Friday, March 25, 2011

Chaand Chhupa Baadal Mein 25th March 2011 Written Update

Nivi is standing by the window and has FB’s of Viren struggling with the rain last night. She hears Viren speaking to NT Dadi. Viren says “Dadi I am here to thank you and to take your blessings. You have woken the real within me, made me look at this world with another POV. Thank you for that. I am trying hard to make my own identity; it’s hard so i need your blessings. Please give me your blessings so that i succeed. Viren bends down to take blessings; Nt thinks for a while and then gives her blessings. Viren says “Dad ii brought these sweets from my first earning. I didn’t want to come empty handed so…” he gives the box to dadi who desn’t take it, Viren keeps it on the table and says “I’ll take your leave now.” viren leaves, so does NT. Nivi looks at the box on the table and puts it in the mandir as an offering.
Viren in his little shed takes out an electronic Jug. (omg how much stuff is he carrying in his bag? I didn’t see him carry it until yesterday so where is all that coming out from? And surprisingly there’s a power point there too in that little shed LOL I’m impressedClap) He’s making tea Big smile (But kinny baby you don’t know how to make tea…hehehe..Oops it’s Viren here Tongue did he steal that tyre waali’s bottle?Confused Because he’s carrying that bottle..LOL.) Nivi watches him from the door. Viren’s preparing himself brunch; he sees Nivi stand at the door and waves at her. Viren ends up burning hsi hand while pouring tea into the plastic cups. (Viren you should buy them party thermo cups…they r the best for tea/coffee you know Tongue) Nivi gets worried and Viren notices this. Viren takes the two cups and offers her to join him for tea. (it’s all done with ishaaras Embarrassed) Nivi watches him, Viren does the cheers himself and takes a sip of his own tea and takes a sip from the other cup on behalf of nivi. (This was toooooooo cute…Embarrassedcan someone please find me a guy like him Tongue anyone?) Nivi goes inside, viren smiles and continues to eat. Ks arrives, viren invites him in. Ks says “I am not here to sit down. I came to tell you that i’ve submitted the divorce papers int he court and the hearing is after 20 days. You both have to sign the papers on that day! This is ending after 20 days. Just be there on time.” Viren tries to say something, Ks says “don’t need to say anything, you can say whatever you want in court.” Viren says “but Nivi…” Ks says “she’ll come, and I’ll bring her there. This divorce is best for her, the sooner the relation ends the sooner she’ll rest in peace.” Viren is tensed and looks at Nivi’s house. Ks says “no need to look at that house, even the walls of that house don’t want to keep any relation with you.” Ks leaves, Viren is upset “20 days?” (KS…saare romantic mood ka murder kardiya aapne!AngryLOL)
Ks arrives back at home all upset. NT says “what happened KS? Did Viren say something to you?” Ks says “no nothing like that happened, and even if it did, it’s not like I was in my senses. I wasn’t seeing a thing and neither could hear a thing. It was so difficult for me to tell him the date for the divorce.” NT says “don’t be disheartened, this is for Nivi’s happiness.” Ks says “I feel that it’s my curse that has ruined my daughter’s home. When she got married I wasn’t there with her. When i came back i refused to accept her relationship, when i accepted her decision and prayed for them to be a happy couple and now…I’m seeing my daughter’s divorce.” Nt says “if this is in her fate then this is it. We can’t change it now just think how we can get nivi back to normal.” Pt says “amma is right. This is the time to think about the future not the past. We have to support her no matter what and we have to be strong to make her strong.” Nt says “wipe your tears Ks and think about nivi only. Let this bad time pass then we’ll bring a smile back on nivi’s face.” Nivi overhears this and goes to her room all frustrated. She unpacks her bag and opens the wardrobe to keep her clothes, but gets angry when she sees Yash’s mess in the wardrobe and calls out to him in anger. Nt says “Yash hasn’t returned yet from college.” Nivi tries to cool herself down. “Why are you yelling though? What are you doing?” Nt says “nothing dad ii thought that I should put my things in the wardrobe since i have to live here now.” Nt says “this wardrobe is packed with yash’s things. Let me clean it.” Nivi says “no it’s okay. I’ll do it myself just tell him to take it when he comes. He’s taken over my wardrobe, just because I wasn’t here. He’s made it into a mess, nothing has changed.” Nt notices Nivi is frustrated and gets upset. Nivi finds Viren’s tee in her bag and gets upset seeing it. “why did you do this viren? if this was about me i wouldn’t have cared but you have hurt my family and i can’t forget it even if i want too. But why am i crying? This is my decision then why am I thinking about this?” Nivi wipes her tears “no I cannot fall weak…not now.”
Nandu is arguing with the postman. CC arrives and says “nandu what’s the matter?” Nandu says “there’s a parcel for viren bhaiya but i told him that viren doesn’t live here anymore so he can give it to me. But he isn’t willing to.” Cc says “okay, wait a minute. What is it?” the postman says “it’s a summon from court and we cannot give it to anyone but him.” CC gets curious and says “give it to me, I’m his mother.” The postman gives the summon to CC and leaves. She sends nandu away and reads the summon. VD arrives and asks ‘CC what is it?” CC says “it’s a summon from the court. Ks has filed the divorce papers. It’s a shame that we weren’t the ones to send this notice to them. I’ll surely answer them.” CC calls her lawyers, but VD stops him by saying “don’t rush things; Viren is out there trying to save his relationship and you…” CC says “he’s stupid, he’s gone mad and I am not going to support him in this madness…at least try to see things now, its better that this relationship ends. I will make sure the divorce takes place.” Cc leaves with her phone.
Viren is throwing the leaves in the bin, and sees yash pass by. He calls out to him and says “college?” Yash says “yes, but what are you doing?” Viren says “dry leaves had made a mess so was just cleaning it up.” Yash says “ermmm…okay but why are you staying out here? You own the biggest place in simla and you’re out here…” viren says “I am licing outside the house so i can make myself capable of living in the house.” Yash is confused. “Don’t worry about it, you own’t understand.” Nivi comes out to take the clothes off from the clothing line, she sees yash with viren. yash gets scared and says “I gotta go, I’m getting late for college.” Viren smiles and looks at Nivi who gets busy taking the clothes off from the clothing line, suddenly one of the veil flies off to Viren. viren has a smirk and returns it to Nivi. (she gets tensed whenever viren comes closer to her.) Nivi leaves after taking the veil. Viren thinks “you love me niveditha, your eyes do the speaking for you. And very soon you will say it aswell.”
Precap: Maha Episode Promo “viren is cooking, Nivi comes there. Viren says “will you eat the food I made?” Nivi says “Go back home Viren.” Viren says “I will not go back until I take you with me.” Nivi says “I’ll never go back in that house Viren.” viren says “I know you love me.” Nivi says “I don’t love you. And even if i did love you it doesn’t anymore because it’s ended…” Viren says “by tomorrow evening i’ll prove it that you still love me.”

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