father asks her to go alone as he has lot of work to do. Manasa tells her he has committed for her higher studies and his promise cant go in vain but her mothers anger can be ignored. He tells her to go to the univ as her studies will suffer and if she does not go then gives her his oath and tells her he will come to the ghat to leave her and bring her back so that her mother is also happy.Radhika nods her head

Lovely episode and lovey acting loved the RaDEv scenes and the story maybe now Radhika has no one tagging her and can be with her KK without any peeping TomsAll the actors performed well.

PRECAP: RADHIKA IN A TONGA AND THINKING WHY DO I feel that the stranger is near me somewhere then she thinks I am mad to think like that and suddenly we see Dev getting into the tonga from the back she turns and both of them smiling look at each other happy and giving loving looks A MUST WATCH SCENE BOTH IN RED

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